Hashimoto and Alopecia


Hashimoto and Alopecia

This group is for people who have the autoimmune disease Hashimoto and alopecia.

Members: 87
Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2018

Discussion Forum

How do you take your thyroid medicine?

Started by Shawna. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 14 Replies

Autoimmune clusters

Started by Ms. Aries. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 11 Replies

Has your doctor advised you about not drinking alchool?

Started by Moisuc Alexandru. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 4 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Roger on November 2, 2008 at 5:16am
I take pills everyday.
Comment by Georgie on October 30, 2008 at 12:16am
I've been hypothyroid since 2002. My Dr. at the time was trying to better understand what I was going through...and at least she was smart enough to order up the correct blood-work to prove it. She recommended a book called Thyroid Power by Richard L. Shames and Karilee Halo Shames. The book has been soooooo helpful over the last 6 years to me. I own a copy and always reference it. The most useful parts for me are diet and natural remedies. I love tofu. I love cruciferous veggies. So, those things I only eat occasionally. The only thing the book does not discuss is.....hairloss.

Another book I've also found helpful in keeping me from being tired and dazed is Potatoes Not Prozac: Solutions for Sugar Sensitivity by Kathleen DesMaisons. I'm not sensitive to sugar but there are some good guidelines that I follow that I think get me through the day better.

I love eating....seriously. But if it interferes with the thyroid, then I guess I need to be careful. But I'm not giving up my ONE cup of coffee or my occasional glass of wine with dinner.
Comment by Celeste Edwards on October 28, 2008 at 8:40pm
Hello Ladies!!

I'm thinkin I should have joined this group from the beginning!! After reading some of the other posts and looking at pictures ... YEP!! We must all be sisters :) Although I have not been dx with Hashimoto, I have been dx with hypothyroid. Who knows! They also say I have AA. If I had more time, money and energy, I'd find a cure or at least the link they need!! I keep praying :)

Nice to be here!
Comment by Nicky Lam on October 26, 2008 at 10:08pm
Dear Jessica
it's hydrogen peroxide - h202 but someone mentioned that it can be good for the immune system as long as you don't OD ! then it is toxic !
anyway I thought I'd ask and see if anyone knew about it.
Comment by Jessica on October 26, 2008 at 1:45pm
no haven't even heard of H202 what is it??
Comment by Nicky Lam on October 23, 2008 at 9:39pm
Hi there- just found you all- I have hashimotos too and AA- it's in my family though- big time- sister- mum- aunty just thought i had been lucky and missed it- but at 38yr old it got me !.
so I am on thyroxine- 75mcg a day and got patchesd of hair but not alot !
anyone heard about h202 and it's uses in AA ?
Comment by Jessica on October 19, 2008 at 12:14pm
I think anything in small amounts is ok but if you love soy may be you should ask your doc. see what he/she says.
Comment by Jessica on October 18, 2008 at 11:32am
Hey Zoe,

I've also heard that soy is not good for us either. what a good topic I'm gonna google it. Hey I totally think what you eat affects your baod in big ways.
Comment by Zoe on October 17, 2008 at 5:26am
A question to all of you. Are you on a special diet because of your Hashimoto thyroiditis? I've heard that iodine is not good for you and makes you feel tired etc.

Does anyone here know anything about that?
Comment by Kristen Ridenhour on September 28, 2008 at 11:21pm
I've had Hashimotos for 5 years, was diagnosed at the same time as alopecia. The only thing I've been on is synthroid. I used to be tired ALL the time. It's not nearly as bad anymore. I just had an ultrasound done on Friday so hopefully I'll get the results back soon! I'm thinking of asking to switch to armour. I've heard some people do better on it, but my first endo swore by synthroid and my endo now says there isn't any difference...

Members (86)



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