  • 48, Female
  • FL
  • United States
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  • Emma
  • Mandy
  • jennifer
  • Yvonne~Yhoney
  • JeffreySF
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  • Orbit
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  • Kristen Ridenhour
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"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

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About Me:
I'm Saphy from South Florida. I was once a super confident person with gorgeous, long, thick curly hair. I had so much of it, that I would secretly wish I could shave some of it off. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. I just recently buzzed most of it off, but before that, I barely had enough for a decent ponytail. /cry

I have not been officially diagnosed with anything yet but I am fairly confident that I have androgenic alopecia. I first noticed hair loss during my freshman year of high school and have been steadily thinning out since. Strangely, I am the only woman in the family to suffer from this condition. This sucks! :-(

So why have I not been officially diagnosed, you ask? Trust me, I've tried. I've had almost every lab test available on the planet, always with the same result. "There is nothing wrong with you." The one dermatologist I visited just looked at my hair, ran her fingers through it and told me I should start using rogaine. (Some help she was!) This isn't normal... but I have come to accept it. Although I will seek a real diagnosis eventually.

As for who I am, (because I am not my hair or lack thereof... hehe). I am an avid fan of anything sci-fi, fantasy or anime related. I love reading, watching movies and playing PC games... when I am not working or in school, that is. I am pursuing a Bachelors in Mathematics. Yes, I am a geek, and I love it! :-P
Are you age 18 or older?

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At 2:43pm on August 15, 2008, Laurie said…
Hey Saphy,

I think I have androgenetic alopecia as well. And I was a geek in school, too! Everyone around me hated their math classes while I loved them. Do you wear wigs or just keep your hair short?
At 3:25pm on June 27, 2008, Dawn said…
Hi Saphy!!
At 7:17pm on May 25, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Very interesting story!
I love sci-fi too. Are you a Trekkie?
At 7:41pm on May 16, 2008, Mandy said…
Hey Saphyra! Thanks for writing! Well I'm more of a console gamer than a PC gamer. Love my Wii! I'm big into the adventure games like Legend of Zelda (see the pic of my tattoo?), Kingdom Hearts, Fable, etc. If you have never played Fable, I HIGHLY recommend it and I know it's on PC. Another good game I played on the PC is called The Longest Journey. It's amazing and they made a sequel for Xbox, which I love. I love games with good stories. Careful, I could go on for hours talking bout games. ;)
At 6:04pm on May 15, 2008, Susan said…
Thanks for accepting me as a friend!!
At 2:02pm on May 8, 2008, jennifer said…
So do you wear wigs now? I do sometimes, but only when I get dressed up. Otherwise, I throw on a hat. About FL, I miss the beach and the water. I grew up living on the intercoastal waterway so I really miss the beachy feel. But we like Houston. It has alot of opportunity for young people and is very affordable. Take Care and talk with you soon!
At 10:57pm on May 7, 2008, jennifer said…
hi Saphyra,
i am from ft.laud. too. i grew up there but live in houston, tx now. as a matter of fact, i was just there this past weekend. i recently have been diagnosed with au and hope one day my hair will grow back. so how long have you lived in ft.laud.?
At 1:00am on May 7, 2008, Yvonne~Yhoney said…
Hey Saphyra, Yes that RIO Hair was an "All Natural" disaster! :) A lot of women used it and some lost hair then and some grew back hair so you really don't hear much about it anymore because most of the women's hair grew back... :|
At 7:11pm on May 6, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Saphyra, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
At 7:17pm on May 5, 2008, Orbit said…
Love your profile pic! Strangely it looks a lot like me too! :-D


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