

Chestnut Hill, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
My daughter, Maria, who is almost 5, was recently diagnosed with alopecia. It's been extremely hard for a while, but i am dealing with it now. My main goal righ now is to make her as comfortable as i can about her condition.
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Efialka! How are you and your daughter today?
  • Cindy

    Hi there, your daughter is beautiful..My name is Cindy and my daughter is 7. She too developed Alopecia at age 5. We have always been upfront with her about it and she deals with it all exceptionally well. How is your daughter coping and how are you doing? Cindy
  • Cindy

    Ala, where in Ma are you? I am starting a CAP support group in MA. Our first meeting is next Saturday March 21 1-3pm in Hopkinton. A majority of the parents coming have daughters that are 5. If you would like the directions and all the info please email me at have about 5 families coming so far and there is another little girl coming who just turned 5.

    Your post sounds alot like what I went through. When Sam was almost 5 my husband noticed her brow was disappearing and I made nothing of it until several months later I found her first spot. 6 months later i was looking for a wig. Samantha wears a wig from the hair club for men. They have a kids program that gives her 3 free wigs a year. She also wears headbands with hair sewn into them that she loves. She is currently being treated at Children's and is having regrowth. The bald looking pictures on my page is actually different stages of regrowth. Please feel free to email...This site is great and I wish it was here 2 yrs ago when I was losing my mind..


  • Cindy

    I see you are in Chestnut Hill..I usesd live near that area..Your not too far from Hopkinton..Let me know if you want to come to the meeting and i will send you the info...My husband has an office so I am near your area periodically.
  • Cindy

    Hi Ala, will you be able to come to the meeting on Saturday?
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi ALa,
    Sorry it took me so long to answer you, we were away on vacation to Peru!! It was great. I'll post a photo soon. Hope you have a great day!! Love your photos too! Debbi
  • Cindy

    Ala, how are you doing?
  • josh

    Your daughter is so cute !
  • Cindy

    Love the pictures you posted. I wanted to see if you would want to send me your email address so I can add you to my CAP list for meetings..May 9th 1-3 in Hopkinton is our next meeting. I hope you can make it and I can send you the directions.
  • Lisa Bourgeois

    Thanks for asking to be my friend - my first one! You daughter is adorable. I do think that this disease affects us parents more than the children. I am always amazed at their resilience. Nice to meet you (electronically).
  • Cheryl & George

    hey, your daughter is just beautiful :0) it is a hard thing to deal with and some days you feel differently about it. for a few months i would cry at night but now 2 years into it i really do admire kaiana for how she has dealt with everything. she has amazing support from her friends and her family. if you have any questions on how we dealt with things, feel free to ask (privately) what we did was take the suggestions and used what we felt would suit us. we did the "natural healing" thing with a vibrational therapist.....which ofcourse didn't work :( but you have to try these things for yourself...
    take care
  • Dotty

    Hi Ala,
    How are you? Your daughter is adorable. My name is Dotty and I'm from NH. I wanted welcome you and to let you know that we are planning an "Alopecia beauty day" at a boutique in Chelmsford, MA, on June 7th as our first official awareness event for our newly incorporated non-profit Alopecia company. They are opening the boutique just for us and we can try on clothes, take lots of pics, and just have fun together. I got at least 40 dress up costumes for the kids. They will look so adorable. We are going to do a buffet brunch at the hotel nearby first and then go to the boutique. I hope you can make it. I know it will be great!!! Please let me know so we can do a head count for the restaurant reservations.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Cindy

    Hi Ala, are you coming on Sunday June 7th to the brunch and fashion event in Chelmsford?
  • Cindy

    Have a great time..Keep july 19th open..I am having a CAP Family Day at a park in Attleboro..Info to come shortly..
  • Cindy

    Hi Ala, how is maria doing? Are you going to be able to make it on the 19th? cindy
  • Cindy

    Hi Ala, I hope you can make it..Just email if you know ahead of time so I can plan accordingly..But feel free to come on the spare of the moment toWe will resume meeting in Sept in Hopkinton. Cindy
  • Cindy

    Hi Ala, how is your summer going? I hope you get my email about our CAP lunch next month. We would love to meet you. How is your daughter doing? We have a few little girls her age. Cindy