
51, Female

new york

United States

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Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • JeffreySF

    My ususal day is ventilatory life support management in the ICU.
  • Ken

    Massive Attack <3 Great taste in music, chica...
  • JeffreySF

    Whats up?

    All ready for the weekend here.
    Folsom Street Fair on Sunday. Yikes hehe

  • dollydreadful

    LOL yeah I looekd at her today she looks sad next week wheni redo her cage - I clean their cge every otehr week gerbils are really clean - i am going to try and spruce itup and if she doesn't perk up then I will consider having her mate with danzig LMAO he's my smartest gerbil
  • dollydreadful

    yeah tha's why I got gerbils lower maintenence because they are desert animals- they drink way less - their cage doesn't ever smell unless I let it go like 3 weeks that only happened once because i wasn't feeling well - but ratsh ave great personalities
  • Laura Zinger

    Hey! Did the onion treatment work? HA! I'm so sorry I didn't ask sooner. I've been swamped with work lately, but someone else told me they were going to try the onion treatment too. Just curious if you saw any results.
  • Laura Zinger


    I actually have 85% of my hair growing back right now! It's unbelievable! For some reason it won't grow across the bottom back of my head and neck, but it might be the wigs I wear constantly rubbing against the back of my head.

    I'm going to post some pictures of my hair growing back on my website soon, so I'll let you know when those are up. I don't think it was entirely the plum blossom though. I think it's all of the alternative health care treatments that I've been doing that last two years that have made it grow back plus I changed my diet and essentially my life so I don't stress out so much anymore. Still, I'm worried that with the way I live my life (which is overbooked and insane) that I will lose it all again from stress, but I guess that's my body's way of telling me to slow down right? ;) I'm almost kind of glad the onion thing doesn't work totally because it sounds like it smells!!! HA! But it would have been such a cheap treatment. Sigh. I wish treatments were cheaper..... have a great day! :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Happy Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
  • rj, Co-founder

  • claire

    hi dolly thanks for the lovely comments jack is a lhasa apso.....x
  • Val

    I have not read Anita Blake, but she sounds AWESOME! Thanks for the reccomendation. Currently I am obsessed with Clive Barker especially his short stories found in Books of Blood.
  • Val

    Random side note - your pug is so cute!
  • Val

    I feel like an idiot now. If I had been patient and watched the whole slideshow I might have figured it out...
    He's still cute as a bug's ear!
    I really liked The Midnight Meat Train, but Sex, Death and Starshine was my favorite.
  • Jenn

    LOVE THE TATTS LADY! have a few myself and will be getting more. if i lose all of my hair and it decides not to come back i will work on the scalp
  • Johnny Q

    join the main chat window
  • emily

    gurl, if you do decide to shave your head you will be GORGEOUS! those EYES!!
  • dollydreadful

    LOL thanks - for the record i think you look great like that - you maek it look easy
  • emily

    never ever easy. im just a good actor. fake it till ya make it i guess!
  • Carol

    Thanks, glad you liked the song! I like your pics!
  • Johnny Q

    Yes The Misfits were awsome. Some of my favs are Screeching Weasel, Garden Variety, Face to Face, Dead Kennedys, Minutemen. I also really love Refused.
  • Johnny Q

    join the chat room sometime, it's under the members tab
  • Amber Lounder

    Thanks for the nice comment to my page Dolly
    I think you've got amazing eyes!
  • claire

    hope your ok.....your photos are great....
  • Lori D.

    Hey Dolly, One of my cats, (Jake), looks just like the black cat you have on your pics.
  • Erin

    hey! thanks! I am almost done my sleeve now and am so excited haha!
  • Erin

    hey! thanks! ya keep at your sleeve it is worth it. I am almost done and am pretty pumped for it. :)
  • callie blackwell

    Thanks for the comment about my tatts, they're not flash though, all of them have been custom drawn for me and no one else has got them. Still waiting to get the one on the inside of my arm finished...grrrr.
  • Mary

    right? I feel the same. I guess I'm just not going to be happy and deal with this condition like everyone here seems to be. I have AA and don't know what my future will be. I'm 53! Never heard of this before my son contracted it about 2 yrs. ago. He's 18 and has AAU. All within 4 months. Then I noticed some patches, which did grow back, but now I have a large one. I'm thinking this is it, its all going to go eventually. Are your patches growing back?
  • Sharan

    Hey DD, thats 3 boxers I have. Stella, Floyd and Sonny. They still act like pups at 5 years old. Great to meet you. You look fab in your photos honey x
  • Mary

    Hi D,
    Thank you for your encouragement. It helps. I love your pics. Your a beauty. Take care. :)
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hi question is your name Brenda, Frank called you that in chat? Just wondering and also what you would like to be called? Anyway yesterday was a great day the world, I hope you had a chance to watch it. Been busy with school and for some reason just really tired lately. I miss my family I guess little home sick also. It will pass, and I can't wait to move to my sons in Sacramento.

    Hugs I wish you a warm and cozy night.
  • Lori D.

    Hi Dolly,
    I just recently put a pic of Jake up..I think it's in an album. He's so mischievous...I think my poor older cats (all at least 8 yrs), are getting tired of little Jake pushing their buttons. Got to run, dentist appt. ick. talk soon, Lori
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hi I read that your pup isn't feeling well. How is he doing now and yourself?
    Yep it's time to get out of this place, the relationship isn't working for me at all. Can't stand to be around a drinker like this funny how people can change.

    Hugs take care of yourself and kiss your pup for me.

  • Carmella

    The kids are were on board with the 30 days of no spending, but truth be told they've always been health crazed. I don't keep sweets in the house and they don't care for any high calorie foods yet. It's me and the hubby with the problem, they're stick thin! LOL
    Enjoy your weekend
  • Mary

    Hey DD,
    How're you? I'm okay - the sun came out today which puts me in a better mood. I'm going to the derm tomorrow. I'll let u know what she says. What's new with ya?
  • Val

    I take it Underworld III is worthing going to see.
    When I grow up I want to be a vampire that has werewolf friends...I can be the cool bald one!
    Hope your weekend was wonderful and the upcoming week is, too.
    Keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
  • Mary

    Hey DD,
    What do you do for work? I went to the derm to confirm AA. I am using a cream on my patches and taking 2,500 mgs of Bioxin. Also using a special cleanser for my hair (Nioxin). She specified eating more protein, fruits and veges. So I'm trying to eat better. I exercise every day even though it doesn't show. I need to keep limber cause when I was young I had rheumatic fever which left me with tight joints. It's the one good habit I have. Take care :)
  • Mary

    Hi DD,
    What do you do at work? I went to the derm. I'm using a cream for the patches and taking Bioxin. She stressed more protein and fruits and veges. So I'm going to try to eat better. Have you been in touch with your X?
  • claire

    hi dolly im great and back come 2009 blogs....
  • Frank

    Hey Brenda,

    Just thought I would drop a line and see how things are going.

  • Amber Lounder

    Thanks for the sweet comment Hope you have a great week xox
  • Jenn

    hey there how are you? i have been moving and haven't even been on a computer lately. actually it is kind of nice. i got a new tatt that turned out to be a nightmare (a friend of a friend) that really messed it up. so the next one will be a coverup. i just have to save some pennies because it is going to cost me lot. im also looking for a new job this one is relocating and i can't be without a paycheck so it is stressing me a little. hope everything is going well for you.
  • Jenn

    the offending tattoo (great way of referring to it) is right above my wrist on my right arm so there is no hiding the thing. it was supposed to be a black rose and it turned into a hidious mushroom all very dark and colorful so i have some good referrals now i am just saving my pennies.
  • Miss B

    hey!!! My real name is brenda too!! :) I luv ur ink work;)
  • emily

    was it called jesus camp? crazy, right? cool, sounds like you had a nice day with the bf. word of the day::::slow.
    i lost my voice and am having some overwhelming work situations but other than that....same ol same ol....i ordered a wig...should be here in a month or so. its gonna feel weird to wear hair.
    are you on facebook?
  • emily

    hey pretty lady! i will for sure keep you posted on my wig! ill take pics etc. its dark brown and im not sure how i am going to cut it are you doing these days? ive been a little down...trying to get back into writing on here and making more time for myself. the internet sucks me in....i tend to waste a lot of time...oh well, its a sign of the times i guess.....have a great weekend.
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hi I've been ok, just moved to Calif about four weeks ago. I started work a week ago. My hair is growning in mostly anyway, I hate wigs and asked the school where I work if its ok to just wear a scarf and they said yes of course. There's a lot of differences between Washington, Oregon and Calif. I vowed to myself that I wouldn't talk to the guy I left due to his drinking, but did talk to the family and let them know he has a serious problem so I hope they can get him help.

    It is nice to hear from you.

    Hugs Eileen
  • emily

    hey doll! thanks. i have not been wearing it. it depresses me. its ok. anyway, thanks for stopping by. my work is super busy right now, i cant wait for things to slow down so i can get back on here are talk to my sisters.\!!
  • emily

    hi dolly-d! i feel okay. vacation is next week for me so i will decompress and maybe get a chance to spend a little more time on here. how are you?
  • emily

    oh no. thats a dilemma. what are you going to do?