
47, Female

Mesa. AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I have Alopecia Totalis. I lost all my hair when I was five, and have never had regrowth.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Sgomez, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

    co- founder
  • Kelly

    Hi, glad you started this group. Hope others will join!
  • Kelly

    Hi, I don't know about any alopecia support groups in Phoenix. I have tried a handful of times over the last 7 years since moving here to find one with no luck. I know that Bald Girls Do Lunch was here last year - hopefully they will set up another lunch here in the near future. We can keep each other posted!
  • Orbit

    Hi Sgomez!
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Hey there Sgomez,
    I would love to help you get a support group together here in AZ, I attended the Bald Girls Do Lunch last October here and there is a need for a support group here, we don't have any active group in the Phoenix area...So let's get it started!
  • Kelly

    Hi Sarah, I see that Yvonne has offered to help, I might be able to help as well depending on the time commitment - being a grad student, I must give massive amounts of time to my schoolwork. My thought would be to contact NAAF first and see if they have a protocol or suggestions. We could go from there.
  • Kelly

    Wow! You already have some great ideas. Fridays and Saturdays are actually good for me - we don't have classes on Fridays and of course, Sat. I study but can always take a break from that for a support group meeting.
    I would be happy to share!! :o) Please keep me posted.
  • Kelly

    Oh, I forgot to tell you...I live in Mesa also. :o)
  • Orbit

    Sarah, thanks for you kind compliments! You have a beautiful family, its me thats envious of you! On the leather note, I would absolutely love to learn more about being a cobbler and shoe making, how nice it was for you to grow up with that craft in your house. I am carrying on family tradition and trying to keep this dying industry alive up here in Canada :-D So nice to put a face to the id. name! Keep up the hard work with school ~ my new friend :-D
  • kastababy

    Sarah, thanks for the kind words!! Your family is beautiful!! Funny enough, I see the resemblance!!! Soy Latina también, maybe that is it? I look forward to getting to know you better!!!
  • Dotty

    Hello there,
    I am a long time member on HerAlopecia and noticed that you made a page here to so I wanted to say Hi and welcome you. I haven't posted on HerAlopecia in a while and I am having trouble logging in, but admin is looking into it. Nice to see you and I hope your support group is a big success. Love, Dotty
  • Lee

    Hello my friend!!! I like this site...more people with Alopecia, less with the other conditions...I guess we have more in common here. Your eyebrows look awesome by the way!
  • Lee

    and you are beautiful!
  • kastababy

    oh wow -- I saw the pics just now, and the resemblance is freaky!!! It's a great look for you though, if I do say so myself -- I say let's show everyone how we make bald look GOOD!!! :)
  • Orbit

    BEAUTIFUL SKULL! :-D You can certainly carry off the bald look!!! I think I will take up on that challenge, I'll keep you posted when I've done the same!
  • Dotty

    Hello Sarah,
    I Love, Love the new pics. I think they wrote the phrase "Bald is beautiful" for you!! I'm glad I inspired you, but you really don't need to ever hide that gorgeous dome of yours!! Chat soon, Love and Hugs, Dotty
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    You Go Girl! Rock that Look!... You have perfect eyebrows!... I can never get mine just right... :)
    Be free, it feels good! :)
  • Kelly

    Hi Sarah, sorry about the delay in replying. I am just slammed with school work - nothing new, it's just worse some days/weeks than others. Congrats on your decisionto go back in June. I was VERY nervous when I started last august - I graduated 10 years ago with my bachelors!! But it's one of the best decisions I have ever made. And as stressful as it is, I feel so at peace with my decision and LOVE my class content. So, go for it!!
    Yes, I will come on the 3rd at 10:00. Any thought on things I should bring or prepare?
  • Diane

    Hi Sarah,
    Nice meeting you! I see on your page that you've put a picture with snow....If you like snow, have you ever taught about moving to Montréal? We had 4 meter of snow this winter.... I still have a lot in my backyard ;-)
    Becoming AU has been extremely hard. Now, after 6 years, I want to explore where this condition can take me..... I'm often making a parallel between the pain of infertility and the joy of adoption: for me, it is linked and I hope that alopecia will bring me as joy as the infertility did.
    My husband and kids are also used to see me bald.... Since I've quit my work 2 years ago, I rarely wear my wig, most of the time, I'm wearing bandanas, scarfs or hats.
    Tell me, what is a vaccuum wig?
  • Lee

    Hi Sarah...sorry you have a cold...that stinks. I am doing ok..a little busy, but good! How are things with you?
  • Dotty

    Hi Sarah,
    Of course you can steal the prayer. I copied it from a website I found. I love it!!! I just love posting words of encouragement and making people smile. I am truly blessed just by having many friends like you.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Diane

    Hi Sarah,
    tanks for the info about the vaccum wig. never heard of it before. Is this make with synthetic or human hairs?
    My first language is French. English is a second language for me.... so I'll ask for your indulgence: sometimes, it's hard for me to find the appropriate word/sentence to translate my thinking.
    By the way, in adoption, the adoptive parents are the luckiest, not the children! I feel so blessed to be the mummy of these incredible, beautiful, smart and cute little girls ;-)
  • kastababy

    Hey Sarah,

    Those are actually my nieces and nephew. Michaela is 4, Alexa is 9 months old, and Michael is 8 months old. I've been doing good, just busy as ever!!! Thanks for the compliment!!!
  • Erica

    Hi Sarah,
    It's great being able to put faces to the names. You wear the bald look and your wigs so well and your family look adorable.
    Apart from Orbit and Lee, are there more of us here too?
  • Lee

    pretty good....I'm not sure if I like him...or where it's going though..see, we met when I was drunk..and when we went out, I was usually drinking, last couple of times we hung out, I was sober...and he's really not very attractive ; ( LOL I'm not sure how to tell him that in a nice way.
  • Orbit

    Hi Sarah! Yes that's my guy, we celebrated 16 years together this January and went to British Columbia to snowboarding to celebrate. We've been engaged for 5 years now, we're working on the 20 year plan, we figure that by then we should "know for sure" and will get married then, - there's no need to rush things!!!

    I am going to take some bald photos, we're moved our photography studio, but plan to take some shots when we're back up and organized, you'll be the first to know ;-D
  • Late K8

    Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for adding me as a friend and the welcome. I am looking forward to meeting with you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with getting a group started. I still don't have a job in the area so I have time available :-)
  • Kelly

    Can you tell me if my pics look right now? THanks!
  • Erica

    Hi Sarah, I love Pelona - much better than wee baldy nut!
    It's my real hair in my picture but that was taken over a year ago. But to be honest, looking straight at me, you wouldn't notice much difference. But back then, I only really had bald spots up the left side of my head. Now, it's all across the back of my head, up the right side too (I don't have any 'sideburns' anymore) and just this last month I have a spot about a penny big right on the top of my head. It's getting bigger just now so that's why I'm getting my wig. At the moment, I can only see it getting worse before it might grow back in again, if it ever does.
    I'm coping pretty well just now. I got a little nervous going in for my wig consultation but it ended up being fun. I'm now nervous about wearing wigs for the first time but it's not dominating my thoughts. I've moved back in with my parents for a little while and it's just nice being looked after. Takes a weight off my mind, knowing that I'm going home to people who just make fun of my hair, rather than ever being shocked by it. I'm not sure how I'm going to be if I have to shave what I have left off - I think there will be a lot tears but if it has to happen, then it has to happen...
    I'm off on holiday at the end of this week, so I'll be in touch when I'm back to let you know how my new hair is!