



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
This is a place where I can start to me myself, hairless!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger

    Hej Becca!

    Kul att du gick med!

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Becca, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Ingela

    Halloj! Jo, det är ju verkligen hemtrakterna:) Bor i Karlskoga sen 2 månader:) Är ju visserligen uppvuxen här men varit borta ett tag:)
    Ta hand om dej!
    // Ingela
  • Jana

    how are you ? :)
  • Geri

    Welcome to Alopecia World,
    I recently joined and I must say everyone here is so nice and yes it does feel wonderful not feeling odd or strange about sharing our thoughts and feelings. Everyone here can relate so it's like a second family :)
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Becca. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • sonia r u?
  • Jana

    im goooood :)
    how's your weekend .. partying or chillin ? hehe :)
  • Jana

    awsome ! :)
    uhm , i was little bit drunk last weekend 8) so im just chillin now .. working working working .. school starts in 2 weeks aaaa ! can't wait , starting a new school .. highschool i think it's called , 16-20 years old ?
    anywaaaay , are you in school or just working ? :)
  • Jana

    niceeeeeeer :)
  • Mark

    Hey there...hope you're well just dropping by to say hello
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey Becca..Welcome..To AW..Just wanted to say hello and I hope you have as much as me browsing around here..Bob
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Rebecca,
    I just wanted to stop by and say hello! How are you doing today?
  • Zoe

    you're so pretty. Is that a wig in your picture? Is it human or synthetic hair? What colour is it?
  • Roger

    Fina nya kort.
  • Anna

    ja :)
    vad fina kort på dig!
  • Anna

    vsg :)
    Nja, dt känns lite sådär just nu :/ med dig då ?
  • Roger

    Såg du gick med i svensk klubben ;) bra där!
  • Anna

    okej, va bra :)
    jag bor i sveg , härjedalen
  • Anna

    japp , lite för långt upp tkr jag ^^
  • Anna

    hah ja d:
    hur brukar folk reagera när du berättar att du har alopecia ?
    jag har inte vågat berätta det för så många, jag har inte fått några riktiga vänner som jag kan lite på här uppe :/ men mina andra vänner som jag haft sen jag var liten bryrs sig inte alls om att jag har tappat hår (:
  • Lacey

    Hey your so pretty!!
    is that a wig in your picture? If so its so cuute.
  • Zoe

    yeah, it's a wig, too. I'm just starting to get sick of my wig. My haircolour is much lighter and I haven't figured out which colour to buy. Do you remember the brand name of yours?
  • Lacey

    Heeey, no its not a wig.
    I have just been diagnoised with alopecia this summer so,
    It hasn't gone that far yet just 3 spots! When were you diagnoised oh and by the way i would never be able to tell that is a wig!!
  • Dina

    Becca - Your wig is gorgeous and suits you very very well!!
  • Zoe

    Oh, don't worry about it. I just think that it looks great. How long do your synthetic wigs last? It feels like mine don't last very long
  • Nezz

    Hi Becca, I'm Inez. How are you?
    You aren't wearing a wig are you? If you are I can't tell at all and would love to know where you got it!
    Would love to talk sometime.
    Take care,
  • Casey

    Hey there!!
    i really like your hair style!!! was curious what brand or where you got it from. im looking into buying more wigs and dif styles and i love your long piece!
  • Ingela

    Hej, hej!
    Sorry att jag inte har svarat tillbaka:( är inne på denna sida väldigt sällan. Ja, men vad trevligt att det finns fler i närområdet:) Jag vet ju några fler i Karlskoga som dessvärre inte riktigt erkänner att de har alopeci än:( det kommer väl...

  • Christina

    Hej Becca!
    Hur mår du? Jag ville bara säga hej och välkommen!
    Du är ju fin på korten vilken utstrålning du har.

  • Ally

    Hi, are you wearing a wig in your pic? It looks great, i'm really looking for a good wig, could you tell me where you got your from? Thanks
  • Roger

    God Jul Och Gott Nytt År.

  • Roger

  • NoHair

    Hallå där!
    Va fin du är i ditt hår. Antar att det är en peruk... efter att ha läst din profil.
    Riktigt riktigt riktigt skitsnygg!!!! Inte bara peruken... du är fin oxå :)
    Vad är det för sort??
    Ha det så bra! Kramar från NoHair
  • Therese

    Hej! hittade dig här på sidan :) äälskar fortfarande din peruk. Va hette den nu? :)