How fast did your children loose hair?

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Both my son and my daughter were/are 8 years when aa startet and it was/is winter.....
yes, lost my hair in winter
My daughter, Arianna, had a very time patch for about 3 months. It was barely noticeable. Then, within 3 more months she lost about everything on the top of her head. We saw an AA specialist in Dallas and used topical steroids. 3 months after that the hair started to grow back. She is in full remission.

My son had a very small patch start in Oct. which we had no idea what it was.. it got much larger by Feb when we went to see the dr. It has now picked up speed as he has 3 more patches that have started. The fact that this disease is so unpredictable is what is so very disturbing to me. The not knowing if all the hair is going to go or not...
My daughter (who is just about to turn 9) was diagnosed with AA just days ago. She has a small spot on the top of her head and I'm really scared that she will lose more. She has big brown eyes and beautiful thick long black hair. Are there others of you who have children who only lost small patches? It seems the more I read on-line I mostly read about kids who have lost quite a bit of hair after their first patch. She has started betamethasone, and I'm hoping that will help.
My daughter was diagnosed in April of 09 as well, we saw her first patch in march dough, but she's been loosing her since now she's at about 80% loss. This desease is really unpredictable.
I noticed my daughters spot (1 cm big on the top of her had) 4 weeks ago. It doesn´t seem to grow new hair and she is not loosing hair. I couldn´t find other spots at all and of course I am hoping that´s it! My son had AA 2 years ago too but lost more hair than my daughter until now.



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