

upstate new york

United States

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About Me:
I first experienced AT at age 23 and, within a few years, experienced an almost total recovery. Then, a few years later, bald again only to have a regrowth shortly after. I went for decades with only minor normal hairloss. Then, with the trauma of my wife's death a few years ago, bald again! I have some regrowth but what a hairy ride this alopecia is! The doc says trauma related hairloss is normal. Anyone else ever go through this?
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Jamie and welcome to Alopecia World.

    I agree, it's a pretty hairy ride.

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Jamie. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Jamie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Jennie

    Thank you! Welcome to you too!
  • Kelly

    Hi Jamie, thank you so much for your comments on my blog! You are so sweet and it really does make me smile to hear that.
  • Deborah

    Thanks Jamie
  • Debbie

    hello Jamie, thank you for your kind comments. I wish I had some sort of witty comment to come up with but knowing there are other people out there that care, or at least can understand the struggle, is HUGE. It's nice to hear that I may still be pretty even though I'm not the pretty blonde I once was. I want very much to be in a relationship again with someone that can accept me. So anyway, I am rambling. Please contact me anytime. Debbie.
  • Debbie

    online right now....wish to speak?
  • Debbie

  • Esther

    Hi Jamie,

    It is nice to meet you! Did you live in Brockton? If so when did you move? Do you still have family here? Thanks for the welcome!!!
  • Orbit

    Jamie, thanks for the kind compliments! I always thought perhaps I was an "old soul", maybe I escaped from an old oil painting?! :-) Have a great day!
  • Shannon

    Hey Jamie,
    Thank you for the kind comment. Yes, my father also has AT. I am one of 11 kids and I'm the only one that has AA, so although its been hard, it has really been a very special bonding thing for us.
    I'm sorry about the loss of your wife. What a traumatic thing to go through. I, too, have had such ups and downs with the AA for the past 20 years and have definitely noticed that trauma (emotional and physical) triggers it for me. Maybe the stress doesn't "cause" the hairloss, but it definitely seems to trigger my auto-immune system to go all whack.
    Anyway, always nice to "meet" another alopecian, especially one with a great heart.
  • Laura Hudson

    Thank you so much! Good for you for believing in yourself. You are worth it... Now - go change the world!!!

    Laura Hudson
  • Maureen

    Hi Jamie, Where do you live upstate? My son goes to College in Rochester,so next week I am going to go up to see him and also go to the Alopeica support meeting. Thank you for the compliment on our picture. I am so sorry to hear about you wife. I also believe what you say about stress causing the flare ups. I also had extreme stress right before and during my hair falling out.At the same time I was diagnosed with Hastimoto's, that's when it really picked up speed. I am having some issues with my hair loss. Not so much the fact I don't have hair, but the people around me. I can't believe how shallow some people are! And the wigs have been soooo uncomfortable. Thanks for the support we all can use that.

    Maureen :)
  • Elizabeth

    Hi there,
    No, I'm not familiar with any groups in that area, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. Do you get the NAAF newsletter? They list all of the support groups in the back of their publication. I'm sure you could also contact NAAF and they could tell you. If I hear of anything, I will be sure to get in touch. You're always welcome in Rochester if you're up for the drive! :)
  • Maureen

    Hi Jamie, just stop by to say hello. I will be passing your neck of the woods on Wed. I am going to attend the meeting in Roc. this week. As I drive by I will be sure to wave hello! LOL have a good night.
  • Laurie

    Jamie, I posted this as a reply on the discussion but wasn't sure if it would notify you.

    Do you remember any details about your friend's diagnosis? Like what treatments the doctor prescribed? Also, do you remember if it corresponded with an increase in hair shedding? My hair literally seems to be falling out! I still look like I have a full head of hair, but am really considering shaving it and wearing scarves. I think I would feel emotionally free.
  • Laurie

    Thank you so much for the support Jamie. You really summed it up perfectly; hair is good, bald is good but the inbetween is painful. My husband still doesn't totally understand. I told him I was ready to look at hair integration pieces (as I still do have a decent amount of hair) and he was literally baffled. He sees that (or shaving) as giving up on my hair ever coming back. I don't think one ever gives up on that, but you do have to try and feel good through the transitions. I'm awaiting biopsy results which I should have on Friday. If they confirm pattern baldness (which my gut says they will), I will definitely be making a change of some sort soon. Thanks again and I'll let you know what the biopsy says.
  • Heather

    Thanks, that is actually the first time for me to take photos of myself and share them! It has been a long time and is sooooo a part of me, but still that was a first for me and have also put it on my facebook for all to see!!! So liberating!! Take care!
  • Michelle Chapman

    Hi Jamie, great to hear from you a fellow Plymouthian! It's so difficult to get reliable figures for alopecians, I've spoken with thousands of people over the years and I know some of them have never visited their Doctor and therefore wouldn't be included on any statistics. It's estimated about 1.7% 'ish' in the UK. As for Gail, she's a star! and one of my best friends - we look like a couple of boiled eggs when we go out together!! I'm wriing a book about alopecia, so if I get any more info on stats, I'll let you know. Keep in touch. Mxx
  • jamie1

    Hi Michelle, "... a couple of boiled eggs," ??? The " British Body " and that adorable wee Scot should never be referred to in such a manner! I great number of us Yanks (myself included ) have quite a thing for Ms. Porter. Makes me wish my ancestors never left the UK.
  • Maureen

    Hi Jamie, How are you doing? I went up to Rochester for the meeting, It was very nice. I meet real nice people, and I meet a lady named Sherry who owns a wig salon who helped make my wig more comfortable. which is a blessing. I also was able to visit with my son, than on the way back I stopped in Albany and visited with my niece and family. It was a very nice trip. I did good driving there on my own also.. .well hope all is well by you.
    Hope to her from you soon Maureen
  • Hugh

    Hi Jamie

    Hello to you too! Much easier without the wig!

  • Michelle Chapman

    You are very kind to say those lovely things! I spoke with Gail today and she is off to Africa on Monday - losing her hair has kept her busier than ever! Take care and keep in touch. Michelle x
  • Laurie

    Hi Jamie, thanks for asking. The biopsy only showed alot of hairs in the growing phase. It showed no increase in telogen hairs (active telogen effluvium) or androgenic alopecia (female pattern baldness). This is good news, but I'm still shedding an excessive amount of hair. Maybe the telogen effluvium is trying to heal?? Time will answer I guess. How are you?
  • Laurie

    Jamie, I don't know if it was the biopsy, but my anxiety is in check now. I think I have finally come to the realization that I cannot control this. I have been given a clean bill of health by 4 doctors (PCP, OB, Derm and Endo). At most, I have an androgen sensitivity (where the skin overreacts to normal levels of testosterone). Chasing a possible treatment is far too exhausting. As long as I feel healthy (which I do), I cannot continue to worry about my hair.

    I tried on a wig this week although I don't need one at the time. It really helped KNOWING there are natural looking options if the time comes. I have realized I have to embrace my life where it is right now.

    Thank you so much for caring!!
  • claire

    just thought id say hi
  • claire

    thankyou for the lovely message jamie speak soon....
  • Kelly

    Jamie, I left you a comment after your comment about keeping my noggin warm...so be sure to read that on my blog. Thank you for sharing. But I wanted to say here to check out my bald pics on my profile. It took me 32 years to be able to make those pics public and risk others finding out for the first time and/or just letting everyone see me without my wig. Be patient, work on it if you want, be in denial if you need to for a time (I did). It's a process that comes in it's own time and way.