My family doctor referred me to the derm, kinda shrugging off my hair loss when my thyroid came back normal. After a scalp biopsy, my derm diagnosed FFA/Scarring.  Now my derm wants to refer me back to my family doctor for treatment.  I prefer to see a -

What type of doctor do I see to help me understand the WHY of this disease as I prefer to treat any underlying issue without prescriptions if possible.  I appreciate any direction of the "type" of specialist I should see to identify the AI disorder I have.  

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Replies to This Discussion is a website you can search for a doctor in your area
I have found personally that a functional medicine doctor (which many times is also an M.D.) knows how to find and treat underlying cause(s) of an autoimmune disease better than a regular doctor. The functional medicine doctor I have seen doesn't necessarily specialize in autoimmune diseases but is very knowledgeable non the less. This website lets you search broadly or you can try to narrow down any number of specialties...I do not think you'd find anyone that specializes in FFA but "autoimmune" probably. I have been working on treating underlying causes of systemic inflammation (since inflammation is what is killing the hair follicles) Hope that helps at least a little. :)

Thank you Carol!  I saw my derm today and she said that my ANA was negative and my scalp biopsy showed little inflammation, so whatever is going on has gone inactive for now!  Praying this continues but still want to treat the underlying cause - will research an functional medicine doctor in my area to help get me on the right path.

I think you should ask your doctor to refer you to an endocrinologist. That  is what I have done and even though I won't see one for a few months, this endocrinologist I was referred to has ordered me to go through a battery of tests. So far, she has discovered than my vitamin B12 levels are low through my recent blood work. I have a thyroid ultrasound scheduled for next week. I encourage you to keep on seeking for information. We are the ones going through this abnormal situation. Good luck!

Thank you!   Fortunately my thyroid is normal, as is my B12, D, Iron, etc.  I will investigate an endo also!  Good luck to you!



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