
49, Female

South Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Before I get to "About Me", I want to express what a great site this is. From the moment I was diagnosed with AA in January of 2008, I have been on a knowledge, support, and answer quest! I've been to other support groups online, however, I had a hard time relating to others partly due to lack of placing a story with a face...and without fail, it would leave me in tears. This site is wonderful and proof, in itself, that there is absolutely nothing typical about this condition. Great place. Thank you.

Ok about me. I'm 33, married, with 2 children. I'm not working at the moment because I was fortunate enough to be able to take some time off to be with my youngest son. In my 'past life' :) I worked in sales for a steel building manufacturing company and a training coordinator for an insurance software company. I plan to return soon, but to something very different. The idea of sitting in the ole cubicle farm has since lost its appeal! I love painting, photography, cooking, gardening, white water rafting, doing ANYTHING in the mountains and spending time with the people in my life that aren't emotional vampires! I was diagnosed with AA in January of 2008. I first noticed a small patch on the crown of my head at the part line. Being the google info junkie I am, I immediately jumped into figuring out what was going on and how to FIX IT! I basically diagnosed myself before my first derm appt. When it was confirmed, I didn't know what to think esp after reading that there's no cure. Seeing the pictures online horrified me and that's when the crying spells began. They seemed to worsen when I would find myself online reading more and more of the same information. treatment was to get the cortisone injections, cross my fingers and try to believe I was going to be lucky, this would be a one time thing and I was going to basically cure myself....mind over body right?! As long as my hair was in a ponytail, it seemed to help. However, since January, one patched turned into 3 and 3 into 7 and 7 into giant patches that just grew together. I also have disperse AA, so now there is no definition to the patches, just a bunch of missing hair. I've thrown out the fact that this isn't a mild case and I'm now learning the art of embracing baldness, wigs, patchy baldness, and perpetual and endless 'bad hair days' :). I'm sure it'll get easier. I've already accepted that this will be a part of me for the rest of my life. And the lessons that I've learned and strength that I've gained has been immeasurable.Its been life changing to say the least. Its just up to me to make it a positive change. I know I can...time heals and teaches. The support of my friends and family has been wonderful. I'm sure I would be in a much different place if it weren't for them.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Deidre, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Orbit

    Hi Deidre! Wow we seem to enjoy a lot of the same things! Stay positive, its really the best medicine! If I can be of any help, drop me a line. Keep smiling beautiful!
  • Alberto

    I know exactly what you mean i went through the same dilemma about my alopecia.
  • Debbie

    Hey Sweetie - thanks for sending the info. You know I loves ya and will do anything for you.

    XOXO Mom
  • Christine

    Hi Deidre, I have had AA since childhood off and on. My current situation sound like yours... maybe 50% is gone. THe support of family/friends is the most important thing. Have you gotten any kind of a hairpiece yet or are you using hats? I recently bought a hairpiece but was unhappy with it. I have been using hair extensions that I got at a beauty supply place. I've been somewhat satisfied with how they cover some patches in the back. I'm still trying to find solutions...its never easy. Let me know about how you deal with it.. Christine
  • Diane

    I'm a stay at home mom too.... I know I will go back to work but as you, the cubicles are not my cup of tea anymore... well, they never were I should say... Over the years, I think the best 'treatment' for alopecia is the support we can get from others... welcome to this site!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Deidre,
    It can be so hard. I've had no hair anywhere on my body for over 20 years. How are you doing today?
  • Terri

    Hey Deidre:
    I was so glad to get a response from some one else in S.C. ! Yes, we are close! I really appreciate everything that you wrote. It is hard on me to see my child go through this. I would trade places with her in a skinny minute. She is for the first time experiencing some depression. She has been so upbeat and positive, but things change. Middle school can be tough. You have boys and hormones etc... How are old are your kids? How are you doing? You look great. Iooked at your pictures. You have a very nice looking family. Let's keep in touch.
  • Jessica

    your regrowth looks great ! I too lost about 50% or more of my hair before I shaved my head and have had total regrowth aside from a little spot here and there but they haved stayed small and get injections every so often do you still get them?

    well wish you luck

  • Terri

    Deidre (from your buddy in S.C.)
    That is awesome news! I am soooooooooo happy for you. Your new hair is beautiful and the color is awesome. Sometime it comes back gray/white and coarse, but yours is just beautiful. Keep me posted.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Deidre,

    What a wonderful page you have.
    I hope you are having a great day today.

  • Paula

    hi deirdre - your pictures look very similar to what i am experiencing. that's great about the regrowth! how are things going for you now?
  • Paula

    deidre, thank you for your sweet message. i am so glad my post was encouraging for you. i am happy to send you the pdf's of some of the research articles if you'd like. after reading your blog, i feel like i am going through many of the things you were probably a year ago now. i can't commit to wearing the wig every day yet, and i am getting tired of the treatments (i.e. steroid shampoos, acupuncture, rogaine, vitamins, etc). i'm ready to give it all up. which doesn't make sense, because i am seeing growth so that should motivate me to continue, right? i really think that whatever is happening because it wants to happen, not because of any of the stuff i am doing. so part of me just wants to let go and let whatever is going to happen, happen. even though my crying ratio is way down, it's still just emotionally draining. anyway, i am really encourage by your story and i am so glad that we "met." please keep in touch. paula
  • Jennifer and Alieena

    Hi. Oh I am SO happy to have found someone else from SC. My little girl is 5 and has AA. She was diagnosed in March of 08 and it has been a tough year. Hair falls out over night, then some will regrow, then more falls out. But she is brave. As for the injections yeah we tired that and she said she didnt want to do it anymore. She screamed the whole time and all I could do is jus sit there and cry. I hope that the injections or anything else you are using works for you. I spend gobs of money on things at Sallys for "very thinnin hair" its a far fetched hope but I will spend whatever just to try for her.