I've been gradually loosing hair from my forehead and temples. I have inquired about my hair loss and received the same "It's probably stress, TE, or just part of aging.  My GP, Gyn and Derm are all lack-luster at helping me figure this out. 

My blood tests have all come back normal. 

I have done a ton of research and it looks like it could be ffa.

Has anyone gone to a reputable dermatologist in the Florida area?

Thank you. 

I have gained a lot of insight reading these posts.


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The first dermatologist I went to wasn't familiar with FFA and diagnosed me with alopecia areata. After that I did a Google search for dermatologists who specialize in scarring hair loss in my area. She was the one who did a biopsy and later referred me to a specialist. So try to look for a dermatologist who has the speciality. 

Another option is to contact CARF. http://www.carfintl.org/ They have a list of specialist by state. 

Good luck! 

Thank you!  

Hi, I go to Dr Jerry Shapiro at NYU in NYC who specializes in scalp disorders. Since I live in FL part time, he gave me a name of a doc in the Boca area. His name is Jackie Tripp. He is very familiar with ffa. Good luck.

Thank you!

Thank you. This is nearby. I live a bit south of Tampa. How did you like this physician? Was he thorough?
Thanks again.



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