
43, Female

Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:

I love all things outdoors but rock climbing has a special place in my heart. Love it! I grew up playing soccer, basketball, track, etc. and am definitely just one of the guys. I live in Austin (motto: the live music capital of the world) so I'm really into going out to see shows (and grabbing a cold one while I'm at it). On the flip side, I love kiddos and am around them as much as possible. I have my degree in elementary education and, although I'm not currently teaching, I still keep in contact with many of my former students.


I was in middle school trying to fit in with everyone else when noticed I had nickel sized spots on the back of my head where I couldn't grow hair. Not the best conversation starter when you are striving so much to blend in with the crowd!

After many misdiagnoses (ringworm, fungi, etc.) I was finally diagnosed with AA. All of my hair didn't fall out at once but has progressed slowly throughout the last 15 years giving me time to cope. I was very vain about my thick, waist length hair when I was younger and received many compliments growing up. I was even nominated for Best Hair in our senior class in high school. I credit my alopecia with helping me understand to put more weight in the character of a person and less on their appearance.

Now I have less than 50% of my hair and am rockin it! :-) The pattern that my hair has fallen out looks like I shave my head intentionally. It's mostly fallen out underneath and the sides. The front is starting to go now though too.

I live in a great, open-minded city where I get lots of compliments on my "hairstyle". Depending on the day, I take the opportunity to tell people about alopecia. Although there are some days when I just take the compliment and leave it at that. I feel that if you're confident - anything you wear/have will look good!

I'm excited to meet other like-minded alopecians as I have not met many with a positive outlook on alopecia. Also, I am getting close to shaving my head and am interested in how others rock their looks! Within the last six months I've started playing around with wigs and am going to start trying out scarves soon. Once I do shave my head I don't want to be a slave to my wig(s) and plan on having bald days as well as wig days. Baldies unite! :-)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • JeffreySF

    Welcome to the Jungle

  • Karen

    Hi Kristen,

    It is always good to see a another asian with Alopecia. For many months,I just kept thinking that my daughter is the only asian to have alopecia.

    Welcome to the site and I look forward to getting to know how you are so confident even after having alopecia for so long.
  • Karen

    Hi Kristen,
    you are an example of excactly how I want my daughter to be. I really do not want this to hold her back in anyway because I think if people see you are confident, they will see that alopecia is just another condition and not something serious.
    I have to admitt, I have been really harsh on her even though she is only 4. I really want to push her into handling any situation so I don't make excuses for her because she has alopecia. Have you had any treatments as yet?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kristen,

    Thanks for the kudos. it's a pretty tame jungle at this stage.
    Glad you are here.

  • bee.

    hey there! and thankyou, yeah i ve had it since i was about 11, im 16 in sept. :)
  • Orbit

    Hi Kristen, I like to rock climb too! I must admit though my hands are still a bit "soft" and I find it challenging in a good way! My brother in law has a company that makes rock climbing holds for indoor/outdoor rock wall installations :-D Small world!
    Love your photos! You seem to have a nice "way" about you! Its great to "meet" you !!
  • Carmella

    Thanks for the sweet comment. You have a lovely slideshow yourself. I'm still working on it ... Nursing Student = Life Slacker
  • Ashley

    Aw, thanks so much! You should definitely rock the mohawk, it makes me feel like a B.A. haha. You're so cute, you could definitely pull it off. My inspiration for rocking the hawk was Naima Mora from America's Next Top Model (I'm obsessed with that show) haha.
  • Orbit

    My bro in-law Dan's company is Xcilver and they've been making holds for about 5+years
    Do you prefer to climb inside or out? Do you like to climb to high heights or prefer to boulder? I'm not quite strong enough on the upper body to fuller appreciate bouldering, but I like the challenge!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    HI Kristen, Thanks for the compliment (blush, blush). I like your enthusiasm and I look forward to you spreading it all over this site ;). Welcome to Alopecia World!
  • Sweet Mary HiLL

    get it girL :]
    i Love your different wigs. too fun. i'm gLad you embrace it and own it. that's whats up. it makes aLL the difference int he worLd. are you coming to the conference this summer? hope to meet you soon. i Love your pics!
  • Diane

    Hi Kristen,
    I like the positive attitude you have over alopecia! Great pictures too.
  • Ashley

    Another ANTM fanatic! yay! haha, yeah, i thought claire would go farther, she seemed good.
  • Manola

    tannks!!!!because you are a treasure! a strong embrace
  • Diane

    Hi Kristen,
    The comment about your cousin's son remind me of the one my father said the very first time he saw a picture of my 1st daugther: Diane, she looks like you! Needless to say, he's a proud grandfather ;-)
    PS: this is totally unrelated to alopecia but are you of Chinese origine? if yes, did you take Chinese classes while you were young?
  • Tiffany

    I hear ya on that. Two years ago before it was really bad I went tubeing in San Marcos & wore a bandana but you could still tell I had some hair missing. People floating down the river actually had the nerve to ask me if I thought I should be drinking if I have cancer!!! I think that is what did it for me. How insensitive! I was just starting to deal with the loss too. I hope you're right. THIS year I will go to the lake and say F*** IT! My friends love me for me. Do me a favor, do one extra cliff jump this year for me! XOXO!
  • Roxana

    Hey there! Thanks for introducing me to this site! We need to get together soon! We keep missing each other :) Hope you are doing well!
  • Katie

    Hey Kristen! Thanks :) What beautiful pics! You look postively gorgeous and happy too. Cheers to us! ...Katie
  • bee.

    Haha, yeah. I'm Brooke you go to the conferences?
  • bee.

    haha, i totally messed up that last comment.
    I'm from NC***
  • Heather Curtis

    hey thanks for the comment I posted my pink tofu recipe on my profile. Hope you have a great day!
  • Diane

    Hi Kristen,
    Thanks for responding to my question. I have taken Chinese lessons with my children when were from 2 to 4 yo. It was kind of a pre-school, with the parents attending the class. We learned a few words/sentences in Chinese and children songs. It was fun! However, my eldest daugther (now 6 yo) does not want to go anymore.
    I'm thinking about insisting more on them but on the other hand, I do not want to creat a backlash with the result of them hating everything related to Chinese culture... it is hard to find a balance....
    Again, thanks for your input.... and if you don't mind, I gonna show your page to them: I think you are a good exemple for them!
  • Julia

    Hello Kristen...

    Would love it if you were apart of my Book Project. Please Read about it under my forumn on my page. If you are interested, email me at

    Take Care
  • Dominique

    Thanks Kristen :)

    I was luck to have a friend interested in Photography also :c)
  • Heather Curtis

    Oh and sf is such amazing goodness!
  • Mandy

    Hi Kristen! Thanks for the comment. I love your positive outlook. Keep smiling and keep in touch.
  • Tina

    Hey Kristen! Thanks for the welcome! =) I'm also looking to teach elementary school..probably 3rd grade. I TOTALLY know what you mean about getting them when their young (and innocent) haha! That lesson on Alopecia sounds soooo cool! I never even thought about introducing it to the kids. What a great idea! Well, thanks again, and take care!
  • Daria

    Hey Kristen. Love your outlook on the whole alopecia deal. I shaved my head almost a year ago, and don't regret it. I've had aa for about 11 years -- just patches -- and have been pretty much hairless for about a year. The crazy thing is I HATED having aa -- but right now, I'm so at peace with the whole au thing. It's weird, but its actually easier not having anything at all. I just kind of enjoy not shaving and all that crap!! I have a couple of really good wigs, but 9 times out of 10 I just wear a bandanna when I'm out and I'm just bald around the neighborhood and with my friends. The wildest thing is, you would not believe how many girls tell me that they're actually jealous in a way -- smooth skin without waxing, getting ready in the morning in less than 1/2 hour -- they say it would be great if NOBODY had hair!!!!! Take care, Daria
  • Rachel H.

    hank you! No, I didn't make the cake myself, I lack the baking ability to do that!! Thank goodness for the talented pastry chefs at our local grocery store!

    I'm guessing I'll get my hair back when I'm preggers with the next baby (in a couple years)... and then I'll probably lose it again! What do ya do?

    I'm not looking forward to trying to wear wigs in the summer... this will be a first for me. I have a feeling I'll be sweating under my wig a bit! I wish I had the confidence to sport the mohawk I have going on. Someday!
  • 3mee

    Thank you Kristen for your comment. I shaved my hair too half year ago because i am sick of seeing clumps of hair on my pillow every morning i wake up. I tried going out bald and people started to stare at me; wondering what's wrong with this lady? Then i bought a wig but it still didn't solve the problem. Fortunately, 50% of my hair grow back and i threw that stupid wig away. LOL. Now it starts falling again. I'll shave it again if the condition gets worse. Cheers Baldies :D
  • Katie

    Sorry for the late response- I am moving to San Antonio at the end of this month. I am very excited! I have heard really wonderful things about Austin. I will be flying into there :-P Texas is so incredible.
    You have your degree in elementary education? Have you been teaching at all? I still need Texas to look over my NYS certification and then become Texas certified and fingerprinted. I really want to get a job for the upcoming school year.