Anyone going to the CAP Camp this summer? We decided to go and are super excited!

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Considering making a road trip from MN...just need to convince my girl!
My 5 year old will be there! We got on the camp website and I showed her all of the great activities that are there! She can't wait!
I think we are going. It looks like fun! I think it will be a great experience for the kids and parents as well!
Jen, I must be an idiot, but I can't find the info on the CAP page. Is it the Alopeciapalooza camp edition?
Yup! It's Alopeciapalooza Camp Edition...I just got the packet the other day via email!
We can't wait to go to Alopeciapalooza. We went last year when my daughter was 4 1/2 and we had a great time. I can't wait for the camp edition.
woo hoo! I can't wait to put names to faces!



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