
Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
It's Complicated
About Me:
Alright so .... I think a bunch of us know eachother but for those of you that don't ... i am Shannon I am 23 from Franklin,TN it is about 20 mins from Nashville. I am a full time student at Middle Tennessee State University. My friends are my world, i couldn't make it through anything without them, especially haveing alopecia. Iam pretty comfortable with Alopecia,though we all have out down moments!!!. besides that i am pretty much like a firecracker!!! i love to smile, dance and laugh!!! iam pretty hyper most of the time. At the conferences you can usually find me boucing around somewhere!!! Anyway ... here is my story...

MY STORy: When I was 3 my mom found a bald spot on top of my head. The Dr. said it would grow back and it did. When i was 7 I lost 75% of my hair on our move from New York to PA. Then lost almost all of it when I was 10 and moved here to TN. Some grew back but i always had patches till about high school. Probably for the past 6 years I have been Alopecia Universalis, which means I have no hair on my entire body. I have very few eyebrows but luckly my eyelashes grew back but are currently falling out again! I have to say it is the hardest stage of the disease. Having no eyebrows nor eyelashes makes you look somewhat like an alien! You have no expression to your face, what-so-ever. I guess all I can say is thank god for eyebrow pencils and fake eyelashes!!! Though it doesn't make the concept easier. Yeah, I don't have to wash my hair every morning, but playing arts and crafts on your eyes and etch-a-sketch on your face isn't the most fun in the world! (As most of you know)
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Dotty

    Hi Shannon,
    Welcome to Alopecia World. So glad you joined. It's a wonderful place where you will have lots of friends to chat with. Big Hugs to you and I hope you enjoy browsing the site. Love, Dotty
  • kastababy

    Hi Shannon, and welcome!!! How are you doing today??
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Shannon!

    How are you? How is your mom? Are you going to the conference!

    I guess I should stop with the questions! Welcome to Alopecia World! Talk to you soon.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Yeah, I knew that Jill was getting married. she mentioned it on the site.

    I am actually getting married in 2008 too. Not sure of the date yet. rj is from Detroit and I am from Canada so there is some hoops we have to jump through first. I am so excited that your mom is going to join too!

    Keep in touch Shannon,

  • Roger

    I really like your photos Shan!

  • Jennifer

    Yes we should i sent you a bulltien on myspace and going to do another tomorrow. How have you been?
  • kastababy

    Hey neighbor!!! I'm from Nashville originally, so I know exactly where you are!!! Do you live in Franklin or since you go to MTSU do you live in the Boro?

    Believe it or not, my eyebrows are probably the ONLY bit of hair I have never lost!!! I just keep them waxed and tweezed into the shape that I want them and they behave just fine!! The rest of the hair on my body, on the other hand, is another matter entirely...:)
  • Jennifer

    So far all i know is that my is reserved with kate. I am looking for flights now i kinda what to go ealry make a week of it. I have the vacation days at work and the money saved,
  • Jeremy

    Are you coming to Louisville in June? Six flags! Love it. The last time I went to Six Flags was with Jen, Ian and Avery out in Los Angeles. What a great time!
  • Sweet Mary HiLL

    i LOVE my mini me <3
  • Jill

    Hey lil shannon!!! Girl I can't wait till this summer!!! I'm so glad you are gonna try and make it to the wedding!! We're gonna have soooo much fun. Hope everything in your world is well. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Sweet Mary HiLL

    okay so i was bein staLkeriffic and saw that you & jennifer are gettin a car to drive down to jiLL's wedding...can i come? pwease? haha. Lemme know :]
  • Melissa

    Hey girl! I'll see you this summer! I'm starting to get excited!
  • Sweet Mary HiLL

    i'LL kiLL em. what happened babe? you okay?
  • Stuart

    Whats up Shannon. How you doing? Will we see you in Kentucky?
  • Jess

    Im from NY and will be flying into Louisville at about 6 on the 19th. I am soooo excited!!
  • Jill

    What up girlie??? How have you been? So, June is fast approaching.. and I'm getting sooo excited! Can't wait to see you and the crew! Hope everything in your world is good. See you soon!!!
  • Adam

    Hey Shannon,
    Beautiful photos! I am a Casting Director working on a TV series out of NYC...and currently looking for several men and women who are either bald naturally or have shaved their head. Of course, I am sensitive to alopecia, good taste & comfort level for any actor. This is a hot new series...hopefully you can help with some male/female suggestions (perhaps you?) and I can give you all the details about the show. I can be reached at and can give you my phone number to talk. my website is for reference.
    Thanks for reading this...I appreciate it & hope to hear from you!
  • Adam

    Hi Shannon! Here is the Casting Blurb from my website. Let me know your thoughts & if you'd like to call me to discuss you can email me your phone # or let me know where I can email you mine. I thought this may be a good opportunity for an actor or actress with alopecia to take advantage of. Thanks! Adam

    CASTING for: AFTRA Actresses & Actors who are BALD
    (either naturally or those who have shaved their heads)

    Shoot will be out of NYC on TUES JUNE 10

    EMAIL headshot/resume NOW to

    DEMETRI MARTIN, the resident Trendspotting Correspondent featured on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" is shooting his own series for Comedy Central called "Important Things with Demetri Martin".

    Demetri Martin has been chosen as the lead character in the new Ang Lee film "Woodstock" and has appeared on Comedy Central Presents, Late Night with David Letterman, Last Call with Carson Daly, etc.

    For More on Demetri Martin's Comedy go to:
  • Sara

    I just thought of you and giggled... remembering our little snorting burst at the closing session.
    Oh, by the way... you will never guess who called me on Sunday!!!
  • Sara

    Totaly Fartzilla!!!! I was just chilling having fun with friends on a boat, when the phone rang! I swear that I could hear it through the phone!! lol
  • Ashley

    OMG!!! I miss you!!! I'm so glad to hear from you...i was wondering, do you have a myspace or facebook? Because I'm definitely adding you on there if i do. I'm glad to hear things are going well for you! I would love to come down there sometime, I'll have to actually have a time when I'm not constantly busy, though!! haha.
  • Ashley

    Hi Shannon! Thanks for the invite, but I will be on vacation that weekend. Have so much fun!! :)
  • KnittyCat

    Got something going on that weekend, but will pass the word.


  • Angie W.

    Hey Shannon, Thanks for contacting me. The Links for Locks sounds very exciting and I really wish I could help out, my schedule is jam packed for the next few months though unfortunately; but please keep me updated on the progress and let me know if there are activities in the future. You seem like you are full of love for would be great to meet one day. Take care ~ Angie
  • Katie Jones

    Yes i am from Tullahoma. Do you actually know where that is?
  • Ashley

    Things are going very well! I am moving into my place today, which is really exciting, but crazy, because it doesn't seem like it should be here yet. haha. I went to Washington, D.C. recently which was really cool.
    How in the heck are you doin?
  • Katie Jones

    That's Cool. What is your friends name that lives here?
  • Julia

    I will sure try to come Shannon!

    It was nice meeting you here in Louisville, too! Hopefully you'll be able to send out a reminder about the event.

  • Lindsey

    Hey, Shannon. Thanks so much for your invitation - wish I could come. My kids have me running all over that weekend. I admire you all so much - out there doing something great like that! Keep up the good work and best of luck.
  • Karen

    Hi Shannon! I appreciate the invitation but I have a wedding to attend that weekend. I hope it all goes well.
  • Kayla

    Hey Shannon! It was so great to meet you in June, I'm already looking forward to celebrating my birthday at the conference this year. How have you been??
    I would love to come out to Nashville!! I've never been!!
  • Amy Bard

    Shannon-got your message and yes I'm not far from Nashville about 2 hours. I would like to come for the tournament but that is actually the day after my son's b'day and we plan to have a party that weekend. Let me know what you would need for a sponsor and maybe I could do that. If you have any other events in the future pls. let me know. Maybe next time I'm in Nashville we could meet up. There really is no one here in my community that I know with Alopecia. I would love to meet other people. Hope things go well with the tournament and like I said let me know if there is something I can do without being there that day. Take care and have a good week.
  • Jennifer

    so i logged in today and saw your face in the nu tech ad and just had to hello. how is the tournament planning going? Hope all is well miss ya
  • Kayla

    Hey when is your event?? I just logged on for the first time in weeks and read your response! I am terrible!
    I am hoping to host my own event in the spring, probably a 5k... So I would love to see how your event works and learn a little from it!
  • NannC

    Hey Girl!!!!! What is UP!!!!! Haven't seen you in SOOO long!