
49, Female



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
i am 33 years old mother of child with alopecia and seeking for help
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Dana. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • khaled

    was your child born with alopecia
  • as

    vítám Vás na tomto skvělém místě a hlavně přeji ať najdete tolik potřebnou radu a pomoc!
    Krásný pozdrav z ČR.as
  • khaled

    hi dana , i want to know if your child have get hair ,
    and i have heard that alopecia is when you have hair and then you lose it.
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hi and welcome to Alopecia World.

  • as

    Ahoj Dano,
    no s tím počítačem jsem na tom jen o něco lépe než s Angličtinou.Občas je to hrůza.Předpoládám,že o tom víš.Přezto Ti ale napíšu,že u nás v ČR se 31.1.09 bude konat sraz lidí s alopecií.Myslím si,že by nebylo špatné se tam také zajet podívat a popovídat si s ostatními.Pokud vím tak tam mají být také rodiče dětí postižených alopecií,takže by tam mohla být i nějaká užitečná rada.Konat se to bude v Brně.Pokud máš zájem pošlu Ti přesné místo konání.
    Měj se hezky.as
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Dana, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hi Dana,
    It was close to where we were living in Western Washington State. I also studied for awhile, then went into Education.

    Take care
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Dana
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello Dana, how are you doing today?
  • danadanadanadana

    Hi, Dana! Thanks for the greetings. I'm doing well and certainly hope you are as well!
  • sgomez

    Hi Dana,
    Thanks for the nice words! Your little one is so precious!! and don't worry about your english, it's just fine! So what language do you speak? Wow, so you have 6 children. You must be a very busy momma! That's so cool that you have three boys and three girls. The same number of each. How old is your daughter? She doesn't even look like she's one yet. I was diagnosed with Alopecia when I was only 10 months old. It's not easy growing up being different, but I have a great family, and that's what really matters most. Just keep loving your little one, and accept her the way she is. Let her know that she is special, and that hair or no hair, she is just as precious! The way you and your family deal with her Alopecia will stay with her all her life. Be positive as much as you can, and focus on acceptance. Right now that's the best treatment. Take care Dana :-) I was glad to hear from you! Sarah
  • Michaela

    Ahoj Dano, Tvoje dcerka je roztomilá:) O tomhle typu alopecie jsem ještě nikdy neslyšela. Je to zvláštní. Já už bojuji půl roku s parukou. Je to těžké ale s alopecií už jsem se naučila žít:)
  • uncomfortably numb

    Hallo Dana,

    for starters, I think your English is pretty decent.

    I think slovakia is a beautiful little country, especially I liked the city Bratislava a lot. It was in june '08 when I hit Slovakia en route to Vienna, to meet my cousin.
    I live in Bangalore, India.

    Nice to know that you are a graduate from SA Univ.
    Gardener, wow...sounds like a dream job, unfortunately i have to fret myself with computers to make a living. I just loveeeeeeeeeee dogs, would be nice to see the pics of your pets :)

    Your kiddoh is pretty cute, God bless !

  • uncomfortably numb

    "even a blond", haha..that was funny indeed :o)

    Yeah, I know Slovakia is a very brave nation with hospitable people..
    I remember an Incident, I was traveling from Vienna to Bratislava...to catch my flight for Frankfurt. Out of some confusion i got down much before the Bratislava airport :(, but some local folks helped me..not just with the route to Bratislava Airport but they also called up a Taxi Driver(an old yet jovial guy), I was really impressed by the friendliness of the local folks :)
    In India the native language is HINDI, but most of the working people speak English, because of the
    globalisation and stuff like that.
    Languages I speak: Hindi, English, Bengali und some Deutsch :)
    Tell me something about yourself, and yes, you would do some justice to Alopecia World with a picture of yours :)
  • Ursula

    Hi Dana; (beautiful name)
    I have a cousin named Dana; thank you for taking the time to read my story (blog.) Greatly appreciate you taking the time to leave such an encouraging comment too. I pray for you an your family. Take Care, God Bless :)