HI ladies,

First of all, this site is great. It helps me to know I have support, even if its bitter sweet, as I wouldn't wish this suffering to anyone else. 

I have noticed some recurring changes in my body when I have a flair ups and I wanted to check if any of you had the same symptoms.

I have periods where I'm calm, my roots aren't inflamed, I have energy and I'm feeling great. And then I have relapses and there are my symptoms.

- red and itchy scalp.

- extreme fatigue

- feeling of edginess and restlessness/short fused

- feeling of mild confusion

- chronic heat flashes

- restless nights

- chronic and increasingly annoying yeast infections. No one has ever spoken about this and for me, this is how i know its coming..

Anyone else have similar symptoms?

Also anyone care to share a successful diet that helps inflammation?

Thank you for your support, I hope to contribute in a positive supportive light to all of you as well,

Erika B.

Views: 249

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I do get hot often.  In fact I have my fan on at work all day everyday even in the winter. I sometimes perspire profusely from my hairline when that was never an issue before. The itching can be bad.  I also have severe itching in various places on my body, but for me. primarily under my chin and chest.  I have no rash or bumps, but it is maddening sometimes.  I wonder if other people with FFA have that kind of itching.  (I also have (LPP).  I also become extremely tired sometimes to the point where I feel like I will die if I I make one more movement.  I do not have yeast infections. 

There are foods that are supposed to combat inflammation.  Aveda makes a scalp revitalizer called Invati with turmeric in it.  I spray that on if I'm particularly itchy and it works like an aspirin.  Temporary relief.

Hi EricaB. Have you had your vitamin B12 checked? During my last flare my family dr ran a bunch of tests and discovered I had a severe vitamin B12 deficiency. Why? Who knows, I’m not a vegetarian. Just another weird thing I’ve had to deal with. Lack of B12 causes itchiness which I had terribly and leads to fatigue and mood swings. I had to get B12 shots for 4 months and now I take 1000 mg a day in tab form. I feel so much better! Itchiness is under control and I have energy again.

For itchiness year Sarna lotion and/or Benadryl or Zyrtec.

Its the most frustrating condition. This group has been a lifesaver! ((Hugs))


I am getting very sweaty hot flashes at night. They had calmed down but now are baaaaack...

 I don't necessarily sweat from my hairline, but just sweat. 

I think I have a B12 deficiency as well. I have been very tired. I try to work out anyway, but the tiredness is really a pain, and feeling sort of vague and woozy - I even had a headache the other day and I'm not a headache person. I should get this checked out, but I'm sick of my hair and checking myself out... 

I am in denial mode, one of my favorite modes, but okay I will go to the doctor. 



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