My daughter is 4 and is begging me for a wig before kindergarten starts next fall. Some of her friends in preschool have made some comments about her not having hair and its getting to her. I've been trying to build her self-esteem and show her that she doesn't need hair to be beautiful, but being 4 years old, she just wants to be like the other kids. I can't deny her that...

Does anybody have any suggestions on where to get a wig for such a young child? I'm also nervous that it will come off while she's playing. I know nothing about wigs or how they work...

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The hair club for kids has worked great for us. William rarely actually wears his wig because it's hot and scratchy, but it did stay on through pretty much anything he put it through. It's a free program through Hair Club for Men, and your child can get a couple of hairpieces per year for free at whatever hair club is closest to your home. For adults, they glue the wig with something like crazy glue, but make sure you get the strips of tape for your daughter, at least for a while. Our local hair club had never heard of the tape option until I asked about it, and were getting ready to glue it to his head, which would have been a big mistake since they're a 3 hour drive from us lol.

Vacuum wigs are supposed to stick on great through everything, including swimming, and they don't require tape or glue. We haven't tried those, and they tend to be quite expensive. I believe that's what Locks of Love uses, but your child has to be completely bald or willing to shave for that to work.

I think it's great you're letting your daughter figure this out for herself. Just a thought for you both, though, William wanted a wig and after less than a day decided it just wasn't worth it and yanked it off and stuck it in his backpack:) Not saying don't try, just saying be ready for that possible outcome.

Kelly my granddaughter lost her hair at 5 and she was the same, it didn't matter how lovely we told her she was, wanted her ponytails awith ribbons back again.
In the end when she was 6 years old we had a Freedom Vacuum wig made for her, she loved it, she could go swimming, walk out in a hurricane and it wont come off. She also does kick Boxing.

She's getting on for 14 years old now, and still wears a vacuum wig.

Nothing can replace her own hair, but this is the next best thing.

Hallo Kelly, I had/have the same problem with my daughter Lavinia ( 5 years old) just now! I was hoping that she wouldn't not ask for a wig before she is really old enough,or she will be happy how she is, but Life is different, so I got in contact with " "
Today I call them and gave them the size of her head and they will send us a free wig every year, so, let us try, first at home, because I'm a little concernd what happen when it is getting hot, how she will manage it, pull it off, what I do not mind but the other kids!!!! So maybe you call them and ask, if she is old enough.
Greetings, Sabine
Thank you for all of the advice everybody! I'm still pretty new to all this...I think its great that there are places that actually provide free wigs for children. I have a feeling that once she has one, she won't want to wear it and that's fine too. I'd love for her to feel good enough about herself to go natural, but at the same time - it's hard enough being a little kid without being "different".

On another's great having other parents here and through CAP to talk to. It has truly saved my sanity!!
Hi Kelly - I feel for your daughter - it's sooo hard to be different - kids can be tough on each other! I don't have Alopecia, but my sister does. She has almost always used a vacuum hairpiece and just recently got the 'gripper' from Peggy Knight. I know that the vacuum wigs are more costly than the others, but if you are able to save for one, I know that you would be thrilled and so would your daughter. Growing up with a sister with alopecia I really saw first hand what it did to her and how important it was to have a hairpiece that she was confident that wouldn't come off if someone pulled it or when she did sports. I have rambled on, but I just want you to know that I feel for you and want you to know that there are lots of choices out there - you just have to find the one that seems like the right choice for your daughter as well as you.... I know that it is a process to get a vacuum wig or the 'gripper' so if it seems like you are interested, you might want to start investigating now so that she has it for school. I know my sister learned that the hard way - it always takes longer than planned....good luck!! Kate
Hello Sabine

Just type in freedom vacuum wigs NZ all the info will come up or
but if you can get free wigs I would go for that option first of all.
why not try this product is soft and stylish for young kids
I have no problem with suggesting your product here, but I think it would be fair to tell people that you are not just a user of the product, but are actually the producer? Is that correct?
Wigs for Kids is another site that will give you a real hair wig. That's what Baylee started with when she was 8. It really started looking rough after about 7 months. We are now using Hair Club for Kids. They are really great, but I think its a little more difficult to maintain than the first one we got.
Thank you all. we are setting up an appointment with the Hair Club for Kids, and Children with Hairloss also called me back so hopefully we can set something up with them too.



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