With diffuse hair loss...is it common for this to grow back? My daughter, Rylie was diagnosed at age 4 (Jan. of '08) with AA. This is the 3rd fall we've been through this and we've noticed that this time of year seems really bad for her. Her Dermotologist that we just saw today is sending her to a pediatric allergist...she has exczema flair ups this time of year too. She also has circular spots. One large spot, probably the size of my fist at her crown, 2 spots about 1/2 dollar in size on the sides of her head and 1 quarter size spot in the back, along with her hair line moving back towards the center of her head. Her dermotologist doesn't think she'll loose it all however I"m not convinced of that. She has also lost her eyebrows, and bottom eyelashes and has very sparse hair on her arms and legs. I guess my questions are does anyone have any advise on getting the eyelashes to grow back? Her dermotologist will not provide anything for those. And has anyone seen this much hair loss with regrowth or should we prepare ourselves for her to loose all of her hair in the future? She just turned 6 so it hasn't really bothered her a lot...yet!

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My 14 month old started with 2 spots, now he has lost almost all his hair,in patches that are thinning It looks like the patches are bald but actualy they are very thin.

This is his first episode and I too am worried about what will happen. Will it all fall out? The eyelashes and eyebrows scare me too - I keep praying that he keeps them. Its such s horrible feeling. isn't it? I wish I just knew.

If you ever want to chat, please message me.

My son also has eczema, or at least has had. He hasn't had any real problems with it recently, but he used to get it pretty badly in the winter. He still has uncomfortably dry skin (uncomfortable for him, not me lol). Trying to explain to him how it would be better to use lotion than to lick his fingers is akin to smacking my head on a brick wall. He hates the way lotions feel, and the results are too delayed for him, so he just keeps licking his fingers.

But that's not really what you asked, is it? William's hair loss started with a spot about the size of a half dollar, but it rapidly progressed and within a couple of months it went from that to gone. I'd say the total time from spot to bald was about 3 months. Don't know if that helps or not. I can't really say what's typical, I can only say what happened with William.

On Facebook there is an Alopecia Areata group that I recently joined. I read a reply to a post regarding this issue that said she began taking biotin and it seemed to help with lashes and nails. However, when I asked about dosage she wasn't sure what you would give to a child (my daughter is 3 and very small for her size). She mentioned that I should ask my daughters doctor. We have not experienced missing eyebrows/lashes...I was hoping since Biotin promotes hair growth that might be a possible treatment?

Sara, Have you tried any of the special shampoos for William? I just started using California Baby Tea Tree Oil Shampoo. However my daughter does not complain of itching. However before I found this shampoo I was looking at some others that stated they were specifically formulated for itchy scalps. I also saw a spray that can be used several times a day that also has tea tree oil in it. If you have not tried or heard of these I will be happy to go back into CVS to look at what they were again and let you know. They were near the dandruff shampoos but they were geared towards eczma and psoriasis.

We've been doing Biotin for some time now and her eyelashes are still falling out...she has since lost all of her hair since I originlly posted this.

What is the name of the fb page for alopecia? I may try to join.
I am sorry to hear that wasn't a viable solution :( The facebook group is below. It's actually how I learned about this site. So far I am very glad that I joined this site cause it is nice to get support from other parents/children going through this same situation.

Alopecia Areata http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=110544604586
thank you!!



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