
52, Female


New Zealand

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hi there, I'm a fairly boring 37 year old married women with three children (14, 12, & 2). Trained in early childhood teaching I'm currently a stay at home mum and loving it.

I developed AA in October 08 starting with one spot the size of a golf ball and by Jan 09 most of my hair has gone but regrowth has began
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Karen. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Karen,
    Welcome to Alopecia World,
    Nice to see another NZer on here
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Karen,
    How are you doing today?
    I just wanted to stop by and say hello and welcome!
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Karen,
    Hope you have had a great week.
    It has gone back to winter down here this week after teasing us with a few 27+ deg C days, snow on the mountains again. Had to light the fire again last night lol. We haven't had as much as Invercargill though.
    Well you all have a nice weekend, take care and keep smiling
  • Sharon

    Hi Karen it was nice to see another Kiwi joined our New Zealand Alopecians group...........Not so good about your AA. However there is an upside you get to meet lots of fantastic people that you wouldn't have otherwise. My name is Sharon and we have a 12 year old daughter who developed Alopecia when she was 8. It is certainly a journey. Take care and look forward to getting to know you.
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Karen,


    Have a wonderful day
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Karen, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Celeste Edwards

    Hi Karen!!

    Welcome :) Sounds like we have A LOT in common!! Glad you are here.

  • Celeste Edwards

    Awesome!! I'm glad i can help!! :) I know how much writing helps me!! and if it helps you too ... EVEN better!!

    Chat soon! I MUST put my butt to bed :)

  • Fitzy

    this link works http://princesscharlottealopecia.com/
  • Kate

    Yup another wellingtonian! Sometimes not the best place to live when have alopecia (ANNOYING wind!). Im doin great at the moment soo glad uni is over for the year! Just working at an after school childcare centre at the moment which I love! How are you?
  • Carla

    Hello Karen! Thanks for the welcome! How are you doing with your alopecia now? I am getting what's left of my hair cut off today.... Uggghhhh!!!!
  • Kathy Maidens

    Thanks complete no how this all feels. I'm a hairdresser by trade and had to give it up in May when notice alopecia returned. Could not stand see hair fall as I cut it .Had it when i was 16 only one spot. Then had it when 30 one spot. Now 36 and alot more severe. Have spent bulk on acupuncture healers etc. Got that stressed had to go on antidepressants. Patches have filled in but do shed alot when shampooed and brushed. Doing the multi vitamin/mineral thing too. Keep in touch nice to know your not alone.In 18 years of hairdressing have only seen alopecia on two occasions. I can't believe it.
  • Kate

    Have you thought about just shaving the rest off? I felt so much better when I did! I just finished my BA in psyc this year and next year im doing the one year diploma in primary teaching I cant wait to start working im so over uni!
  • Carol

    I'm so happy that you found my blog helpful. I got quite a bit of grief over it by the moderator LOL. I don't know but, to me and the experiences I've had, wearing a wig has caused me the most amount of embarrassment and self-consciousness and frankly, it's just not worth it! I'm reminded once in a while that not everyone is ready for this step but I do believe that proffesionals that deal with alopecia patients should encourage this step as there is no cure and self-acceptance is the closest thing we've got. Unfortuantely I doubt that will ever happen due to the fact that they are mostly pro-drug industry and push people to spend 100's if not 1000's of dollars while they are given false hope. Sorry if I'm going on a bit now but I am so happy that you've decided to make this step and yes, please keep me posted! Don't worry about your teens too much, my daughter is 14 and helps me with my support meetings and is on the lookout for any students with alopecia at her new school so she can be supportive of them as well! Just be honest with them!
  • Amber Lounder

    Hi your kids are soo cute You and I are the same age I have 4 children I read your blog congratulations for taking that big step!
  • Christina Bostwick

    hello my name is christina and i have AA i see that you have 3 beautiful children i was wondering if you knew the statistics on passing this from mother to child..i have 2 kiddos of my own and would be devastated if this happen to them so i was wondering if you had any info on this subject if so i would love to hear it! any info at all would be good right now..thanks
  • Christina Bostwick

    thank you for taking the time to respond...i guess i am just trying to understand this horrible diorder. you know i thought i had comes to terms with this years ago but now that it has resurfaced i dont believe i ever did. i find myself crying all the time and feeling completley hopeless at times. i know that i cant live like this falling apart all the time but the strength i thought i had has become nonexistant. i am so scared of what could be and of wht is already happening i cant seem to focus on anything else. (selfish i know b/c i have to wonderful kiddos and a great hubby and a truly blessed life) i just cant seem to move past this an enjoy whats right in front of me. i am sorry to be dumping on you like this i just dont really have alot of people who know what i am going tru. but thanks for listening and i think i hae talked your head off enough for now. take care and again thanks for taking the time to and sharing your story with me.
  • Paula

    i am encouraged by your story! regardless of outcome, you sound like you have a great attitude about it. thanks for sharing your story.
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Karen,
    It's funny I was just visiting your site. Thanks for the encouraging news. I think it's AWESOME that your hair has come back. JUST AWESOME!!! I am done with treatments as well. I went to the last derm not expecting to get much and she suggested shots so I though why not??? I'm done with the false hope. I do have some pricklies in my hair that feel like regrowth but I'm still losing more than gaining. I hope to get the ending you are having that's for sure. I'm pumped for you! Post pics...it's like your online journal...and journey.
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Karen,
    Great to read about your regrowth :) awesome.
  • Yen

    Hi Karen! Yes, such an awesome site. And the support you get from the beautiful people in this site is even more amazing. I am inspired and encouraged by your stories about regrowth, and I hope that the regrowth continues for you. =)