
47, Female

birmingham england

United Kingdom

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About Me:
i currently suffer from alopecia universalis i have now come to terms with being bald and love it, after 15 years. would love to chat and email other in same situation, especially people in united kingdom.
i also would like to help others who arent coping well and need someone to talk too, as i have finally come to terms with being bald and im raising awareness on this condition.
Im now proud of my dome...................... and you all should be proud of yours to.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Martin

    Hi ya,

    Check out some of the new pics ive put up of me niece :-) x
  • Dina

    Hi Claire, I am doing well, thank you so much for checking in on me :o). I have my fingers crossed for you on your hair and also so sad to hear about your puppy. I know exactly the feelings you are having. I had to put my dog of 16 years down for heart conditions and her sister 2 years before that due to kidney shut down. They are your babies and the loss is great. People who are not animal lovers sometimes cannot understand the grief that we go through for our animals. I now have a 2 year old Maltese, Toby, who keeps me very very busy lol. Well, I hope that you are doing well aside from your loss and again, I am very sorry. I hope that you have a nice weekend!! :O)
  • nicu

    i'm fine
    thans for preocupation
  • Dawn

    I am doing pretty good. I've been keeping busy physically, we're building our house. It's so hot here in Georgia.
    How are you? I see you have regrowth. I know you must be so excited.
  • Mandy

    I'm doing well, thanks Claire! How have you been? How's the regrowth going?
  • sgomez

    I'm doing great! Thanks for asking. So how are things w/ you?
  • Silje H Teig

    I am fine, thanks! How are you?? I have enjoyed the sun and good summer weather in Norway!
  • Roger

    Thanks for sharing the new pictures.

  • Martin

    Hi claire,

    Just seen the new photo's of how your hair has gone since i saw you friday and sorry to see that its fallen out again in patches, i remember you saying the dr's were going to see which meds were working and which werent etc so wonder could it be a result of that? anyways hoping to catch ya later for a chat :-)
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hi Claire..Things are great..My son is here for a month from Texas,so Im in heaven..We just got back from Lake Tahoe,and, this Saturday,we start a week at Capitola beach,in honor of my Moms birthday which is July 20th..That was the closest we could get!!..Anyway,thanks for stopping by..Nice to here from you..Glad your doing well..Bob * )
  • Jenny Austin

    Hi Claire, yes I'm fine, had to have something done to the pacemaker wires but now fully charged. The sedation wore off during the procedure aagh! Looking forward to Chepstow meeting -it went well in Bromsgrove, 4 of us.
    You take care, jen
  • JOAN

    Hi Claire,
    Just popped over, while I had a minute......and I couldnt find you on my friends have disappeared....what couldd have were there yesterday and tonight you have gone......
  • Kristen Ridenhour

    Hey! Thanks for the request. How are you doing?
  • Jessica

    Thanks so much!! I'm so happy to meet so many wonderful positive people with AA etc. How are things going with you. I've read a couple of you blogs about dating, couldn't stop laughing about that one guy! good for you who did he think he was? Jessica
  • Mandy

    Hi Claire! I'm doing well - how are you? I actually wear bandanas like 95% of the time. I've come to prefer comfort to wearing the wig. :o)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Claire,
    How are you doing -- I just read about you losing your doggie.
    I totally understand how you feel. My soul-mate cat, Clifford, was hit by a car at only 7 years old. I wanted to die too -- I lost 20 pounds and grieved for years. Never gained the weight back, either. Let me know if you need to talk.
    I'm very happy you like the book -- big hugs to you.
  • Jessica

    Hi Claire,
    Yes doing well, how are you how long have you been dealing with Alopecia? How is the regrowth going is it still falling out> I've had total regrowth for the last 6 months but can see that it starting to fall out again in spots uggh what a rollercoaster.
  • Silje H Teig

    Everything is fine here! The hair only makes it hotter during the summer anymay:) We have to look at the positive sides! I hope you are doing fine.
  • Kimberly Williams

    Hello its great to have the honor of calling you my friend.
    Thanks for the invite.
  • Bob Hershberger

    Thanks Claire..Im doing great..My son had to go back to Texas,but I had a great Vacation with him,so I feel very blessed..As I pray for everybody..Hope your doing well..Bob
  • Elizabeth

    I just took a moment and looked at all you lovely pictures. What a wonderful assortment of head wraps you have!
    It never ceases to amaze me, how incredibly strikingly beautiful we all are without hair. ( I havent posted any dome pics yet, but I will)
    I look forward to keeping in touch with you over our dating mishaps!
  • Elizabeth

    Yes its a wig. Humar hair cost me a fourtune! Plus I have had my eyebrows tatoo'd on. Very hard to see my baldness when Im in disguise!
    I see that you are an animal person, as I am myself. I wish that all humankind could act more like animals in so many ways. The unconditional love and affection they give is irreplacable.

    Good luck tomorrow! Keep me posted!
  • Andrew

    Hi Claire, Sorry havent replied,have just been very busy at work.
    I am doing great thanks and thanks for thinking of me.
  • Donna

    Hi Claire I'm fine thanks. Sorry it's taken me almost a month to get back to you but have been really busy getting married. Hope everything is ok with you x
  • nicu

    ok thanks
    where are you from?
  • Amy Bard

    Claire...sorry I haven't been in touch. My kids started school and that is keeping me busy. I am doing fine. How are you? Hope things are well. Take care and I'll be in touch.
  • Martin

    hi ya check your email if you log on tonight or tomorrow :-) x
  • Dawn

    I am doing okay here. I am supposed to meet someone about an integration in Jacksonville. I am a bit nervous. The last one I tried did not work out. I read you have regrowth!! Yeah!!! I pray it continues for you!!
  • Samantha

    Hi Claire! Well, I've been taking lors of VitD. It came to a complete stop for a few months. Seems like I might be losing it behind the ears, but it's very gradual. How about you?
  • Martin

    Hi ya, check out the email ive just sent you when you next log on, you will find the info very useful x
  • Hugh

    Sorry, next week is a bit hectic in work! Good luck anyway!!!!!!
  • The Be Bold Team

    Claire would you please contact us at BeBold we would like to send you down some literature for your stall.


  • jo chesson

    hi, claire,

    you sound like fun!!!! I must admit over the years I've had a mixed response from men but generally the good guys are cool about it!!! (I've met and been out with at least 4 men whilst i've been wearing a wig although I didnt go out bald at all then, might be different!)
  • Starr

    Hi Claire

    Really enjoyed meeting you on Saturday, how did the radio chat go this morning, I wasn't able to listen cause I was working. I've been searching on the net for info about eyelash implants and there doesn't appear to be an awful lot of info. I suppose I could go back to my GP, - always been a waste of time up till now.

    Anyway hope you had a good weekend, ( I can't imagine you didn't) and I hope to catch up with you soon, maybe on 22nd of November if not before.

    I can't come to Redditch market cause I'm working all week that week.

    I'd love to come along on a 'bald girls do lunch' type of get together in the near future, so keep me updated on your plans.

    Thanks Claire, you're an inspiration.

    Starr xx
  • Starr

    Hi Claire

    Hoping to catch the news on iplayer, just heard you and jen do your bit on Ed Doolan. Well done !! You both sounded great. Got some really good points across.

    Brill !!

    Starr xx
  • Mari

    Of course, you know we can all commiserate. So nice to finally have someone to talk to. Since I have first started this whole thing I have never known anyone else with it until now!
  • Mari

    that was the nicest thing, thanks! Of course once I post a pic of what I actually look
  • Dawn

    Hi Claire,
    I am doing pretty well. Thanks for asking. How have you been?
    I am supposed to meet up with another fellow alopecian Saturday and try on wigs. I am very excited yet a little nervous.
    How are the puppies? Your little black dog looks so much like my mother's Shitzu, Pookie.
    How is the weather over there in England? I love the fall here in Georgia. It has finally cooled down!! Our summers have been a little unbearable. So, I am looking forward to winter. Take care.
  • Jenny Austin

    Claire, looking for the stuff about a guy with info on your page, can't find it?
    Have done a beautiful pink banner for Redditch Tuesday, no one will have any trouble finding us
  • Scott Moseley

    Hi Claire, i am really glad to have met you, your great, Scott x
  • Gill

    Hi Claire
    I read the blog about you starting up a group, and it mentioned that you have eyelashes that last up to six months, I would love to hear about them, its the thing I miss most. Any advice or links would be gratefully received.
    Your blogs about the guys you meet, really make me laugh, and just shows that people are influenced by looks, especially men.
  • Martin

    boo! hehehe
  • Heidi Worman

    Excellent where did you meet her? I have known her for some time, she is very nice.

    Heidi x
  • Starr

    Hi Claire,

    Good to see you too yesterday. Your wig was lovely, I'm thinking of getting one of my older human hair wigs cut into that style, give it a new lease of life. (you always seem to look good whatever you have or don't have on your head), Whenever I've asked about shorter styles before, nobody wants to cut my wigs short but it sounds like pnk will do that, bingo !!
    I hope to make it on 5th December. Keep me updated on whats happening.

    Take care of yourself.

    Sally x
  • Sharan

    hiya Claire, plzd to meet you. Great to hear about the meet ups happening in your area. They are such a tonic. I remember how utterly scared I felt on my way to my first one and when it finished i couldnt wait for the next one. In fact we just didnt want to go home. Wishing you every success. x
  • Scott Moseley

    Hi Claire, hope your ok, i have been really busy this week, i will give you a call in the week to catch up.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Claire, Thanks for dropping by and for the support! How are you?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Claire, Thanks again for mention Alopecia World. What is more important than you just mention Alopecia World is the fact that you feel it is an important support source. Let us know if there is anything that you need.

    Take care,

  • Roger

    Hi Claire.

    Im fine in the cold over here. Lots of snow and cold. Hows life in Birmingham?
  • Gary

    I love your bald head. I wish you were in the US