My five year old lost all her hair in August. She just recently lost her eyelashes and eyebrows. She needs her kindergarten shots. We followed the recommended vaccine schedule so far. However, now I'm wondering if it is wise to give her all the 5 year shots at once. Our pediatric dermatologist told me that there are some cases linking vaccines to triggering alopecia. He said he would still advise us to follow the government guidelines. Any opinions? Thanks.
I'm very cautious about linking things to vaccines. Here's why:
You start giving your kids vaccines at the same time that a lot of things show up. Kids tend to be identified with autism and deafness sometime between 1 and 3 years of age. Which is also when they get a lot of shots. But that doesn't mean the shots caused anything. It's just that that's when you can start to see there's something different going on here.
My son's alopecia is completely unrelated to anything in his environment as far as I can tell. He also got alopecia around your daughter's age, but it was at least a year between his kindergarten shots and his alopecia.
It just seems to me that so many childhood things show up around the same time as vaccinations because we give vaccinations to children. It's not causal, IMO, it's just because childhood things show up around 0-5 and we give lots of vaccines from 0-5.
But that's my opinion. I understand there are other opinions, and I don't second guess other people's parenting choices. I would just caution you to look for a controlled study, not case studies or anecdotal evidence.
We didn't vaccinate my daughter ever, and she still ended up with alopecia.
Hi there, are you still on here! I finally logged in after a long time away and yes! There is definately a link to vaccines. My son, now 8, lost all his hair, 2 times, after vaccinations. Of course doctors etc are not going to recognize or admit this link. So we are not giving him anymore vaccinations. This is a very hot topic and there are a lot of info out there how dangerous these chemicals are.
Yes! We gave our daughter a DTaP October 2016 and it was fine. No loss. In May 2017 we gave her a Hep A and IPV. Her hair started falling out a couple weeks later. 2 large patches that developed over the course of 4 months and some overall thinning. They have since regrown and we went a month or more with no loss at all. She then was sick a lot of December and she seems to be shedding again. I think her immune system is still feeling taxed by the imms given to her in May. Did your son's hair grow back completely each time?
Hi! No, unfortunately after the 2nd time the hair on his head hasn't come back. A little area came back after 1st time but it fell out after 2nd. His eyelashes are back and his eyebrows seem to come and go. Looking into vaccination detox for kids, and natural probiotics. I would recommend going to a good homeopath for your daughter, if there is one around where you live. Sorry, do you live in u.k or u.s? Helios in the u.k is good. We are holding off a little bit, we don't to make him feel it is something wrong with him etc. But soon he can be involved in deciding if he wants to try a detox etc. I can send you some links if you wish.
We live in the U.S. My good friend is a functional medicine physician in Seattle and has been a great help to us. I firmly believe the only reason my daughter has hair today is because of the recommendations she has given me. We do a gluten-free and dairy free diet. She is on a probiotic, omega-3 and a multivitamin. We just recently added elderberry. I appreciate you responding. I am feeling discouraged. After three years of no hair loss at all, I am struggling with this more than I thought I would
Hi - What probiotic do you give your daughter? We have tried several and haven't been successful. I do give the omega-3 and a multivitamin. I'm looking into diet changes, but haven't done anything yet.
We use Garden of Life Kids probiotic. She loves the taste and it also has Vitamin D which I like because we are dairy free and live in the MidWest where we can have months of cold weather and minimal sunshine.
Ok well you are definately on the right track it sounds like. That's the thing with alopecia though, it comes and goes for some people. I'm just about to start reading a book called Food pharmacy, it should be available in English soon as well. It's all about the gut, how lots of auto immune issues and inflammations in the body has its origin in the gut, why and what to do etc. Should be interesting. Well done on the dietary changes as well, we haven't gone down that road yet. Sometimes I wonder if it is really additives, gmo, sugar etc that are added to a lot of food that are to blame and not the food itself. I am really not sure where to go from here, my son seems happy in school, a few kids have been curious and wanted to touch his head but otherwise no teasing or bullying. In the past he has asked questions about his hairloss but that was a while ago now. Not sure the glutenfree and diaryfree diet would be a hit in this household....maybe we make the decision together at some point.
I am so glad to hear that he is not experiencing bullying. That is my biggest fear for my daughter. I do believe that her diet has played a huge role in us being able to maintain her hair. I too have recently read a book called the auto immune fix by Dr. Tom O'Bryan. I have learned a lot and I am a firm believer that our diets are making us sick. If you decide to do diet changes, you really need to give it some time. I feel it was a solid three months before I noticed a change in her hair regrowth but when the change started it was explosive. Her hair grew back rapidly. And again, we have gone almost 3 years with no hair loss it all up until this most recent vaccination
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