Hi! I was overjoyed to find this website. My son, Max, was just diagnosed with AA a couple weeks ago, so many of you already understand the emotions I've been experiencing since then. It has been absolutely wonderful to find this site and to see that my family is not alone...because up until now, it seems that most people I've talked with are unaware of this condition.
Max is 4 1/2 (he'll be 5 in June, entering kindergarten in the fall) and until recently has had the fullest head of bouncy curls. We noticed a couple of half-dollar sized patches on his head just a few weeks ago. His pediatrician diagnosed him with AA, but felt that it probably wouldn't progress much. Since then, we've watched the patches grow in size, have seen new patches developed, and are witnessing his hair thinning by the moment. I'm trying to remain positive -- reminding myself that he's a happy, healthy boy and it could be worse -- but I just have this sinking feeling that he will lose all his hair. He is such a bright little guy with lots of confidence (sometimes too much, I think!), but I am afraid how a condition like this will change his demeanor...and knowing how cruel other little kids can be...oh, it just breaks my heart. Then again, I'm also torn, because if he does happen to lose all of his hair, I completely want to make this something cool and unique for him. I don't want him to be ashamed at all. So many emotions...
Max sees a pediatric dermatologist on Thursday. I don't know what will be recommended, but I know I'm not too excited about the possibility of using steroids to treat this. I've heard about more natural approaches -- gluten free diet (he loves his pancakes!), using lavender essential oils -- and I'm just wondering how others have dealt with this.
Looking forward to all I can learn from you...