There may be a thread already started on this, but I thought I'd ask anyway. We've had Mikayla's FW for just two months now, and of course the hair is still wonderful, but I want to make sure we make this last as long as we can make it last! :o) Currently we are using the Caviar line from Alterna, plus we use an Argan Oil serum. Also, recently I ordered the WEN conditioning shampoo and WEN re-moist moisture mask, but I haven't tried those yet. I know the key to keeping this hair in the best condition for the longest period of time is "moisture" so that's what I'm going for. Plus, I know that the more moisturized the hair stays, the longer it will take for breakage to start, plus all of these products protect from the sun!!

Any suggestions from any long-term wearers?

Oh yeah...we also only wash the hair with filtered chlorine!!! :o)

Thanks for any replies.

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Well, it seems to me you are doing a fab job with your shampoos and conditioners. I say to all those I help in NZ, to use shampoos and conditioners that suit your hairpiece. Just like certain products work best on growing hair, the same can be said for a Freedom hairpiece. Some do work better than others.

I personally use Schwarzkopf (sorry if I've spelt that wrong). On Libby's blonde hair I use the purple (silver) shampoo and the moisture repair conditioner (it works great). One of Libby's blonde hairpieces is 2 1/2 years old and with this one I also occassionally use a gloss/colour/ mousse (it is also a schwarzkopf product) - Igora in pairie flower. It helps take those brassy tones from the hair.

Matt - are you going to the Naaf conference??? If you are come along and see us at the Freedom stand, all the IA's will be there, plus me and Martine from Australia. :)

Maybe see you there.

I was wondering if you tried the Wen products on the freedom wig? I am considering purchasing it for mine.
Yes. I actually started out with Alterna Caviar products, but I really didn't see anything special about them. I have a really great friend that wears hair...her's is a partial unit, but she uses a lace base with processed hair. She started using the WEN Sweet Almond Mint, both the conditioning cleanser, and then once a month or so, she uses the "Remoist Treatment." Her processed units usually last 3 to 4 months and then they're shot, but using those products she used the same unit for over 5 months, and finally had to give it up because the base wore out...the hair was still beautiful!

We've been using this same stuff on Mikayla's hair. She got it in March, so it's almost 7 months old. Using the WEN stuff, the hair still looks like the day she got it. I've checked the fading at all at this point. It is soft, shiny, and looks "alive." When we first got the FW, I was worried because it tangles pretty bad in the nape area, but WEN has even helped that!

Once a week, we wash with the Cleansing Conditioner, then once a month, we use the Remoist Treatment. We always wash the hair with filtered water (filtered shower head), and let it air dry. The only other product we use is a Moroccan Argan Oil Serum from Nearly Natural and we put that on a couple times a week. I watch her hair VERY closely, because I've always been involved, and to this point, we havn't lost a single hair for breakage, or pulling out. The whole thing still looks brand new. Even some of the "dead ends" from her cut-in are healed. Good stuff...I highly recommend! :o)

Oh yeah...when you try it, make sure to rinse it REALLY well, and it will probably take a lest two to three times washing it before you start seeing a huge difference. Definitely worth the wait!


Oh yeah...I got our products off Amazon...a little cheaper than the WEN site, and you don't have to sign up for a "re-order" program. :o)
Thanks for the info Matt! My vacuum is 3 years old. Just recently I am noticing some color changes and a bit of hair falling out. Not bad for three years though! I will try the Wen from Amazon and the Moroccan oil too!
Hi Gina

Sorry I personally have not heard of these products. Hopefully someone will come along to help or you could try ringing your IA.

Take care




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