Hello All,

My name is Zelda Hyde. My daughter, Sydnie who is 8 years old, was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata in March 2010. In February 2011 that diagnosis changed to Alopecia Universalis. Sydnie is handling her condition well and because of this I am able to handle it better. I Know that God has a plan and I am now at a place where I am excited to see how He will use us.

When I show Sydnie pictures of other children on this site her face just lights up. I am working on organizing a gathering for kids with alopecia in Atlanta, possibly Piedmont Park, for the kids to meet and just have a good time. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know. Once I know how many people would like to attend, I will then work on setting a date and location.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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Hi Zelda,

I live in Norther VA, but wouldn't mind a weekend trip to Atlanta. I have relatives there that I can stay with and if you pick a date that I can work with as far as getting away, we will try to make it. We already have vacation planned early May (2 weeks to Florida and Trinidad). However, we can probably make something work after that. Would you consider Memorial weekend maybe...or is that too far away?

Thank you, Zelda. We'll let you know as soon as possible if we can make it. We will just be returning from vacation in Trinidad earlier in May, but will still try to make it.



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