Something I've experienced since alopecia set in has been much more oily hair and skin ... and thus out of control acne. Like I need crazy acne while dealing with this blow to the ego, lol!!!

In doing all kinds of reading and research, I'm seeing a direct correlation between increased sebum production and hair loss (and obviously acne as well). I'm not sure if increased sebum production causes hair loss or if the hair just seems more oily because the same amounts of sebum are being produced and there is less hair ... sort of a 'chicken and the egg' thing. I won't bore you with all the other details I've read.

So I'm wondering if any of you have experienced more oily skin and hair as well? Also, for several years I've experienced sebaceous cysts on my head, which i presume is also tied into all of this.


(am i making you all insane with all my questions ... there are SO many!!!)

Views: 195

Replies to This Discussion

Hey Julie,

I have aa, yes. The picture posted is just prior to the bald spots showing up. At this point, it's becoming a struggle to cover the spots, despite the fact that I started with an unusually thick head of hair.

My plan, should it become impossible to hide, is to shave and be proud. There are many emotional issues with that but as they say ... "those who care don't matter, and those who matter don't care".
I know your post is a little old, but I just joined Alopecia World a couple days ago. I've been living with Alopecia close to six years and it just recently escalated to AU. I was just about to post a blog asking to see if anyone is feeling oily, but I am happy I found ur post first. I seriously feel like someone poured a gallon of oil on me. I am constantly spot drying my face during the day. Have you found any remedies of reducing the oil? I am so oily that my eyebrow liner melts away by mid-afternoon & I have to reapply at least 3 times. I also have increased ance as well, but I have managed to control my outbreaks by using alcohol to clean my face morning & night.
Nicole and jj, I have oiliness near the spot and an oily face as well (including acne). I have to scrub my face well (I use the wave due with the scrubbers for acne control) and use a light oil free moisturizer. Often (later) I have to rub my face down with a wet wipe, to get rid of some of the oil. It's annoying.



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