Jennifer - Mom of Scott

United States

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About Me:
My name is Jennifer and I have 3 beautiful boys. I have a 7 year old and 5 year old twins. One of my twins, Scott, was diasgnosed with alopecia areata just before his 4th birthday. He has had 2 "episodes" so far. The 1st time he lost 20% of his hair and it all grew back within 6 months. The 2nd episode was almost a year to the day later and he lost 50%. We are starting to see regrowth now. We have grown his hair long enough to cover most spots now and we use a hair crayon on his scalp to camouflage the spots that are more obvious. This second episode has been much more difficult to handle but things are looking up right now!
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Jennifer,
    I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. I was going to suggest that you join the Parents of Children with Hairloss group, but I see that you already have ;).

  • Cindy

    Hi Jennifer..My name is Cindy and mya 6 yr old daughter has Aleopoica..I saw you post about joining a chat on Thursday..See you then..Cindy
  • Miranda

    Hey Jennifer, I sent you a message with my e-mail!
  • Dee Connelly

    HI Jennifer, We just wanted to say welcome and that we are here for you!
  • Angell

    Hi Jennifer and welcome to the site. Your boys are just beautiful. I have one son and he is already 19 years old. I hope you are made to feel as welcome as I was when I joined just a couple of weeks ago.

  • Miranda

    Hi Jennifer,
    No, I never did get an e0mail from you, can you resend it?
  • Miranda

    Hey Jennifer, I just replied to your e-mail!
  • Andrew

    Hi Jennifer! If you ever want advice...just send me a message. I have been were Scott is. It's tough, but with support from a great mom like you....I know he will be fine!
  • Debbie G.

    hi Jennifer~

    My name is Debbie and I have a son Blake who is 7 and has had alopecia since he was 1yr. old. He is currently regrowing almost all of his hair(he was completely bald for quite a few years) but has some bald spots in the back. I would love to chat w/ you more especially about the hair crayon you use...I've never heard of it! Take Care~Debbie
  • Debbie G.

    thanks for the message jennifer! I would love to chat more, i don't know how you feel about leaving your email on my page? let me know! my son blake is currently just using an ointment that is usually used as an immune-supresent medicine. we rub it on his spots and then hair will usually regrow. that is all we use or have ever used on him. how about you? do you use anything on scott?
  • Michelle (mom of Sam)

    Hi Jen, yes, my twins are identical. The twins had Chicken Pox in February and we noticed a small bald spot on the back of Sam's head a few weeks later. The pediatrician is pretty confident that this triggered Sam's AA. My twins also have autism so Sam doesn't notice anything different. I can't wait to see the pediatric derm so he can give us an idea of what to expect. If we do any treatments, they will have to be holistic as we do not believe in the use of meds unless medically necessary. We were told to try Aloe Vera. Have you tried this? Michelle
  • Miranda

    Hi Jen! I haven't talked with you for awhile! How is everything going?!
  • Miranda

    Well, we are flying phoenix to see a pediatric dermatologist. We are going to start something called Squaric Acid Dibutylester. We tried all of the possibilities that new mexico has to offer. This is the treatment that Cindy's daughter uses. We have never gotten results from any treatment before.

    I just signed up with the National Alopecia Registry at MD Anderson. They called me back and signed up my other twin because they said they are in great need of twins. I guess with twins they find out the answers better, especially if only one is effected. We now have to send some blood samples from both girls, but if they find something promising Della will be one of the first able to try it.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Jennifer,

    I just wanted to let you know about a product that is amazing. It's called XFusion Check it out. You can get it at hair salons and it's not very expensive and is way Fab.
