Found this neat and inexpensive site for wigs called Wow Wigs. Has anyone ordered from them? Also, the wig I am thinking of getting (my first) is a synthetic from European Naturals wig. Anyone have any experience with this brand?

Thanks for the help/comments! :-)

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Hi Saphyra! I just checked out Wow wigs and they seem to have a great selection. I myself like the Raquel Welch brand and have been wearing them for years. The one 'mane' thing that I would suggest is t only consider the ones with a Monofilament Top/Crown. Basically all that means is the whole top of the wig (or can be the whole wig) is hand tied a couple of hairs at a time. This creates a very natural looking wig. You can part them in any direction and they feel light and airy. It also seems to offer a balanced volume of hair (as some wigs are way to much hair for most people). Regardless of what brand you choose I would recommend only that Mono-top construction method on the top. Good luck! :)
Thanks for the suggestion. :-) I jumped the gun and ordered two starter wigs. Pics coming soon (can't wait to try out my new hair).
I also have been wearing wigs for a fairly long time now i prefer the Noriko and Rene of Paris collections because i get wigs every year through the health service i spend a few weeks between April and May trawling the web to see any new styles i would suggest getting a monofilament wig- they are slightly more expensive than the other acrylic wigs but because they are hand tied and the base is mesh like it looks like your scalp underneath - you can then change the partings on the wig they are also alot more comfy to wear as there is no lace at the top to itch your scalp so much



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