New flag football team, new coach. Again with "that's my son, William. He's got bald spots. It's not contagious, he doesn't have cancer. He has alopecia, which basically means he's allergic to his own hair." It went well, the coach just said, "Oh, ok" and gave us his jersey and moved on. So that's good anyway. Still, I hate it. I wish I could be like all the other parents and just say "I'm William's Mom."
So I was talking to my friend who said "you should smile and be glad when you say it that it ISNT all those other things." Of course I'm happy he doesn't have something worse! But if I'm s'posed to be happy every time I introduce my son that I don't have to say he has cancer, then all the other parents should have to fall on the ground from near orgiastic relief that there's nothing at all visibly wrong with their kids!!!! But of course I can't tell my friend that. He wouldn't get it. Heck, I'm glad he gets anything at all about this whole situation. But I guess that's another thing I won't be talking to him about in the future.
It all could be so much worse. I know it could. It probably will get worse in middle school if not before. But really, is it so horrible that from time to time I wish .... that it could just be like everyone else?
Thanks for listening.