Hi! I am a mother of a 2 and a half year old who within 9 hours had a bald patch on her head yesterday. The doctors tell me it is Alopecia. I do not understand this disease and am feeling so lost. today she woke up and the hair on the top of her head is thinning out.I sit and wonder what tests will be done and what steps to take. i have no answers and I have no clue. Why do I feel angry? Why do I feel at fault? Why her and not me

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Hi Melissa,

I don't believe when people say it's just hair. One naturopath said to me that the body is giving an outward sign that something is not right (hair falling out). The truth is we were meant to have hair. While I don't think we need to fall apart and dwell on the negative, I think if there is something we need to work on we should. In other words, what is the hair loss telling us. Barring no other explanation like chemo, or physical trauma, the hair loss is almost always digestive/nutrition related. What we have to understand about the human body is that it is remarkable. It can heal itself when given the right fuel.

Forget about treatment until you carefully examine Breanna's blood work, eating habits, lifestyle activities, etc. For example, my son is iron deficient, as well as some other trace minerals...very much needed for hair growth. He also has food allergies that I'm still not quite sure of how many things and how sensitive he is to those things. That's because food allergy tests are very expensive and we've only tested for some of the basics dairy, eggs, nuts, gluten, soy, etc. In addition, he was low on vitamin D, but now he is supplemented.

The thing about autoimmune disorders, such as alopecia, is that no one can understand what triggered the body to attack itself (in this case hair follicles) as though it is the enemy. Worse yet, no one can tell what turns it off. However, I think this community can learn about each other's circumstances by sharing experiences and compare what's common/uncommon in each case. Example....my son also had very bad eczema, which is totally under control...naturally. I see there are others with this case, and that is also a sign that allergies/nutrition is somehow connected.

I have a daughter who is 2 and I was fretting that she, too, would have alopecia. I think it would be worse for me if it were my daughter. For my son, though, I still will not stop until I have at least brought him to an acceptable standard nutritionally. I knew so much more with my daughter than I did with my son, so she is a better eater. It gets easier as he gets older because I can bribe him to eat vegetables and try new things. I think there is plenty for you to do to deal with this to the best of your ability. Cut way back on processed, junk and fast foods. Try to run in the sun as much as possible...get exercise the best you can. Supplement wherever there is nutritional deficiencies. Power up that immune system. All these things can't hurt because it's what we should be doing anyway, and it may actually help. My son has peach fuzz all the time, but the hair is not strong enough. It just doesn't seem to go anywhere...that's why I believe if I could just get his iron and other mineral levels up, it will help eventually.

Sorry to be so long winded, but I have been through so much and wanted to share what I believe will help.

Thanks Angie...I know there is something wrong I just dont know what...I am anxiously awaiting our first specialist appointment which is on the 23rd...alot sooner then i thought and i thank God for that...there is so many mixed emotions flying and I had to take a few days off from here because I was starting to have anxiety attacks with coming to terms with all that is happening and that could happen...however I am glad to see there is such good support on here and everyone understands what we are all going through....it is tough...I am glad to hear that your daughter doesnt have it...Breanna is my youngest of three and the only one with it...my older two are 16 and 13 and dont understand how and why so alot of questions are flying my way...hopefully I can answer them all soon....
I bet you somewhere in your family (or Breanna's father's family) someone has it, but maybe mildly (and probably didn't know what it was). Example, my mother has been known to have patches throughout her life, but she never had noticeable hair loss on her scalp. I noticed recently my husband's eyebrows seem to be thinner. One of my husband's nephews totally lost all of his when he was a toddler and the whole thing grew back. We only know that because his mother saw our son and told us her story, which was 10 years ago.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Breanna is her own person and has her own reaction to whatever...you'll soon find out. The thing is we try so hard to be good parents and still things like this happen. Oh well, what keeps me strong is that I know I have (and am still doing) the best I can for my children.



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