So, since the diagnosis(2 months ago) I have been handling this all pretty well until today. My daughter has AA with about 5 patches. She has white blonde hair and the spots were hidden well and since her hair is the same color as the scalp no one noticed. In the last couple of days there is no more hiding it with just hair and people are noticing. The back of her head is thinning so quickly. She still is unfazed by AA but I am sure that will change when the other kids start to notice. I have also noticed around some of the patches that the skin is pink, does anyone know what that is from? She has been on Clobetasol for 6 weeks and I haven't noticed the pink/red before, she says its not itchy. I can't see any new hair yet, maybe the red is from new hair???? Any advice support would be great.

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Hey, it sounds like you and I are pretty much in the same boat. Genevieve also has about five spots and they are starting to get harder and harder to cover. I don't think it will be long before things are really obvious. I swear I saw a teacher trying to look at her head yesterday when I picked her up from school. All of Genevieve's patches have been pink in color. The dermatologist told me that the scalp is inflamed in these areas where the white blood cells are attacking the hair follicles. Makes sense, I guess. Genevieve has also not complained of any itching or burning. I currently do not have her on anything, since the Clobex they prescribed had some scary sounding side effects. Sometimes i think I see tiny little black hairs in some of her patches, but I think that this is more likely the exclamation point hairs that they describe. It doesn't look downy, which I have read regrowth tends to be. I certainly hope that your daughter is getting new hair. I feel your pain girl! It really hit me hard when Genevieve started to lose some hair in one of her eyebrows last week. The whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach. We will keep your family in our prayers.

Thank You, it is so nice to have this site where others are going thru the same thing. We don't go to the Dr until the 19, a long time to wait and worry. I have tried hard not to search her head but its hard. Thanks for the reply, I needed to hear from someone who understands!
Hey Karen,
My daughter is 13 and has struggled with AA since she was 3 or 4. We have always had luck with hiding it with her short bob hair cut that is parted to one side. This year has been the toughes there is no more hiding it and kids at school have been horrible. However elementary kids accepted it better than the middle schoolers. I read a book to my daughters 1st grade class about alopecia and that worked, and in the 3rd grade I had to do it again. As for the red my daughter's spots on the back of her head always seem to have a little more red than any where else, not sure why? Goodluck I will keep her in my prayers
Thanks for your reply, which book did you read to your daughters class? I was looking at doing that soon,



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