Hello everyone,

I am new to this site. I just found it yesterday.  I am 61 years old and was diagnosed with LPP about 3 years ago.  The derm put me on doxycycycline and clobetasol foam.  I took it for about 8 months until it gave me severe stomach upset and I ended up in the emergency room of the local hospital.  The rash I had was all around my head from ear to front forehead to the other ear.  By the time I went back to the dermatologist I had really bad hair loss from my temples to my ears on both sides but the front hairline seemed fine.  The doctor took me off of the doxy and clobetasol and told me that the LPP seemed to have gone into remission so he did not offer any other treatment plan.  My long hair was able to hide the awful effects of hair loss so no one knew but me.  After about 8 months I started to get the rash back again so off I go to see him.  He put me on a lower dose of the doxy than what I had been previously taking and back on the clobetasol.  I didn't see any improvement at all.  He recently left the practice so I am now seeing a different PA.  I went to see her in November 2018 because the rash was starting to get really bad on my front hairline - FFA - and my hair just staring to disappear there.  She gave me a prescription for topical tacrolimus and cut the doxy down to just once a day.  It just got worse and worse, more hair loss, I'm freaking out, so about 6 weeks after I started her treatment I went back to see her and told her it wasn't helping.  I am now on hydroxychloroquine and 5 mg finasteride which I started about 2 weeks ago.  She said it will take a while to see results and I go back to see her in 3 months.  She also cautioned me that there is no cure and that everybody responds differently to treatments.  I knew that because I have done a ton of research. I also started a diet free of gluten, dairy and sugar to help with my immune system.  I've been doing that for 4 days now.

So that's my story.  I recently had my hair cut up to my shoulders with bangs and lots of layers.  I am totally so depressed about this condition and I can see that all of you on this site are as well.  I am constantly pulling my bangs back to check out my forehead throughout the day.  I have read so many uplifting posts on this site and I am so thankful that I found it.  I know that we all wish that we weren't in the chosen few who have to deal with this for the rest of our lives.  I pray all the time that someone will find a miracle cure so we can find the joy in our lives that we once had.  We are so used to taking a pill when we get sick and start to feel better in 24 hours.   I wish it worked that way for this. 

Blessing to all of you who have been so brave to share what you have going on now and have already been through.

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No, because CBD is legal, I didnt need any kind of card or prescription.  

Here is a link to the Ananda brand, they have good info and have a "find a pharmacy near you" link:  https://anandaprofessional.com/



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