Scott's Groups (6)

  • Natural Treatment For Alopecia

    Latest Activity: Nov 5, 2018 Join a group that disregards the severity of hair loss and the allopathic (medical) prognosis of alopecia. The focus is a willingness to share…

  • Alopecia Treatments

    Latest Activity: Dec 31, 2017 People who have tried or are doing Immunotherepy Treatment. All types of treatments are fine too.

  • Sending a Message

    Latest Activity: Nov 15, 2013 people who want to send a message that judging other people on their appearance is wrong.

  • Non-alopecians in Alopecia World

    Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2017 If you're a member of Alopecia World and you do NOT have alopecia, you should join this group. Share your unique concerns as a non-alopecian who's…

  • Men Who Don't Mind

    Latest Activity: Aug 19, 2022

    Real men of substance who know how to truly love and adore bald or alopecic women without reducing them to fetishes. Women, this group is also…

  • Smooth and Single

    Latest Activity: Jun 26

    a site for the single people here to talk and bond


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