I laughingly refer to myself as Velcro Woman, the superhero, because I still have "unsightly shaver stubble." I put that in quotes because it sounds like an ad from the 1970s. Anyway, I have a hard time shaving closely. I tried Headshave, Venus and my husband's Gilette. Still stubble. Any ideas how to get a smooth top? This is really silly, but has anyone tried waxing or a product like Nair (if that's still produced these days)?

Meanwhile, as I posted another place, I'm thinking of making felt Colorforms and putting the weather on my head each day like Miss Nancy did in Romper Room.

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I only experienced about 3 months of stubble...I shaved my head the end of January (you can see how much hair I had left at that point in my photos), and by May I didn't have to shave anymore and had gone to AU. BUT, I did have some stubble patches for awhile, and here's what I did to get them smooth.

All I did was take my regular razor into the shower with me (a plastic one with 3 parallel blades that I'd had from when I had to shave my legs). I put that canned spray gel leg shaving stuff on my head, lathered it up, and then shaved my head front to back in short strokes. I developed a method of doing it completely by touch...I would shave a stroke with the razor in my right hand, and then immediately run my left hand over where I'd just shaved, feeling for any errant stubble. Right, left, right, left...all over my head in strokes from front to back. I would feel where the stubble patches were, then go over them in this manner. I don't know if this makes any sense.

(non-substantive digression) The reversal was very interesting: I went from obsessively examining my head every day to chart the expansion of the bald patches before I shaved it all off, to watching and feeling the stubble patches get smaller and smaller until they were gone.

Good luck.
I hear you about the obsessive hair check turning to stubble check. I suppose it's better than seeing imaginary rabbits. Perhaps I'll up my meds. LOL

There was a real difference, though, in the emotions - watching the bald areas expand, I was depressed and crying. Watching the stubble areas decrease, I was HAPPY! It was a relief when it was all gone and smooth naturally.
Thanks for the tip, I continue to use your method of right, left, right, left along with the vibrating Gillette Fushion and I don't get the velcro head until the end of the day. What's tiny bit of hair I have left grows very fast! I had to laugh the first time I put my hood up on my sweatshirt, my head was stuck!
Hi Nants, I use clippers with the closest guard for my everyday look. For my elegant, extremely bald look, I use a triple or quad blade razor and a moisturizing shaving gel. I usually do my close shave in the shower. The steam from the shower and the warm water used to wash my hair, softens and relaxes my hair in preparation for shaving. After showering and shampooing, I apply the gel and begin with gentle strokes from the front to the back, careful not to put too much pressure on the razor. I then go back to front, stopping to run my hand over my head to make sure I haven't missed a spot. This takes about 5-7 minutes. Afterwards I use a cotton ball with alcohol on it to go over my scalp to prevent bumps, then a cotton ball with Witch Hazel on it to stop the irritation I may get from shaving. I put a thin layer of Tea Tree Oil and a thin layer of Shea Butter on my scalp for shine and moisture. Depending on where I'm going, I add a bronzer or a jewel or two. Bald is sooooooo elegant!
Thanks, this sounds like what I need to do. I appeciate your experience. You ARE elegant!
My routine is similar to Linda. During the week I will use my clipper and then on Friday I may shave. In the summer I tend to shave more. The last think I want is my head to be lighter than my face... Keep that in mind in the summer if you tend to wear hats alot, that you either make sure to up the sunscreen or tan the head... I have found that has the years have gone by, I tend to hate to cover my head. Even in the winter, it has to be really cold for me to keep it covered. And as soon as I get in the hat comes off as I am walking in the door. I also have a head shaver that Thea talks about and use that sometimes too. I fnd that I don't get much irriation from shaving, unless the blade is reall dull, but it does itch if I let it grow for too long.

I have been working from home more, so just today I was just thinking that it is time to do my head. I think I will go do that now ;)
I have just shaved my head for the first time and I have very dark hair. I can't get a close shave either, I have the Gillette Fushion and after numerous passes I cannot get down to just the skin. How do people get that nice clean shaven bald head I thought I was going to get, this looks terrible, not at all what I expected
Linda, This is the answer I believe I was looking for...you are beautiful and head radiant. What do you mean when you say a "bronzer or a jewel" ? One product given to me is by Softsheen Carson...called Magic Razorless Cream Shave..for a smooth bald head maintenance, which says that it is better than a razor lasting longer closer shaves with shea butter. It comes in a tube. You leave it or 6 - 9 minutes. I've tried it once and it smooth the head, but it did not last long. It work though...but I want to try my options.

Hi Linda. I did my first shave about a week ago. I think I might have put more pressure coz I have developed painful bumps and rash at the backof my head. They are still sore even after e whole week. Any ideas on how I can get rid of them? Thanks

The closest shave I get for my stray strands is using the headblade.com product. It's unique because it was designed by a balding guy ( product designer) who figured there was a real need for a product created specifically to shave a concave surface, not a cheek or a chin.

I just warm my head in the shower. Aromatic shower gel first. Then the headblade gel product which makes a slippery layer....it's very low foaming and the gizmo just glides so easily. It's the fastest method I've ever used and have never knicked my ear ever with it.... a little problem holding a "stick handled" traditional shave handle at some unknown angle to my head.

I have to touch up my "unsightly shaver stubble" every 3 days...it comes in gray and dark brown...I have a patch in the front of my head and stray wiry random gray hairs that I have to feel for or tilt my head just right in the mirror to see and shave... LOL :)
So on my days that I feel lazy and it is cool enough for me to wear a wig, hat or headwrap... I go for it! LOL My Gillette Fusion works great for me with soap.



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