Sarah Sproul

37, Female

Knoxville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hello! My name is Sarah and I have had alopecia areata since I was 3 years old. I was able to conceal my alopecia all the way up until my first semester of college. I drastically started to lose my hair and decided to shave my head and get a wig. I lost my eyebrows about 2 years later after that. Alopecia has taught me to be more compassionate and understanding of people. It has formed me into who I am today. It has taken me a long time to realize this, but I believe that a person’s inner beauty brings out their outer beauty. It has definitely been a struggle for me and it always will be, but I believe alopecia has only made me stronger.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • kastababy

    Hi Sarah, and welcome to our new home on the Web!!! I am so glad to see you!
  • Alex

    heyy whats up?
  • Alex

    im doing pretty good. im from new york city, where are u from?
  • Ashley

    Hi Sarah! Hmmm...I really don't think that it ever gets hot, but it does get sweaty when I'm being very active...working out, dancing, etc. I usually don't notice it too much until I stop the activity. Even then, it doesn't really bother me too much. Every once in a while if it does bother me, I'll go into a bathroom stall and wipe my head...but that's rare. For the most part it is very comfortable, and I never really feel like I have anything on my head unless I stop & think about it.
  • Alex

    i love ny lol i cant imagine living anywhere else

    i was in tennassee this past summer, i have family that lives near dollywood. are u close to there?
  • Alex

    oo cool! are u going to louisville for the convention?
  • Sarah

    Hi Sarah

    Thank you for adding me as your friend.

  • Orbit

    Hi Sarah, I like you tried everything under the sun and just like you I am happier with out treatments. I guess "it was meant to be". You have a great out look and a pretty smile, stay positive!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Good for are beautiful!
  • Shannon

    hEY!!! I noticed you do not live to far from Nashville and I just wanted to stop by and tell you I am hosting a Links for Locks tournament here in the Nashville Area Friday Sept 19th and would love if you could make it!!! There are some people coming up from GA and down from KY !!! Would be awesome if you could come. It starts at 1:30 in the afternoon. Let me know if you would like some info. I am in need of golfers and maybe a few more sponsors ... if you have any connections or know of anyone who would like to play please let me know :) thanks

    Shannon O'Neill