
45, Female

Nashville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I'm a walking contradiction -- I'm peacefully violent, a popular nerd, wickedly innocent, and loudly quiet...in other words, I know how to make myself stand out in a crowd. I have an opinion about everything, and have an endless thirst for knowledge. One of these days I'm going to take over the world, but I have yet to come up with what I want to do when I get that small task completed. (That, and I haven't found a good sidekick yet to drive the getaway car!) I have decided that this year is the year that I start writing more in the hopes that I finally get a story published!!! Now that Barack Obama has been elected President, I'm content to stay in the good old USA for a little while longer, although I still have my escape plan to Canada in a secure location in case things change. I'm political, controversial, well-read, stubborn, opinionated, and determined to make an impact on the world, and maybe leave it a little bit better than it was when I entered it. I'm always updating and changing things, so keep checking out my page often!

About my alopecia: I was bald as a baby, and my hair didn't really grow in until I was about 2 years old, so it's impossible to say if I had alopecia then or not. However, after my hair did grow in, my mother noticed two bald spots when I was 4 years old. One was the size of a dime, the other was the size of a quarter. When she realized that I wasn't cutting plugs out of my hair and it wasn't coming out on my pillow or in the hairbrush, that was when we started going to the doctors. I wasn't officially diagnosed with alopecia areata until I was 6 years old; by that time, I was in the 3rd grade and totally bald. I stayed that way, albeit with brief periods of partial regrowth, until I reached high school. My hair started falling out again when I was a freshman in undergrad, and it has been persistent AA with brief periods of AT and AU. It's been that way ever since.

As a child, I was very comfortable with being bald, because I had two parents and a grandmother that went above and beyond to make me comfortable with myself and stress to me continually that I was beautiful inside and that being beautiful inside would translate to being beautiful outside; perhaps it is because of this that I have become somewhat of an overachiever -- not only do I have to be successful at whatever I do, but I have to excel in it. However, as an adult, the blind confidence bordering on arrogance that was so much a part of me has gradually disintegrated. I have become less sure of myself and depressed at times because I have felt the hurt and rejection that comes with not being appealing to most men. I have lashed out at the people who have supported me the most, because I feel sometimes that I was misled into believing that at some point I would outgrow alopecia, but like Krazy Glue alopecia is stuck to me and won't let go, and that fact has been more crushing than anything I have felt in a long time.

After nearly 3 years living and working in Atlanta, GA and Memphis, TN, I returned to my hometown of Nashville, TN in September 2008. Living away from home completely on my own really forced me to become more independent than I ever would be had I remained in Nashville. It has also enabled me to view alopecia with new eyes that haven't been colored by the opinions of my friends and family closest to me. Since discovering Alopecia World, I have found more healing and acceptance in the nearly 4 years of the site's existence than I did in 27 years of searching, for which I am eternally grateful!

My purpose on AW is to motivate and inspire others -- it is my hope that in leading by example and living my life to its fullest potential in spite of societal views on alopecia, bald women, and women of color specifically, others will come to their own acceptace of alopecia in their lives and let their beautiful, vibrant selves shine through!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Carmella

    Love the stewie background!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, YoKasta. I was thinking about how you're such an outstanding member of Alopecia World and just want to thank you for your intelligent, inspiring, and invaluable contributions to our beloved community. I certainly appreciate all that you do in and for Alopecia World and hope that the time and energy you expend here is truly worth it. Wishing you great joy and good success, rj :-)
  • Roger


    Duran Duran is awesome.

    Take care, Roger.
  • Dawn

    Hi Yokasta, How was your 4th??
  • Mandy

    Hey chica,
    Thanks for commenting my blog. ;o) Yeah I'm totally done looking, too. If it's meant to happen, it will happen. As far as wearing the bandanas at work goes...no, no flak. Just a lot of sympathy...which I didn't want. But now that it's been over a week, people are getting used to it and talking to me like they always did. I think they just needed to adjust to the change. But everyone has been super nice and saying that I should do whatever makes me feel comfortable, so I'm glad for that.
  • Mandy

  • Janna

    Hi YoKasta!

    It's been so long since I've popped on to the site. How've you been? Thanks for the sweet comments about my little girls. I've got some great pictures from a recent trip to add to my page soon (we went to a wedding and Nnea & Isley were a hit on the dance floor. Isley had found a little friend, but Lynnea just boogied on her own, or would stand, smiling, - all 2 &1/2 feet of her - between a couple until they noticed her and started dancing with her). Good to hear from you - my first friend on alopeciaworld!
  • Wesley Marr

    Hiya..thanx for adding me as a friend. I have met so many wonderful people here on this site. I wrote the blog for two reasons, 1. To share my story and 2. I love to write and it keeps me in practice. Nice comment to thanx. Take Care Wesley
  • Janna

    Lol - Just rockin' out to Bon Jovi as I write this - awesome! I miss the 80's. That was an era that wasn't kind to anyone in the realm of fashion. I shudder to think of the flourescent pink gym shorts I used to wear in 7th grade...and my two pair of 'slouch socks' worn with my high tops to match my dual flourescent t-shirts, rolled at the cuff and tied at the side. Yikes.

    Yes, Lynnea does have some new growth, actually! Nothing significant on her scalp, yet...some fuzz, but she has her eyebrows back completely, and her eyelashes are coming along nicely. She's pretty happy about her 'eye-bowws'.
  • claire

    hope your ok................
  • Roger

    Hi there.

    Hows life over there?
  • claire

    im ok thanks back in work tomorrow and hows your weekend been....
  • George Blackwood

    Man, I don't know if I just added you as a friend or not; I'm puter challenged; too short attention span to learn alot of stuff!' I'd rather be out running or playing with my cat, away from computers! (Must be the PTSD I developed doing my Master's thesis) ;)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Miss Kat,

    Haven't chatted in awhile.
    Hope you are doing good.

  • Cindy

    Hi Yokasta, Hope you are having a nice summer. I really could use some advice from someone who has lived the Alopecian life. Samantha was invited to a swim party for two classmates and I don't want her to go. Her classmates have never seen without hair and I am not sure what they or know about Sam. I think they know she wears a wig, but may not understand why and I have never been questioned. I don't like to draw attention to her hair loss and we live in a small town of busy bodies. Basically, I keep my business mine. Am I wrong to not let her go to the party? We do have another party that afternoon so I do have a good reason to tell her we can't go and do both. Any suggestions. Samantha's hair is growing and she gets her new wig in two weeks. Once we get that wig she will be golden since it can stay on forever if she wished..Cindy
  • Mandy

    Hey chica! Haven't talked to ya in a while. How are things?
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Yokasta. Both Cheryl and I may be in Detroit, which isn't too far from Pontiac, this weekend. So, be sure to give us a call, if you have a moment to spare. I can't wait to meet one of the very bright stars of Alopecia World. :-)
  • kastababy

    Hey everyone!

    For the next couple of weeks, please send all messages to me at sxyscorpio901@gmail.com. I will return all of them promptly.
  • Cindy

    Thank you for your response and I truly appreciate your feedback regarding my situation. I did however decide that a b-day party for someone else would not be the ideal time to come out. But, I will certainly consider you advice for a future class discussion at school. Enjoy your summer..Cindy
  • Mandy

    Yokasta, I haven't heard from you in ages. Is everything ok? I don't see much activity on your site either. I hope everything is ok! I miss you!

  • Casey

    Thank you soo much!!!

    I just love this community! its soo great!

    talk to you soon!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Yokasta, I heard you were moving, are you moving far from where you are now? Do you have to change jobs...? I hope the move went smoothly. Cheryl xo
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey YoKasta...I was looking at my first messages on this site,and I thought Id say hello and see how ya'll are doing?? I just had a Va-Ca with my only son,and I had such a great time..I hate'd to see it end,but ohhh well..Hope your doing great..Bob
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,

    How are you? I havent heard from you in a long while.

  • Bob Hershberger

    I saw you at the featured profile thing-ee..Lookin good..Thats really nice..They couldnt have found a better person to feature..Hope your day is going well..Bob
  • Linda

    Okay, Kasta, you're are invited to the Thrasher Family Family Reunion in 2010, lol, we have an old school party that is off the chain. I'm just here jammin' on your page, don't make me cabbage patch, run joe, and jordache, lol. You are da bomb diggy ask biggy!
  • carl

    you are great help to all with alopecia your big friendly smile encouraged me to be a part of this site and see how others cope and get through their lives with alopecia
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,

    Thanks for calling yesterday.
    I'm glad you are doing well.
    How was dinner?

  • JeffreySF

    Did they serve Lobster Thermidore?
    I need to find a local restaurant serving that.
    Yum Heart Attack on a plate. Lol

  • traci

    hey yokasta, thanks for the add! how are you? i hope you have a beautiful day! =)
  • Rozalin

    You are simply beautiful.... we are kinda neighbors I am about an hr frm memphis.. live in coffeeville MS
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    YOKASTA! How the heck are you?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Yokasta,

    Stopping in to say Hello.
    How is Nashville treating you? Did you get the transfer?
    I miss you.

  • Steve


    The vikes start the season 0-2 and Gus Ferrote is now at the helm. How is Kastababy handling this? Steve is not taking this season too well so far.

  • Drew

    hey yokasta, hows everything going? i haven't been on much and am just getting back to checking up on everyone.

    my bills are 4-0 hahaha
  • Drew

    yeah everything is goind good, how about you? Well besides the vikes, but they could turn it around they got some teams coming up that they could hand it to. Their defense looks decent, just there offense has to score more often.

    Did you ever get a prize for the fantasy league? It doesn't really matter much to me, but I am sitting in second right now :p
  • JeffreySF

    Knock Knock
    Are you home Kat?
    Whats up?
    Miss you lots!!!

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,

    Glad you stopped by I wasstarting to think something had happened to you.
    Congrats on your brows growing back Yipee
    Leo is doing good thanks.

    Talk soon,

  • terrence

    glad to added as a friend, you seem VERY positive and that will always keep you in demand! peace & respect
  • Hugh Palmer

    Hi Kastababy,

    Thanks for the word of encouragement and the music on your site is great. You have a great story and i know when my wife Mistie reads tit she will be encouraged.
    Have a great weekend.
  • Galvin

    Your desk looks very similar to the Verizon desk I had in
    Pittsburgh...about 10 years ago. I was tech support too.
    For 5ess and EWSD.
  • Galvin

    All the Bourne movies were really cool.
  • Carol

    Hey Yokasta
    You're new guy sounds great, I really do hope everything works out, you deserve it! I know what you mean about relating with each other, I've noticed we do share a lot of the same ideas about what we've been through and and what is going on now. It's great to have that understanding with someone, you are my sister from far far away! My ex did finally move out and so far so good. I'm learning my new limits but best of all doing what I enjoy doing. I'm looking forward to Julia's book coming out (I beleive you wrote a story for her as well if I'm not mistaken) and I really hope that I will be accepted to go to CAP's conference in August as a guest speaker. So really it's not just learning my new limits but learning how high I can soar! I do have my low moments from time to time but who doesn't and if you didn't fall you couldn't pick yourself up and try harder. That's how we got this strong in the first place. Anyways, glad your back, keep in touch! :)
  • Megan

    I'm Megan,thanks for the add :)
    How are you?
    Howz your week been?
    Just wanted to let you know that the things you requested prayer for on the group are in my prayers :]
    Megan x
  • Mandy

    Hi chica! How ya doing? I haven't been on in quite a while, so wanted to stop by and say hello!
  • Jenn

    thanks! i love your page and the way that you describe yourselve. actually i think that is how most people are. i will read the discussion when i get time but i appreciate the comment and am glad to meet you!
  • Dee

    Wow, your musical selections are ridiculous!! Prince, Luther, Sade, New editon etc.!! Yes girl, I love your selections!!! I have got to learn how to set this feature up on my page!!
  • JeffreySF


    I love my Kitty Kat

    Meow Meow Meow
  • NINI

    Hey girl, I too am from Tennessee, I am from West Tennessee, close to Jackson and I am having a hard time finding a nice wig boutique. I have to be in Nashville on Friday of this week for my Dermatologist's appt. and I was wondering if you could give me the name of a few so that I could visit them while I was in town. I would really appreciate it.
    Thanks girl. I really enjoy reading your blogs. You really have a way with words.
  • NINI

    Thanks for the suggestions for the wig boutiques. I see Dr. Horowitz on Patterson. I really like him. I am beginning to see some regrowth. I am still new to this so I don't know if this is normal or not. I still have several bare spots that do not have any regrowth at all. I did not completely shave my head when I shaved. I only used a #3 blade so what hair I do have left I think is growing a little. My husband and daughter says they think it's growing also. I still don't have any regrowth anywhere else on my body so maybe it's just our imagination. I have only had 2 shots so far. Friday will be the third. He says he will give me 6 and no more. I am still hopeful but I have almost come to grips that whatever happens happens. This board has really been good for me. Oh well I have written a book here but I really want to tell you thank and I will check out the shop in Madison. Thanks again.