Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing as well as possible. 

I was diagnosed with FFA in March, and then with lichen planopilaris all over my scalp a couple weeks ago. At some point, I started getting a metallic taste in my mouth frequently after I eat--I thought, for a while, that it must be from a supplement I take or the Chinese medicine concoction my acupuncturist gives me, but an internet search suggested that this can be a symptom of lichen planus in the mouth, although I don't have any sores or pain in my mouth (as far as I can tell). I was wondering if any of you are dealing with this metallic taste in your mouth? I'm hesitant to bring this up with my GP because of her basic unwillingness to think about health holistically (also she is the person at whom I will be forever angry for diagnosing my first signs of FFA as seborrheic dermatitis & just telling me to use coal tar shampoo). And it feels funny to ask my derm about the inside of my mouth, even though she is the person most likely to put things together if they're connected. . . anyway, just wondering if this is a symptom anyone else has had! I've started keeping a list of which foods seem to activate it. 

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Hi akb,

I have experienced that in the past but, honestly, to this day can not be sure what it was. I did make some changes I recall that sent it away and when it came back some thing. most common issue is there's a dental issue, but it could also be an ear/nose thing...more likely.  I would floss good and drink a lot of water for a few days, if it's still happening i might even see a doctor and tell them about your experience.  Again, I had a a terrible chronic experience with ear infections early 2016 that went on for most of the year.  I got tubes, had metallic taste in my mouth, hearing issues, nasal congestion, etc.  My acupuncturist insisted I quite cheese which I did, and treated me for sinus and ear issues in sessions and all gone for months now. Quitting cheese was REALLY hard for me, but it's been great!



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