Has anyone ever heard of the pair living happily ever after?....I have met someone online that turns my head around! thanks to the computer and the phone I can see and hear all the wonderful things he has to say.
This guy is like everything I ever dreamed of , except he is 1256 miles away!...Can people meet and fall in love onlne?....

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Yeah, I agree. I think folks fail to realize meeting someone online is just like meeting a stranger but maybe a bit safer. You still have to use your gut feeling about people. I have a saying that I use at times, "Don't go to the grocery store hungry." I suggest not turning to online for desperation but as another alternative.

yes they can! 2 friends of mine are both soon to be married to people they met online. I can't say I've had that luck yet. I wish!!! All that matters is what you think and feel. If you are in love, you're in love baby! You know what your feelings mean. Best of luck to you.
love comes from distant places. it can be in your neighbour hood, next town over, in your home state, or 5ooo miles away. love is what brings two people together. two loving souls grasping the same thing. the heart says it all and if you follow your heart like you follow your dreams there is no distance between you. Just the means of funds or the lack of that brings you to unite to be one. Love can squeeze between the cracks and sneak up on you. So love can be hidden anywhere. Even on line. Im waiting for my love to show his face.(hahaha)
I think when you fall in love online, you are falling in love with the idea of someone. Until you actually meet them you will never know if there is chemistry. It's all about pheromones(sp?). It's awsome to connect with words and ideas online, but you never know who a person really is until you spend a significant amount of time with them. The biggest draw back is meeting someone online that blows your socks off, then finding out they live 2000 miles away. I hate that! Who has the money to travel for that? Not me. Good luck!
yes they can... i am leaving one at this moment.... and i am very happy.... we have met once .... in a 9 month period....we talk and see each other almost every day on line.... we are about a 10 hour drive from each other.... he is now coming over my place for a visit.... if he found a job here, he is ready to move here.... will keep you up to date ... as it goes along.... cheers...take care.....Lise
I met someone online like 17 months ago , we never met , he's from my country but lives in an other country , miles away from where i am , well we are not together any more , something i'm sure about , i love this guy , even though has never met him yet , so yes people can fall in love online , umm if it does work out , it didn't for me ! :( , i miss him and still think about him a lot , we broke up like 5 months ago though , and wonder if we had never met online , and met in real , would it be any different !
wish you the best of luck all of you
time and times change unless one is willing to relocate ,I do not encourage online romances. The computer has the ability to connect people from around the world, but it is by no means reality, two hearts touching or the chance to see their true feelings...dreams fade , and a computer screen can not replace the feeling of sleeping next to the one you love...I have learned to look closer to home and real flesh and blood...I no longer will be taken in by a sweet talker ,lies come easily to some....and you can't believe everything you read!....
Hey Lorena,
Sorry it did not work out for you- not much worse when you feel you really know someone and the turn out not to be who you thought they were! That hurts! But it sounds like you are ready to dust yourself off and move on! You go!! :)
"Man's rejection is God's protection"- seems to be true every time!

good luck to you-
Heather! I love the "Man's rejection is God's protection" line - I WILL be borrowing it. I heard on Christian radio a psychologist stating that rejection is the most powerful emotion a human can experience. I am reminded that Christ was rejected, for me. My former spouse has since leaving me tried to reassure me that I was beautiful with or without hair...but, it pushed every insecurity button, including the bald head button, when he left. I'm getting over it...and decided when I meet the "Current" (one of many) haired girlfriend of his, I will do so without my wig on...maybe just a bandana - to just confront the issue head on, appear secure, "move on." Sound like a plan to you?
Well, I'm here to kind of discuss the whole re-entry into the world of singleness after a lengthy marriage ending...and having alopecia. But, not interested in dating anyone outside of my religious beliefs, and likely not for awhile either. But, I do know one couple who met online and are still together after many years...but they weren't in a singles online group...they were on a computer users group. I'm untrusting of meeting people online as a date potential, but it is cool to see others out there with the same hair loss disease - thanks for doing this.
To answer your question, Yes!!! I met someone online and we fell in love even before we ever made love so yes its possible oh yes I'm in love and I hope its forever...
I want to know too...I live in a little town called Grimsby, Ontario.
I would love to meet a guy that understands all this.



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