I guess I'll start.

I'm Saphyra from the Fort Lauderdale area. I just moved back to south Fl from Orlando, but have spent the last 10 years or so moving around the state. (My previous job just loved transferring me around.)

I was once a super confident person with gorgeous, long, thick curly hair. I had so much of it, that I would secretly wish I could shave some of it off. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. I just recently buzzed most of it off, but before that, I barely had enough for a decent ponytail. /cry

I have not been officially diagnosed with anything yet but I am fairly confident that I have androgenic alopecia. I first noticed hair loss during my freshman year of high school and have been steadily thinning out since. Strangely, I am the only woman in the family to suffer from this condition. This sucks! :-(

So why have I not been officially diagnosed, you ask? Trust me, I've tried. I've had almost every lab test available on the planet, always with the same result. "There is nothing wrong with you." The one dermatologist I visited just looked at my hair, ran her fingers through it and told me I should start using rogaine. (Some help she was!) This isn't normal... but I have come to accept it.

As for who I am, (because I am not my hair or lack thereof... hehe). I am an avid fan of anything sci-fi, fantasy or anime related. I love reading, watching movies and playing PC games... when I am not working or in school, that is. I am pursuing a Bachelors in Mathematics. Yes, I am a geek, and I love it! :-P

So what about you?

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Hey, my name is Kristen. I'm not originally from FL. I grew up in northern Virgina, just outside of DC. I still have a lot of family that lives there. My mom moved to the Tampa area about 2 years ago. As for me, I go to college at the University of Central Florida, in Orlando. I just finished my second year a few weeks ago. I'm majoring in Civil Engineering and I hope to go into transportation. Don't worry Saphyra, I'd say I'm pretty much a geek too sometimes. :) I did gymnastics for 14 years, competed for 10 years and stopped 2 years ago when i graduated high school. I'm going to be teaching little kids gymnastics this summer in Orlando. I'm excited to get back into the sport! I love it soo much!

I've had AU for just about 5 years. It all feel out in about 3 weeks when I was 14. It wasn't during the school year (thankfully), but I was at a camp up in PA (that was not fun). When I did have hair, it was thin and a dirty blondish color, slowly turning brown, so there is no knowing what my hair color would actually be today.... I usually go around in a bandana now. I tried the wig thing for a few years. It's not for me.

When I finally shaved my head I was so free! No one bothers me or looks at me funny. I WILL TALK TO ANYONE SO ITS NO PROBLEM! The more people I talk to the better who knows someone they know might need to talk.

My name is Alex...I'm originally from Puerto Rico, have lived everywhere but have currently decided to make the St.Cloud/Orlando area home....for now anyways. I'm currently teaching first grade in inner city Orlando, but who knows what I'll be doing next year cause of current budget cuts. I've also become a Mary Kay Sales Consultant and have started selling that to see where it leads me since I love fashion and make up.
As for Alopecia...I've had various stages of it since I was 12. I developed AU the first time around, had regrowth, got AT the next time, more regrowth and have been AU for the last 4 years. When it all first happened I was extremely depressed, went to counseling, etc... Now it's been 12 1/2 years since I started losing my hair, am approaching 25 and am finally ok with all of this. I'm confident in who I am and where I'm going in life and that's all that matters. While I still get sad about it sometimes, it's not as often or as bad as it used to be. When you think about it, there are a lot of advantages to wearing a wig so that's how I see it. It also helps that there is a support group in this area that meets a few times a year. I love my wigs though...never leave home without them.
Hi I am Christine from Tampa. I am a Florida native, originally from the panhandle near Destin. My first experience with Alopecia was at 13. It was horrible. I had just moved in with my dad and attending a new school and wham! my hair fell out within three months. I was put on steroids and it did grow back within a year. Thank goodness it decided to stay for awhile. In my late twenties I got AA, then when my mom passed away when I was 35 I became AT. That was 13 years ago. I am now in the middle between AU and AT. Anyway, I am happy to be with you guys and hope we can all support each other and become good friends.
Christine...that's kinda when i started losing my hair. We had just moved to Ft.Walton Beach cause my dad got transferred to the base there and I started a new middle school and that's when my hair started falling out.
were you stationed at Eglin AFB? I was born right outside the base gates LOL
We were at Hurlburt Field which belongs to Eglin it's just in a different part of town lol
My name is Casey. I live in St. Cloud thats near Kissimmee/Orlando. I just had little girl June 27th named Delaney. I am about to start back up at Valencia Community College and I'm gunna pursue the Sonography Program. Im only taking one class this sememster because I have my hands full with being a first time mommy! ;o)
I found my first spot when i was 14 and was diagnosed with AA. I tried all sorts of meds: steriod shot, topicals, pills, etc... nothing worked. It was 3 years later, still doing treatment and still none working, that when my doc told me there was a treatment we could try that could have a possitive result but we would have to keep a close watch on my kidneys because it could have a bad effect on them. I then looked him in the eye and told him I was done, I couldnt take the treatments anymore and I definately wasnt going to try something that could possible make me sick when having Alopecia you are perfectly healthy! so after that I was done and just let Alopecia take its course. at 16 AA turned into AT and then back to AA.. I lost track I just shaved my head and been wearing wigs. 10 years of having alopecia Im still not as ok with it as I hoped I be, but i am trying. since having my little one I havent shaved my head (i wanted to see if maybe i could grow it back) there is alot of hair on my head and I think it could be possible! so rright now im just wearing scarves (as uncomfortable as it is for me) its getting better.. Im trying not to care what others think and just be ME!
I am Suzanne. I live in Pensacola. I have been bald for 20 years. I lost all body hair for about 5 years but now have eyelashes and a little patch or 2 of hair on my head- it is useless so when I get my hair system bonded, we just shave that part off. i really love the eyelashes though! my brows and eyeliner are tattoos.

my hair system is from virtual reality. it is a polymer skin colored cap that is bonded (glued) to my head monthly. i wash and blow dry, etc. the color is custom to me but also comes in standard colors you can choose from. mine is red with 2 shades of red plus blond streaks. all human hair. i dont mind people knowing i am bald and every one i work with knows. i teach school. i just dont want to be known as "the bald teacher." I have so many other attributes that i would prefer to be known by! so i am usually called the "elvis teacher!" that is better!
How do you like the system? Any cons to it?

Grew up in Ft. Lauderdale; still visit often

Hello, I am Tracy. I am located in LaBelle FL, which is east of Fort Myers. I have had AA for 17+ years now. I am glad to see their is a FL group! Maybe I will find someone with AA in my area...



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