Hashimoto and Alopecia


Hashimoto and Alopecia

This group is for people who have the autoimmune disease Hashimoto and alopecia.

Members: 87
Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2018

Discussion Forum

How do you take your thyroid medicine?

Started by Shawna. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 14 Replies

Autoimmune clusters

Started by Ms. Aries. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 11 Replies

Has your doctor advised you about not drinking alchool?

Started by Moisuc Alexandru. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 4 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Kristy on January 15, 2011 at 9:31am
Hi Carrie, you sound like some of the rest of us...I too learned about the hashimotos in my late 20s and then was diagnosed with AA after my first pregnancy. I miscarried a second pregnancy and then my AA went nuts and now I've progressed to universalis. I believe there is a link between pregnancy hormones and AA for those who this hits later in adulthood...just wish someone would start researching it!
Comment by Carrie on January 15, 2011 at 8:57am
Hi! I have hashi's and AA. Hashi's started in my late 20s, and AA during my first pregnancy (31), getting worse with my second pregnancy (35), to the point I am in a wig now. A lot is growing back but it's the 3rd time I've been through this cycle - very frustrating! Taking 150mcg synthroid. I'm excited to meet you all and join the discussion!
Comment by Monique on September 21, 2010 at 8:10pm
Is it easier to lose weight with Armour?
Comment by Volker on September 12, 2010 at 5:09pm
hi.....have hash 17 j....-)and the same time all hair lost.-)))

ohh and sorryyy,,,i volker 34 .-))
Comment by Kristy on August 13, 2010 at 7:50am
I'd been on synthroid for years but when I just went to see a new doctor, he switched me to Levoxyl (Brand) at the same dosing as he prefers that to Synthroid. My TSH has been up and down on a consistent dose of Synthroid, so we are trying something new. New doc also seems to think that switching from Syn to Levoxyl will shrink thryoid nodules...we'll see if that happened when I go in for my biopsy next month.
Comment by Kristen Ridenhour on August 13, 2010 at 1:42am
I've had hypothyroidism for 7 years and was diagnosed when I found out I had alopecia. I've always taken synthroid. At one point I was constantly tired and thought about switching to armour but things eventually got better...
Comment by Chefpam on August 12, 2010 at 3:04pm
Hey to all. I have hypothyroidism and psoriatic arthritis for 22 years. The hairloss started at the same time...I took Synthroid for years and it got to where it didn't help, I then went on Armour, felt great, the hair was better...then I couldn't get it anymore and had to have my T3/T4 compounded. Now, I am able to get the Armour again and just started taking it. Just wondered what the rest of you take?
Comment by Kristy on August 10, 2010 at 8:56pm
Random alopecia question...I have HT and AA, and have recently developed red spots/dots on the white moons of my fingernails (spotted lunala). Just curious to see if anyone else has this, and when in their progression of AA that it appeared. Thanks!
Comment by Monique on March 1, 2010 at 11:02am
Before successfully diagnosed on the Hashi's, I had gained 60lbs. Now that I'm synthroid, still now coming off very easily. I'm a vegan and still it won't come off with diet alone. So I'm stepping up the walking, etc.
Comment by Monique on March 1, 2010 at 10:17am
Hi, I've been an AU for 42 years and just recently (5 years) developed Hashimoto's. Wondering if nay one has successfully kept the weight off? Thanks!

Members (86)



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