My Dr sent me a list of meds (& their side effects) that are known thus far to work

What are you experiences with this these meds?

  • Plaquenil (activated my dormant ulcer)
  • Finasteride (which modulates hormones) I'm on 5mg (or is it 2.5) a day of this
  • Doxycycline (which can cause stomach upset and in some people sun sensitivity)
  • Actos (which can contribute to bladder cancer with long-term use)
  • Cellcept (which suppresses the immune system)

She wrote:

None sound like fun to take but for some patients who have progressive hair loss, they are eager to try anything. I completely understand your lack of interest in these medications however.

The least worrisome treatments are topical steroids, injected steroids, and Excimer laser. Excimer laser is UVB light in higher concentrations that is delivered through a wand that we shine on the particular area of involvement. It is painless and has helped many people but it is very time intensive and requires twice weekly visits which many people are unable to do. Further, it is costly and needs to be authorized by insurance.

Any thoughts or experiences with any of this?

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BB, it's unlikely your photo's here will end up on google, but nothing is guaranteed, of course.  I'm very computer savvy and really if you got through all the security measures in your account, you'll be fine.  For one, if you use an email that is anonymized and you use a name not distinguishable to your real name, you're fine.  But the most important thing, is you're comfortable.

However, I most definitely CAN guarantee you that nobody with any form of illness has contracted it because of an Ouija Board or because they "sinned" or because they kicked their little brother and broke his leg when they were 11.  NOPE...No ... NOT, NADA, Absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!!  You DID however, likely contract FFA from stress.  Evil, insidious, relentless, painful, sad STRESS!  Everyone has their own triggers, events and reactions which caused this auto immune disease, but that's ALL we DO know....Auto Immune disease is evoked by STRESS, NOT MAGIC.  You do NOT sound "nuts" or anything else, you come off as very distraught, as we all are and can very much relate.

Really, the most consistent thing we all seem to agree on is, treatments that reduce stress in our lives.  Besides taking the medications, acupuncture or acupressure if you absolutely are phobic of the pins (needles). Acupuncture addresses all the symptoms of stress causing the auto immune disease.  My Own Medical Dr/Dermatologist who has always over the years told me he knows nothing of natural healing (I do and know more than he on the topic and have shared things with him for years) told me the Accredited Dermatology Association of the US (or something like that) came out with a report in Jan 2015 stating Acupuncture has been PROVEN by studies to help improve Alopecia Sufferers and produce regrowth.

I would also recommend Yoga, massages, meditation, seeing a psychotherapist and sincerely, if necessary speaking to a therapist about low dosage, mild medications for anxiety and depression. they do not "change" people, they can help them.  As long as they're mild, low dosage and prescribed by a reputable professional.

My theory is, anything that will help my situation needs to be explored and perhaps tried for a while. what doesn't work, doesn't.  I even agreed to the steroid shots for a like 6 months every month and I've been applying the stupid steroid lotion to my scalp every night since Feb 2015 and trust me, I'm TOTALLY anti steroids.

but that's me and you are you and everyone else is who they are.  Just sharing my thoughts, idea's and what i believe holds true.  Only, do not by any means go down a road that you've been cursed, that will only exacerbate the problem you're dealing with.  I too have no children, but, there's plenty in a life to put a focus on. Your own health, the people who ARE close to you, friendships, pets, and of course a spouse if you have one. Mine takes a lot of my attention and I love him for it, but he does suck when he argues with me about what to do and how to make our property look nice.  :)  Oh yes, Gardening...and making art is something to add to the list of things to help reduce stress and also to take the attention or focus off yourself. 

good luck and try to keep positive. 



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