
53, Female

Cardiff Wales

United Kingdom

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About Me:
Having been bald on and off for many years(since I was 8) I finally decided to shave the last of my hair off and face the world shiney headed.
It took more guts than I ever thought I had as being seen bald was the worst possible thing I could think of at the time, it scared me, people hadnt been kind and I was terrified.. and now I work as an Alt/Art model using the fact I am bald to gain me work.
weird how things turn out.
There are still the odd days where I look in the mirror and want to cry, but thankfully they are few and far between.
The thoughtless comments still occasionally hit home but you would never tell.
Being told I am brave is the hardest to deal with, I'm not brave, I don't have a choice in this, so I have HAD to face up to it and for the most part now I am happy this way.

My kids are proud that their mum is bald, theyve grown up with it so to them its normal.
I just wish that sort of acceptance could be universal.
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Comment Wall:

  • Carol

    Hi Sirensong
    Welcome! Those are some awesome pics, you look like you had loads of fun. I'm glad to see you found a positive way to deal with alopecia.
  • Roger


  • Carol

    Hey - even if you are "normal" the world can be an ugly place. If they aren't nice to you perhaps you can sneer at them like you do in the pictures, I'm sure they'd think twice next time LOL. I think you're beautiful!!! Keep smiling!
  • Nic

    Hey, Just wanted to say I love the pics.......they are fab!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Michaela

    I love your photos..
  • gerald

    You are unusually beautiful. You wear the bald look exceptionally well. I can understand why people want you as a model.
    My own wife is bald and beautiful like you are. She has alopecia universalis.
    I am one of those men who finds bald women to be very beautiful. To me you can see a woman's feminine features better if she is bald. To me it enhances a lady's beauty and feminine allure if she is bald.
  • gerald

    I also noticed that in some of your photos that you are with Kumi, the beautiful bald lady from San Francisco.
    The two of you bald and beautiful women together is lovely. You ladies are hot!
  • Michaela

    Thank you
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    WOW! What fabulous photos. You are beautiful and an inspiration.
    Thought you might be interested in my new book, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It has some wonderful tips, coping strategies, personal experiences of other women and girls, and is fun to read as well. If you're interested, go to my page to find out more (there's a link to my author's web page), or cut and paste this: Keep up the fab attitude.
  • Gwennan Thomas

    Hi there! I also live in Cardiff! I have alopecia a total baldy!! I've had it for just over 6 years now and am actually pretty confident and happy. There are tricky moments and I do have the occasional sulk, but like you, on the whole I'm a happy bald chick!!! xx
  • kim trivett

    Hi, we are new here, nice to meet you.
  • Max

  • Nezz

    Hi Sirensong! You look beautiful!
    I'm Inez, nice to meet you :)
    Just wanted to say hi,
    take care
  • Ray

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. It's great to see people who are confident and happy being bald.

    Your pics are great.
  • Amber Lounder

    Very inspiring photos Soooo cool!
  • MiNAH

    I too have embraced my sleek look and yet just as you explained..there are days..or moments...something happens when it somehow creeps back in...feelings of sadness.Yet.. I continue to stand tall...proud and know it's me who is in control of my feelings and my life.No other can ever walk in my shoes, except for those who have lived with Alopecia.
    Nice to meet you