My scalp has a slight buring sensation where I am losing my hair. Rght now it is in the front of my head and the bald spot keeps geting bigger every day. Is it normal to have a buning sensation?

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My 10 year old is new to this and she is reporting itching and general discomfort where she is losing hair. Anyone out there have ideas to help?
I also have pain/burning where my spots are. My scalp hurts like I have a constant ponytail in -yet, my hair is really short now. I know of others that have experienced it as well, but for some reason my derm couldn't understand why. She told me that she thought that I might have fibromyalgia -I have other autoimmune diseases too. You're not alone. tory
I have some redness, inflammation, and a bit of oiliness near the small patch. It's hurts to scratch it.
Mine burned like crazy, until it was all gone. No fun!That's how I found the baldness. I thought I had exzema and went to put cortizone cream on the itchiness, and found no hair! I went to the doctor the next morning, and have had a hard time since then. I'm dealing and the burning is has stopped. Now I'm trying to decide what to do about a wig. The one I have itches and causes redness where the band is. I have a band around my head for a couple hours after I get home...
I have the VERY sore, almost bruised feeling (like I had a tight ponytail in all day, but didn't) and itching with my hair loss too! No one (so far) has been able to tell me why or offer anything that helps- other than shaving it all off, but I am reluctant since I still have enough hair to wear with hats- and I wonder if shaving would really help since it seems to be where the hair is still growing too... ODD! and annoying!



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