
47, Female

Mesa. AZ

United States

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About Me:
I have Alopecia Totalis. I lost all my hair when I was five, and have never had regrowth.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • gerald

    How's it going you lovely bald lady!

    Yes, I am married to Carol who writes on HERALOPECIA. She goes by the name Carol red skirt there. They seemed to have a problem of some sort with her board name, they thought she was someone else. But I guess they got it sorted out, and she is back on HERALOPECIA.
    I have noticed there is a Carol who writes here on ALOPECIAWORLD, but that is not my wife Carol.
    I don't write there on HERALOPECIA because I am a man, and it is for women.
    Here though on ALOPECIAWORLD, both men and women write.

    I do read on HERALOPECIA though on occasion. I enjoy reading what the beautiful bald women there write.

    I actually prefer bald women. Why that is, I am not sure. They just seem more beautiful to me. To me there is no woman more beautiful than a pretty bald lady.
    I have always liked women who wear their hair very short, or are bald. They have to be feminine of course, and nice women, and have a brain in their pretty bald head. But my wife Carol is all that.

    Carol hasn't registered on ALOPECIAWORLD. She is a busy lady, working, with a husband and three children, and as far as I know, she only writes on a few boards.

    I have read some of your posts on HERALOPECIA. You seem like a very nice lady. Your husband is fortunate to have such a lovely bald wife like yourself.
    Alot of men would like to be with a pretty bald lady, so men like myself and your husband are indeed lucky guys. And you ladies don't even need to shave your heads! You are naturally beautiful and bald! It doesn't get too much better than that.
  • Antoinette Fernandez

    Hi Sara! Nice to meet you too! I'm from Mexico city, i'm really happy to meet you! Espero algun dia pueda conocerte en persona!! Un abrazo y gracias por tus comentarios!!!!Por cierto, escribes en espanol muy bien!!
  • Antoinette Fernandez

    Hola Sara!! Thanks for your comment! You have a beautiful family, your kids are adorables!! I know you don't like to travel far away, but if you come to New York, please let me know!!
  • Kelly

    Sarah, I tried to modify my profile pics. Can you tell me if they look normal now? Thanks!!
  • Harmony Restored

    No, I don't have alopecia; butmy Grandmother did. You live in Arizona. It is beautiful there.
  • Harmony Restored

    Yes. I do style wigs (cranial prosthesis). I also sell them. They look so natural too. Im excited about this new business. My Aunt had breast cancer. There was nothing I could do for her that had a natural appearance. So I invested in my training for hair restoration. By the time I became knowledgable in it shhe regained her hair. Fortunately, I can help others.
    I visited Az. Last year with a freind. I had no idea how nice it was. I hope to go back. My children and I just returned from Orlando. BOO!!! It was so cold. Hated it!!! Chicago isnt always windy. Itwas actually nice today. Do you know anyone that stays here? Of course eveyone does. Lol
  • Kelly

    Hi Sarah, thank you for letting me know. I just reduced the number of pixels in each pic. Soooooo glad it worked. I want to put up "hairless" pics like you did, I just haven't had time - school makes it so hard to keep my head above water.
  • Carmella

    Glamourous! I LOVE IT!! I kind of think of myself of one of the guys but now I'll think of myself as on of the glamourous guys!!
    Much Love,
    Lil CAR
  • Carmella

    PS I'm in Nursing school right now too...
  • Harmony Restored

    That's funny. You will like the vacume better. The one that I have are nice. I like the hair long too. Did your insurance pay for it? They don't like to but they should. One of my client is getting one and we are having a hard time with her insurance. Do you use adhesive or tape with your lacefront?
  • Carmella

    I'm heading out to clinicals this morning - YAY! I'm in a three year program with summers off and my first year is almost done. Like anything there is the good and the bad. I actually have a youtube channel and a blog about my experiences in nursing school. If you want to check them out let me know and I'll get you the links.
    Have a beautiful day,
  • Kelly

    Hi Sarah, I'm sorry for scaring you about school. You will be fine. I was so nervous about entering the unknown before I started. It is in some ways fascinating and very fun. I feel like I would be misleading though if I said it is easy. It is stressful, but if you love you, you can do it. And you will meet some really good people who you can work with to help you through it. My classmates help me keep my spirits up.
  • Gina

    Thanks for the comment. Hope you are doing well.
  • Kelly

    I have been in touch with Laura Ralph at NAAF. I assume she has told you the same things she told me, but wanted to make sure anyway. She says our first meeting will be informational. Once we decide where and when we want to start meeting, she will do a mailer from the NAAF database for us. Did she let you know all that too?
  • Kelly

    I just happened to be talking to Laura because I had emailed NAAF to ask if they were able to put up a link to AW and as I suspected, they said they don't do it. It was Laura that had emailed me. She also then mentioned the meeting in my area and so that was how we got to talking about it. I figured you had talked in some detail to them...pretty cool huh...all the contacts we've made. So hard to believe it's actually happening...finally!!
  • Carmella

    Cool beans. You can check me out at and/or
    Questions always welcome.
    Much love
    Lil CAR
  • kastababy

    Hey there!!!

    I see your wigless pictures -- we look just alike with our glasses on!!! OMG!!!

    Things are good here -- I've been depressed for some unknown reason, but it's all good. I've just been busy with work and trying to get the money to get my car out of the shop. I think I'm depressed because my ex's birthday is coming up and I always did something for him on his birthday. How are you doing??
  • Ev

    Hey thanks for your message. I noticed you were all meeting up. Thanks so much for the invite. I am heading up to Prescott for the weekend though. Maybe the next time.
  • Bob Hershberger

    Sarah..I noticed you mentioned my quote to YoKasta..How sweet of you to notice.And your right..Listening to God,sometimes seems like it cant be,but its always true..Thats one of the best things for me that came out of AA..I learned to listen to my spirit,which is what gave me the strength to carry on..True story..But I had to say hello,and I hope I can ad you as a friend..Keep the faith..Share the happiness..Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    Sarah..After everything Ive been through,I can only pray that I may be able to soften the harsh cruel reality of AA for even 1 person..I was tortaured for many years by many people..1 day at school,I used to wear a beenie hat to cover my head at school,and I walked in to a class,and there was 6 girls,all with the same hat I had on,making me look stupid..Good thing that looks cant kill..That of course was just one thing on a long journey..So,if I truly could help ease even a little someomes pain,I would feel great..God Bless..Bob
  • Kelly

    I see you posted the meeting pics from today. Cute! What did the hubby say when you got home?
  • kastababy

    Hey girl!

    I saw where you left a comment on Diane's page about not being able to write in Spanish very well -- I'm fluent in Spanish and English and actually write in Spanish and English equally well! I think it comes from the fact that I like to read books in Spanish -- Laura Esquivel is my favorite Mexican writer!

    So how have you been this week?
  • Late K8

    The picture looks fine on my page. Thanks so much. It was wonderful to meet you and the other ladies!
  • Kelly

    Hey, sandwiches beat nothing! :o) How funny that you guessed it so right. I'm glad he was happy for you. I was so excited for you too. i remember the first time 10 years ago when Brandy put a beautiful wig on me, looked so real and was so stylish. I cried too. I finally, after 21 years felt normal.
  • kastababy

    Yeah, my alter ego is Brainiac! LOL :)

    My dad put me in Spanish classes when I was 8 years old and I majored in Spanish in college. Also, I do bilingual technical support for Comcast Business Class Services, so I use my Spanish quite often. Over the years though, because I don't speak Spanish at home (hard to do when you live alone) my speaking skill isn't as good as it used to be. I actually love reading and writing in Spanish, and can actually make myself understood a lot better in Spanish sometimes than I can in English.

    So did you and your family celebrate Cinco de Mayo today? I had a celebratory margarita and tequila shot -- saving all mine for Mexican Independence Day in September!!!
  • Erica

    Hi Sarah,
    I had a great holiday, thanks very much. Way more chilled about everything just now. Don't have my wigs yet (I only got back on Sunday and it was a holiday weekend here) but hopefully I should get them soon.
    Definitely try get away, even just for a night - does you the world of good!
  • Kelly

    Hey Sarah, I was thrilled to see that you offered to make phone calls for me. Yes, I need your help. I am just totally overwhelmed right now. Number to Scottsdale Osborn is: 480-882-4000 this is the main line, then ask for the administrative offices. The church is Scottsdale Bible. It is on Shea - might be too far??? Whatever you think is fine though. Number is: 480.824.7200 Thank
    you so much for your help.

    Well, sounds like we won't have that months notice for NAAF, but we can still meet in June. I'd like to if everyone else agrees.

    So glad you like your wig - I always have to get used to mine too. Brandy will gladly thin it for you. I'm so glad you guys got to meet her. She's precious to me.
  • Kelly

    You don't know how much I appreciate your willingness to make those calls for me. Thank you!! Glad to hear we will have a couple more!!
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Hey girl! :) how did the hubby like your new hair do? :)
    Yes, I am checking out a few salons/spas to get group pricing and such...I want to also find a place for Glam Photos, have you heard of any?
  • Ev

    Hey the weather was cool. We camped Friday night and Saturday night and it was v.v cold!! so we boiled some water and huddled around in our tent. It was good fun. During the day it was up in the 70's. I am looking forward to the next meeting. Kelly said it was the 14th of June!!
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    I have found the Glamour Shot Studios here and have contacted them with my idea of a beauty day for our group as well as a salon called Dolce, I will see who will work out good deals for us as a group. :) My hubby is happy for me and the group, he wanted me try and start a support group after the BGDL luncheon...but I think now is a better time for all of us to get it going strong!
  • Trina

    Thank u sarah,
    I know sometimes I find myself fighting so hard for her. U should take him to the dermatologist just 2 check on it. Thanks for the prayers. Everyone counts. I pray it is a mild case that never comes back, but understand that it could. Take care

  • Jess

    I got an e-mail back from Freedom hair this morning. The east cost rep is a company called fuller-hair ( and the price ranges were from$2695-$3695. The woman said she was actually going to be in NY this week so I might take the trip in to meet with her if I have some free time! Thanks again for telling me about this!!
  • Kelly

    Hey, I see the support group location is good to go. Thank you!!
  • Kelly

    ok, I just updated info on all the places we have info about the support group. You can go to my page and then on the left is all 3 locations. Hope that makes sense.
  • Kelly

    You are so funny! Go and read my comments on his page. You'll see all my comebacks to his excuses for not joining our meetings...he didn't want to being the only guy, but I pestered him TO DEATH! I can't believe he actually did it though - I didn't expect it. I'm really glad though - as much as I enjoy the Divas, I like having men and their gender differences around. Good variety (and I don't say that just because I'm single) :o)
  • Jess

    I had my consultation today with Debbie Fuller and I ordered my vacuum wig!!! Im so excited!
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Hey Lady...I see you're online... We have 10 members in our group! WooHoo... :) Thanks for getting it started Sarah, and it's going to keep growing! :)
  • Kelly

    Did you see my bald pics yet? Check um out of not!
  • Kelly

    Thank you, the compliments mean so much to me. I've come a long way, but I'll probably always need to hear I'm beautiful without my wig too. :o)
  • Jessica Picardi

    I added a page for my kids. Thank you for telling me about the site, it's great!
  • Children's Alopecia Project

    We just started up CAP Kid Meetings in NY, MIand MO. We are fine tuning everything but would love to have one in AZ. Go to the website and register and we will take it from there!
  • Nancy

    It's amazing how our group is growing. I am looking forward to our next meeting in Tempe. Do you think we will be planning an awareness event or fundraiser sometime this year? I suppose this is something NAAF would assist us with. What do you think?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    That is too funny about the jello comment! I wish I had that before, while I was writing my book. It's a new book, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" and advance copies are available right now. It's for women, and it is filled with lots of good info and interesting stories --I would have loved to include yours! Anyway, if you're interested, go to my page and you can click on the web site to find out more about the book or order. Or cut and paste:
    I hate jello too! LeslieAnn
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Again!
    Unfortunately, I can't use your jello story, since the book is already printed!
    If you want to get a copy of the book, you will read a bunch of interesting stories from other "alopecian" women. Click the web site on my page and it will take you to my author page, and you can order, too!
  • Mandy

    Hi Sarah. I'm doing alright! Just had my 2nd doctor appointment today. Honestly, I am not holding out much hope for these treatments. I'm sad about, it's just how I feel. I think this will be the last appointment for me. I am ready to accept whatever happens. I am not my hair. ;o)
  • Mandy

    Oops...meant to say I'm not sad about it...left out a couple words there...I'm sleepy! ;o)
  • Ev

    Hey ya I am lucky so far that I can cover them up but someimes they are visible.. Things are good otherwise looking forward to the meeting. Hope all is well your end... see you soon
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Hey Lady...I've been busy getting ready for a trip home to see my Mother for a week as long as things go alright I will be back for the meeting, but my Mother has been having problems with her speech and is in her 80's now. So I have been dealing with all of the family stuff lately. Will talk to you when I get back in town. :)
  • Ev

    Hey I forgot to say that the patches have progressed fairly slowly every so often they get a bit energetic...but then is seems to stop or slow alot. That Pheonix hair place just rang me yesterday! They told me that for a full wig I was looking at $3500 and if I just wanted pieces to cover my patches it could be anywhere between $900 and $2500...I think I would prefere to go on holidays!!