Woner if anyone would like to make brief summaries of -

Current date

1 Onset of disease and progression

2. Symptoms.

3. Meds tried and outcomes/side effects.

4. Shampoo recommendations.

And anything else you can think of - just an idea - might be useful for newcomers to look at instead of trawling through history

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Debs, 4 December 2012, lost most of eyebrow hair 2 years ago, 1 year ago noticed 2 small bald spots at temples. In the last year I have lost about 1 inch from front hairline. Dermatologist prescribed Dermovate steroid lotion. Used it for 7 days. Told to use it only when I see red inflammation. No effect on hair loss. Shampoo Nizoral to help inflammation. Using wide headbands and slowly moving into lace front wigs to disguise hair loss.

Dec 4, 2012

Great idea Celia! I am Karen, 47, married mom of 2 boys,from Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA. I started having a very dry itchy scalp in fall 2010 and went to my reg doctor. Given Rx for Derma-smoothe topical oil scalp treatment. It helped a little but was very messy to use- leave on overnight and wash in the am. Dec 2010 I went to dermatologist and was given Rx Clobetasol propionate shampoo and topical solution. This helped the redness, itching and dryness. I lost a strip of hair along my neckline, which then grew back. My hair was thinning but not so noticeable yet. Derm began giving me shots at the front of the scalp of cortisone- I think. I had 4 rounds of this by May 2011, until I realized my insurance wasn't covering it and I couldn't afford any more. Hair continued to thin and in September 2011 I noticed hair at my temples pulling out with a slight tug. It seemed to sneak up on me gradually till I noticed bald patches all along the front hairline and temples. March 2012 had biopsy by derm and diagnosed FFA. No treatment since then. I use Neutrogena T-gel shampoo for my scalp which is still itchy and dry but not as bad as before. My hair recedes about 2-3 inches along the hairline and temples and I really hope it is done. I just try to cover it with long bangs in the front, and a hat outdoors.

Another great idea Celia!
At the end of 2011 I noticed my eyebrows were thinning then in Jan 2012 I noticed my hair was missing on my temples. I had another medical problem with itchy salivary glands and I thought it was connected so I wasn't seeing a specialist until April so I did nothing for 3 months! I went privately in May 2012 to see a dermotologist he told me I have FFA and perscribed Betnovate twice a day and hydroxychloroquine sulphate 200mg 1x day. I've been on this ever since, except I am now on dermovate instead of betnovate. I have blood test regularly to check my liver and kidney function and i have had regular eye tests, I have had no side effects with either medicines'touch wood.' I am now under an nhs dermotologist and she has told me to continue with this medication until February when I see her again.

I think my hair loss has slowed down but it hasn't stopped. I can still hide my hair loss with my fringe and I wear hats when its windy, I'm getting quite a collection! I'm not as depressed as I was 6 months ago, whether that will be the case when I can't hide it any more, time can only tell!!

Hello Celia.
Great idea. I think you should know, if there was any traumatic situation (stress, death, psychological disorders and / or psychological, etc.), before the beginning of hair loss.
I'll find the name of all the medication that I have done since 2008 and then I transmit this information.

Jules, 54, married empty-nester mum of 3. First symptoms appeared 2004, misdiagnosed as excema on either side of face along hairline. Cleared with Fucidin cream but hair had disappeared to about 1/2inch. Eyebrows disappeared a couple of years later following menopause. Sought advice from GP 2 years ago and told to use Regaine. No effect. Around Easter 2012, noticed increased hairloss to about 3 inches at sides and temples. Saw GP Oct, had blood tests to rule out other causes than alopecia. Whilst awaiting results, did some research and self diagnosed with FFA. GP agreed. Hair now thinning rapidly at front.
Symptoms - pinkness at base of hair shaft followed by irregular hairloss. No tingling nor itching.
Meds- (so far) betnovate, Dermovate, Protopic. Steroids worked for a few days in reducing inflammation but then effect wore off. Protopic having no discernible effect yet.
Shampoos- have tried to use "natural" products for years. Now using Faith in Nature and Daniel Galvin organic products. Also switched to ammonia free and low peroxide hair colour.
Triggers- periods of stress have definitely preceded initial onset and this latest acceleration of FFA.
Sorry! This has turned into something of an essay. I haven't even started on diet and supplements....

Hi. I shall answer for me and my mum. 1. Me, onset of disease last chistmas. I have lost about 1 and half inches of hair from front and temple area. 2. I have no itchyness or redness. 3. 5 out of 8 weeks worth of steriods and antibiotics taken. 4. I have used Nizorel in the past but not for this. I have lost half of one eyebrow!
My mum.1. Onset about 3-4 years ago. Has lost 3-4 inches from front and temples.2. No redness and itchyness now alothough did have some prior to first losing hair.3.No medication tried.Has lost both eyebrows.

Hi Celia. When you saw Dr Harries did he talk to you about your life and history and possible triggers. How long did you get with him. I ask because if I get referred to him I want to feel he's worth the effort lol. The doctor I saw saw me for no more than 10-15 minutes and asked no questions about anything other than how long my hair had been falling out x

Michele, while on Zyclara a drug for some actinic keratosis that activates the immune system to treat the precancerous spots on my back, I noticed eyebrow loss. A few weeks later I noticed the sides of my temples shedding. Then I developed pigmentation under my arms, breasts, legs. Had severe itching of scalp and hair thinning. Diagnosed with LP. Started on doxycycline 40 mg (Oracea) and itching has stopped. Use Benadryl for itching and that worked too. Lost most hair on temples and around ears and nape of neck. Still have thin hair. They are recommending Methotrexate or Plaquenil, which I read did more harm that good. I feel that Zyclara started my problems, so I'm leary of heavy duty medications. LP is a form of FFA which I know that is what I have. Going to Univ of CO in January for second opionion. My pigmentation on my skin is getting worse too. I wear Raquel Welch Chameleon hair piece and wigs.I am 56 and I am not sure if I want to pursue drugs. I tried Clobestol and steroid shots. Rogaine hasn't work. Now I using Doterra essential oils and my faith. I will have been to 7 doctors. Not trusting them now. I don't think anyone has good experience with FFA. I'll let you know what Dr. Norris says in Colorado. I have a friend dealing with leukemia, so I really hate to complain about my hair. I'm very blessed right now. I feel fine, just not happy with my hair most days. Keep Smilin' ladies. We are all here for each other. God Bless! Merry Christmas!



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