It's been a year & 10 months since u found my first spot. I was sad, optimistic, depressed when it was just 1. Then there were others. In one of my depressed state I began to do more googling and realized that I have Ophasias, which rarely grows back. I'm so upset, but trying to put on a good front with the people around me. I'm 40, African-American, wore weaves or braids very now and again (like every other year) and I've always taken good care of my hair. I can't find any information about African Americans with Alopecia, except for information about traction alopecia which isn't my case. I have been trying everything. I went natural and stopped getting relaxers, I only use coconut oil, no sulfur products etc, Black castor oil. why me? Why did this happen? My hair was the 1 thing I was extremely proud of. I feel like I'm at a loss so defeated.