Katie Jones

30, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I'm 16 and have had alopecia since i was 12!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Katiebug

    Hey, I also recently joined on here. I would love to chat with you! I was diagnosed with alopecia areata last year, and have several spots right now that I hide by wearing my hair up. But I am definitely interested in getting some great hairpieces! You look amazing, I love your hair!
    And I know what you mean about how it makes you feel about yourself. I LOVED my long dark hair and always got compliments on it. I always felt like my hair was what made me ME. That probably sounds silly but.....
    Well, anyways feel free to chat me up whenever you like!! Do you have a myspace?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Katie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Katiebug

    Hey, how are you? My little girl just turned 2 on the 10th. So how did you alopecia progress? Did it start with spots, or did it all just kind of come out at once? Also, do you think that stress or anxiety has anything to do with it? Well, I look forward to chatting with you!
  • Heather

    Hi Katie. Welcome to Alopecia world. You said you wanted to hear my story, well, it isn't all that interesting. I got alopecia when I was in grade five so I guess that was when I was ten. Since then I've lost all of my hair and I where a wig. How about you? What's your story?
  • kastababy

    Hi Katie, and welcome!!! I really do admire your spirit and attitude regarding your alopecia! I would like to invite you to join the "Tennesseans with Alopecia" group here on our site -- I went to school in Sewanee, TN just up the road from where you are now, and am always glad to meet a neighbor!!!
  • kastababy

    The short and sweet version of my story is that I started losing my hair when I was 4 years old. With the exception of high school, I was totally bald and wore wigs. Currently I have my head shaved, because I finally got sick once and for all of having to worry about my hair coming in and falling out constantly. It's such a relief to not have to worry about it! I look forward to getting to know you -- enjoy your time here!!!
  • Amy Jo

    hola chicky!!! just thot id say hey gurl hey. sup?
  • Amy Jo

    im good how are you??? lol i just got outta friggin skewl!! argghhh... well whaddaya wanna know about me?? lol u sound fun to get to know urself!!!
  • Laura

    Hey hey :)

    Hope you're doing ok, thought I'd say hi :)
    How are you doing?

    Laura xxx
  • bee.

    Hey :)
    How are you?
  • bee.

    Thats good, I'm alright. Well when I was 10 I got really sick like out of the blue, my immune was really low and let me catch everything. Then in about a year because of all the stress of being sick at such a young age I got spots all over my head. The progressed so that I had lost all the hair on both sides of head, with only hair left in the middle. I eventually got sick of it being in the way and just shaved off the rest...and it never grew back. It's deff been a huge trial for me with school and boyfriends and even family sometimes, but I love that I have that this site is around now, cause I've never met anyone who had the same thing as me. But yeah, talk anytime<3
  • Nichole

    Thank you for the message. I haven't had a chance to really update my profile, my son keeps me busy. You are so strong and beautiful.
  • Melissa Hall

    Hello my Katie! Just wanted to say hey. Love ya!
  • Melissa Hall

    HAVE A GREAT DAY! Luv u bunches!
  • Melissa Hall

    I am so proud of you! You have made a big step. Show them what kind of girl they are dealing with. Strong and powerful with God given strength!! Have a good day. Off to the hair show I go. I love you and pass it along to everyone else.
  • Melissa Hall

    Hey so the Doc made the call. Yall were gonna do that anyway. Sometimes that little bit of hair will get in the way. We can do whatever you would like. Are yall gonna check about a vac wig? It might be good to decide now because it will take awhile to get it. Check with L.O.L. and see what you have to do. I love you!!! We will talk later.
  • Melissa Hall

    Girl you so Hot! LOL! You are now, what I want to become some day. A strong mental and spiritual woman. I love you so much!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You go, girl! What a beautiful color you're wearing!
  • Paul

    you name it i listen to it :D
  • jennifer

    the pic of you, that is your real hair, right? very pretty!
  • Shannon

    Are you from Tullahoma Tn????
  • Shannon

    holy crap!!!! Yeah I am from murfreesboro!!!!! My roommate is actually from there and my ex boyfriend family all lives in decherd!!!!!
  • Nezz

    Hi Katie!
    I'm Inez, I found you in the teen group.
    I'm 16, i really want to meet people my age with this.
    Your wig is so real, where did you get it from? I'm looking to get one soon.
  • Lacey

    Heeyy katie,
    i am 17 i was just diagnoised with alopecia this summer actually. I'm terribly worried to go back to school. Although i only have 3 spots. How did the kids at your school treat you?
    I would LOVE to hear from you
  • Lacey

    I can completely relate to you with the whole crying yourself to sleep thing, i've been doing that for the entire summer. When i told my friends i actually couldn't help but get tears in my eyes. My friends have been amazing so far how ever. I do worry about the whole boy thing a lot . Your story gives me faith though that there are some boys out there that will love you no matter what. You are a very lucky girl to have found someone so early. I am very religious to, it has helped me through this so far. Its just really hard. I hate thinking about some of the things i won't be able to do like go on roller coasters, go to the beach. Did it change your life allot? And you seem like a very sweet and strong person as well! You have an amazing outlook on life and this whole experience. It does feel amazing to have a connection with someone you have never met its cool to talk to someone who has actually been through what i am going through because no matter how my friends really try to understand they just never fully can. I hope to hear from you soon! And i will be here for you when ever you need me as well.
  • Lacey

    heey katie,
    your soo cuute aha. I hope i will be able to make it through, talking to people like you is most definitely helping!! You just have such a positive outlook on such a sad condition. One of my biggest fears is being treated differently by people. Even my friends have just been so much nicer to me. I know that doesn't seem like a bad thing but to me it sort of is. I just want to be normal and be treated like before i was diagnoised with this. I can not believe your only 14 you are just so mature. Do you think this condition has changed you for the best. Many people say it helped who they are inside. I think it is doing that to be for sure. I'm so glad i found someone like you to talk to you. =). When is your first day of school? Mines coming up. I'm VERY nervous aha. Hope to hear from you soon
    Love Laceey
  • Lacey

    Hey lovely,
    that is so odd never heard of that before. aha. I am going into Grade 12 now. How are you liking high school? I personally liked junior high a little better, smaller less scary i guess aha. But if you keep your good friends close by you'll be just fine! Ahh, did you head itch alot when you were losing your hair?! My is .
  • Lacey

    awee, Katie your the best!
    It would certainly be really neat to hear you on the phone! Although not sure how much the long distant would cost aha. I am from Brussels Belgium. I love your outlook its really true. It was so odd, i met my new best friend just this summer when i was diagnoised with alopecia! Its like God gave me just what i needed to be able to handle this situation just when i was losing faith. !You are very right, and i will pray . pray .pray :)
  • Lacey

    Hey katie!
    Thank you so much darling, You are so supportive!!
    I'm doing alright its just a little nerve wracking aha I will pray for you to, and me. Although your doing really well. I will pray that your good luck will continue aha.
  • Michaela

    Hello Kate..You are very nice girl . :)
  • Lacey

    Lovely, lovely.
    I am doing well. went to school it went really well!
    how are you my lovee. ?!
    hows school?
  • Dawn

    Your hair is so cute. If you don't mind me asking where do you get your hair?
  • Lacey

    Heyy sweet heart, yes i know it has been farr to long!!
    Uhm yeah everythings okay, i've had a rough past week but i think things are slowly but surely getting better. Some boy and confidence issues :(! But i'm keeping my head up! How are you doing loveely ?
    Love Laceey.
  • Lacey

    Heyy love, Awe that's too bad yes busy schedules can definitely suck. You guys will be just fine! He seems like he really loves you guurl. Guess WHAT? I have some regrowth ahh. Sorry i'm a little over excited =). Its in my spot in my bangs too so that's pretty amazing! How are you? Hows School?
    Love youuu
  • Lacey

    Darling Darling, thank youu i'm happy too!
    Ugh. but some people saw a spot that sit behind me in class. My friend just told me about it yesterday night apparently it was a while ago. AH i hate this. Guess what though? I'm getting a tattoo of a cross=)=)!! I'll send you a pic of it.

    Its on a necklace right now but i'm gonna get them to make it a tattoo. Then God will always be there with me. I'm thinking ankle or shoulder blade!
    Love Lacey
  • Lacey

    Heyy dearest! what on earth it powerpuff=)?
    I've beeen okay, school is going well.. i'm FINALLY getting over the ex boyfriend. Oh gee. That took long enough. How are you and your boyfriend? I've been so so busy too!! I went to the specialist Wednesday and he Officially diagnoised me.:S. But since my hair is growing in i dont need injections yet!!!
    Hope to hear from you soon love.
  • Lacey

    Hey lovely giiiirl
    how have you beeen!
  • rj, Co-founder