1. Treat all members of Alopecia World with the utmost dignity and respect at all times.
  2. Gather as much good information as you can from Alopecia World and use it to improve your support skills, life, and relationships.
  3. Show your friendly side. Complete your personal profile and at least upload your profile photo. You may also upload additional videos and photos that are appropriate for Alopecia World.
  4. Be honest about your intentions as a member of our beloved community. Make sure the "About Me" section of your profile states why you joined Alopecia World and how you hope to make a positive difference on the site.
  5. Do not spam members because posting duplicate, indiscriminate or otherwise inappropriate messages all over Alopecia World will get you banned from the site.
  6. Before attempting to make personal contact with another member of Alopecia World, at least read their entire profile to see whether it might be appropriate to contact the person or make certain comments. (For example, single adults interested in dating should not solicit members who are minors, engaged, married, or who have no interest in dating!)
  7. Blog about your experiences with alopecians and invite others to share their insights into these matters. You are also welcome to contribute to forum discussions.
  8. Ask alopecians how they feel about different topics rather than assume you already know.
  9. Contribute regularly to this and other groups that welcome non-alopecians.
  10. Have fun! Share things that might make you and others laugh and enjoy being on the site.

Views: 14

Replies to This Discussion

These tips are beyond perfect!!!!
Great tips. Thanks so much.
Thanks for the encouraging feedback. :-)
Tips are great thanks. I especially like 6. I think we should get to know who we are messaging and what would be appropriate.
I have still to find my feet on the site but will remember them, Thanks.
Will work on uploading a photo but me and a camera......:-(
I think that these tips are excellent!! I think though that they should be posted on the main page along with the disclaimer too, because not everyone is automatically going to be directed to this group page. Just a thought.
I definitely agree that they possibly should be posted as a disclaimer (if they haven't already). I mean, even if you have alopecia you're still a person. There's no reason to discriminate or be tempermental or rude. But, yes, wonderful tips- really.
I think these tips should be in use on all websites, by and to all people. I think people who are going to follow these tips would do it anyway, and rude people aren't going to be stopped. People with Alopecia should be treated like everyone else - with dignity, respect and politeness.



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