It's been a year since my dad died now so my mum is starting to get set up on dates and that, im okay with that. However my mum is only 33 and I am 17 so the guys who have started to get interested in her are like 20,21 and that makes me sooooooooo furious! how could my 33 year old mum get hot young guys that are basically my age?? it really really hurts, im not saying my mum likes them back but because they like my MOTHER it is sooooo frustrating. On top of that my 15 year old sister is sooooooo beautiful and everyone is after her. Some of my mum and dad's friends always want her for their sons. GRRRRRR it's not that im jealous it's just so sucks being stuck in the middle of such a good looking family and having alopecia. Whenever me and my sister argue she always says stuff like "you ugly boldy" then she'll say "you are a whore, oh no you can't be one because you get no boys" things like that hurt my soul and even though she apologises later i know it's the truth. And now they start to say stuff like "when you ever get a boyfriend Hilary you are gonna be so goofy and not know what to do" and stuff like that. The only thing i can say is "you don't know what it's like to be bald" but that never works for my sister. Anyone know what i can do to make me feel better?

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Replies to This Discussion

Well I don't know what to say really. Except I am in a similar situation to you. My parents are divorced and I've watched my mom go on so many dates all my life, it kind of makes me sad seeing her go out, she's 44 and goes out all the time and I never do and I'm 18. I mean I try to be happy for her and I try to be happy for all my other friends getting dates and boyfriends. But to be honest I do get jealous sometimes. I wish just once a guy would like me. I've only been out with two, one before I started having problems losing my hair (and he turned out to be a jerk) and another one later on when I had a bunch of hair extensions put in, but it did not work out with him anyways. Since I no longer wear hair extensions, guys never look at me anymore. It sucks, but I don't like the idea of having to wear fake hair to get a guy to like me. I wish somebody would like me the way I am, but I'm not sure if that will ever happen unfortunately.

But anyways don't worry so much about getting a guy to like you. I saw your pictures and you are very pretty even without hair and you seem like a nice girl. And I'm sure you will find a guy who likes you eventually, if you are just patient. You are still very young though, so don't worry so much. and don't let your sister make you feel bad. I have sister who is 16 and calls me ugly all the time. I just ignore her. And if you ever feel sad and need someone to talk to you can always message me.
aww.. just ignored them.. hope they give you real family support rather than BS... It will be a tough family to live with.. if i were you.. just shave your sister head when she asleep.. she will find out how tough to be bald.. especially womens..
I'm so sorry to hear that you're in a family that behaves like this. We can't pick the family we grow up with; and some of them are toxic and dysfunctional. But we can choose to create as much distance as we need , so the older we are the less guilt we have about doing it. It's a good idea to create an alternative universe for yourself of people who are more kind and more appreciative of you. Spend more time with them. It will make it easier to shrug off the hurtful people in your life. Over time the people who are trying to bring you down will have less and less influence over your feelings because you won't seek their acceptance anymore. They will have been replaced by positive people you've chosen.

Growing up we want our families to love us and accept us; it's the normal way of the world. But sometimes it's better to find ways to replace them and make them less relevant. It means we stop expecting them to behave nicely. We just accept that they are insensitive, self-centered , etc. and move on to create a happier life for ourselves.

Don't believe a word of what they are saying.




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