
45, Female

Nashville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I'm a walking contradiction -- I'm peacefully violent, a popular nerd, wickedly innocent, and loudly quiet...in other words, I know how to make myself stand out in a crowd. I have an opinion about everything, and have an endless thirst for knowledge. One of these days I'm going to take over the world, but I have yet to come up with what I want to do when I get that small task completed. (That, and I haven't found a good sidekick yet to drive the getaway car!) I have decided that this year is the year that I start writing more in the hopes that I finally get a story published!!! Now that Barack Obama has been elected President, I'm content to stay in the good old USA for a little while longer, although I still have my escape plan to Canada in a secure location in case things change. I'm political, controversial, well-read, stubborn, opinionated, and determined to make an impact on the world, and maybe leave it a little bit better than it was when I entered it. I'm always updating and changing things, so keep checking out my page often!

About my alopecia: I was bald as a baby, and my hair didn't really grow in until I was about 2 years old, so it's impossible to say if I had alopecia then or not. However, after my hair did grow in, my mother noticed two bald spots when I was 4 years old. One was the size of a dime, the other was the size of a quarter. When she realized that I wasn't cutting plugs out of my hair and it wasn't coming out on my pillow or in the hairbrush, that was when we started going to the doctors. I wasn't officially diagnosed with alopecia areata until I was 6 years old; by that time, I was in the 3rd grade and totally bald. I stayed that way, albeit with brief periods of partial regrowth, until I reached high school. My hair started falling out again when I was a freshman in undergrad, and it has been persistent AA with brief periods of AT and AU. It's been that way ever since.

As a child, I was very comfortable with being bald, because I had two parents and a grandmother that went above and beyond to make me comfortable with myself and stress to me continually that I was beautiful inside and that being beautiful inside would translate to being beautiful outside; perhaps it is because of this that I have become somewhat of an overachiever -- not only do I have to be successful at whatever I do, but I have to excel in it. However, as an adult, the blind confidence bordering on arrogance that was so much a part of me has gradually disintegrated. I have become less sure of myself and depressed at times because I have felt the hurt and rejection that comes with not being appealing to most men. I have lashed out at the people who have supported me the most, because I feel sometimes that I was misled into believing that at some point I would outgrow alopecia, but like Krazy Glue alopecia is stuck to me and won't let go, and that fact has been more crushing than anything I have felt in a long time.

After nearly 3 years living and working in Atlanta, GA and Memphis, TN, I returned to my hometown of Nashville, TN in September 2008. Living away from home completely on my own really forced me to become more independent than I ever would be had I remained in Nashville. It has also enabled me to view alopecia with new eyes that haven't been colored by the opinions of my friends and family closest to me. Since discovering Alopecia World, I have found more healing and acceptance in the nearly 4 years of the site's existence than I did in 27 years of searching, for which I am eternally grateful!

My purpose on AW is to motivate and inspire others -- it is my hope that in leading by example and living my life to its fullest potential in spite of societal views on alopecia, bald women, and women of color specifically, others will come to their own acceptace of alopecia in their lives and let their beautiful, vibrant selves shine through!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    Happy All Saints Day!!!
    Leo and I are heading to a wedding reception this afternoon.
    Hope you and Todd are having a great day.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    It's official!!!
    Obama yess!!! Thank Gawd!!!

    We have to catch up.


  • Dotty

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    Couldn't let the day go by without wishing you a Happy Birthday!!! Happy 30th.

    Love Ya,

  • Hayley Burton

    hey! thanks for the message.
    love back at ya xxx
  • JeffreySF

    Where oh where has my Kitty Kat gone
    Oh where oh where can she be

    You know the rest. I miss you.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    You must be excited. I heard the TN Tigers are 9-0.

    Woo Hoo!!!

  • Trina


    Just stopped by to say hello had not spoken to you in a while. Life is so busy it seems I dont have a moment to sit and think LOL.. Life is amazing right now. I am getting married next year to the most wonderful man. So are you still the undercover rebel or are you just being quite right now LOL?
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    How's life?
    All is good here. Warm 75 degree days still.
    I cant believe you arent a Titans Fan what with them being numero uno and all.
    Actually I have never even heard of them. Know what else? I had lunch with a friend today and he is a sports fan like you. He brings up the World Series....I'm like when is it? D'oh I guess with the election and all I had no clue baseball was even going on.

    Anyway, Hope you are doing well.

  • Julia

    Now I know that I've been busy but you didn't tell me that you were engaged...How AWESOME is that!!!

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    Stopping in to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Bob Hershberger

    Ohh thanks YoKasta.I appreciate you taking the time to wish me a Happy Turkey day,and of course I wish all the best for you also..Its nice to hear from..We havent chatted in a bit..Anyway Happy Holidays,and may you be blessed with 1(one) Christmas wish,and careful what ya wish for.Bob :: ))
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    Hope your migraines have subsided.
    All is good here.
    We had Butternut Squash soup for dinner with wild mushroom rissoto and steamed brocholli.

    Kisses and Hugz,
  • Galvin

    Just want to wish you a Merry Christmas.
  • rj, Co-founder

    I hope Todd and you are have a magnificent and memorable holiday. :-)
  • rj, Co-founder

    "Boxing Day?" At first, I was like, "Oh my goodness, am I about to miss a great boxing PPV event!" LOL The closest I came to shopping was stopping by the local grocer to purchase dinner for Cheryl and I. Did you "box" today? ;-)
  • Roger

  • Moni

    Hello, thank you for accepting me as a friend. You seem to be down to earth and straight up about alot of things. You go girl! I will visit your page later as I see alot of interesting things going on. Bye for now.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Yokasta,

    Stopping in to say hello.
    All is good here.
    Homemade chicken soup for days!!!! Yum Yum

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Yokasta, It was a quite one, had an offer on my condo in Montreal, the first visitor! A bit nerve racking... and scary.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes, how are you!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,

    Havent heard from ya in awhile.
    How are you doing?
    Miss you.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    Glad all is well.
    It's a lovely day here so gonna head out and get some sunshine.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey YoKasta, I miss you!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    Thanks for dropping in.
    Are you going to be working from home all the time?
    So whats the story with Todd and the redhot chilipeppers? Haha just had to say that. So really is it that he doesnt like the taste of peppers or is it the texture? Is it just certain peppers?

  • JeffreySF

    Well I guess I would just cut them up pretty small so you get the flavor and maybe he wont notice. You could always use cumin, chili powder, paprika or other spices too.

    Stuff me a pepper full of cheese and bake it and Jeffs a happy boy. lol
  • Roger

    Thanks for the greeting =)
  • Christina Bostwick

    i hope oone day to have your out look on the crazy disorder..but i think you ROCK just for being able to come to terms with it! lord i hope i do b4 i drive myself crazy..lol
  • Christina Bostwick

    thank you! for taking the time to respond to me it means alot! i just wish i was coping better i have been thru soooo many bad things in my life..i find myself asking why me? as if i am going to get some magical answer from somewhere. i just wish i had some kinda of knowing when and if this is going to happen again but of course we know there is no answer....but hopefully one day we will have more answers until then i guess we have to find strength in each other so thanks again for giving me a lil bit of insite in to your world. thanks again and please keep me posted on how your doing....thanks a bunch.
  • rj, Co-founder

    What's this I hear about you creating a playlist just for moi?!?! Of course, I can't wait to hear it. Besides, my spirit is due some new grooves and tunes. I hope Todd and you are doing well and hope to hear from ya soon and very soon. :-)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Yokasta, our is in netural too. When, where and how is our problem. We are loathing the immigration process too. But I sold my condo, that is why I have been away for a while too. I was packing, moving... I feel a little fish out of water right now because I am "between" things. Keep me posted on your wedding and I will keep you posted on ours. I guess we will probably see you this summer at the conference?
  • brian kirchman

    hey girl.. well other than that things were going ok i guess been feeling in a slump like im not really going any where just liveing day to day and doing what needs to be done work bills what not. now that im out of commission i feel like my life is in park for a while its a sucky feeling. just want to hurry up and heal and get things moving again.

    but im in ok spirts considering the situation. still tied of being single. want to at least go out on a date or some thing. congrats by the way on your relationship hope things are going well with you. very happy for you!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,

    Whats goin' on?
    I'm all booked for the conf are you going this year?
    Happy Spring Days are upon us.


  • Drew

    Hey I havent been on here much but I hope your doing alright. I just read your lastest blog, your mom is def in my thoughts. Take care of yourself
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Yokasta! Thanks alot, it has certainly been a whirlwind of a year for us. We still have to go on our honeymoon! rj was sick the week following the wedding and I was sick this week. So we have not had a chance to get away yet. rj and I call this a REALationship. Real life, where not everything is picture perfect and we wake up with fresh breath... but life is just going to happen. How are you doing Yokasta?
  • JeffreySF

    HI Yokasta,
    How are you doing?
    I'm glad your mom is getting stronger and stronger.
    So whats up with the Conf? Are you coming solo or did Todd decide to join in on the festivities?

  • Anastasia

    Thank you so much for stopping by my page. I will definitley try to find some sort of support group here. You're so right I haven't even given my friends the opportunity to to be supportive in respect to my alopecia. I am so glad that your mother is getting better, she will definitley be in my prayers. Once again thank you and God Bless.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,
    I'm glad you are doing okay.
    Bummer about the roof and the Conf.
    Leo is doing good too.


  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    Stopping in to say hello.
    Whats goin' on?

    Making a pizza for dinner tonight. Not your typical Memorial Day BBQ but the weather is foggy and cool tonight. Oh well we have what we have.

    Hope all is well with you.

  • panuelo girl

    I love your About Me! I am an aspiring writer too, hoping to get published one day. You should try a blog, that's what I'm doing. panuelogirl.blogspot.com - check it out. We need a lot of education still and good writers to do it! Thanks for friending me, looks like we have a lot in common (I too got my first bald spot at age 4).
  • JeffreySF

    Hi YoKasta,

    I've been thinking about you alot recently and then I ran across some discussions you were involved in.

    I sure miss you.
    Hope all is good with you.

  • Janna

    Hey YoKasta! :)

    I was thinking of you tonight and realized that I hadn't logged on here in MONTHS! And there on my wall was a note from you - how nice! Lynnea and Isley are great. They're enjoying summer holidays and awaiting the arrival of their new baby brother or sister in October. They're finding my ever expanding circumference pretty amusing - lol. Nnea's had a lot of regrowth since we talked last, and now has an awesome friar tuck hair do happening. She's not too pleased with it, as she liked her head the way it was, but I told her that what will be, will be. Good thing she's so laid back about it. She has some awesome bedhead now - my little koala bear...

    I'm going to have to check out your blog to see what you've been up to!
    Take care,


  • Clayton

    Hi Kasta, I appreciate the invite and am glad to meet you. I hope to see more of you on the pages here, maintain...
  • sarah bradley

    thankyou so much looking forward to becoming friends :P what was the worst bit about having alopecia for you ?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,

    All is good here. How are you and Todd doing?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kat,

    Email isnt working on AW so I thought I would catch you bere.

    How would you like to take a trip to Boston? Leo and I plus a gaggle of alopecians have a get toghether in the works. it might help take your mind off things.


  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,

    Boston is 10/22-10/27 See the Events page here at AW.


  • JeffreySF

    Hey Kat,

    All is good here. Working till 7pm. Who won the game? What is a fet club? (fettish)???


  • Heather L


    Ouch...this game is painful for us Raven fans.... They started the season with such promise....what's going on!! I know you are enjoying this game...Brett looks great. ( I can't help but like him...althought I feel for the Packer fans- you?) So how did you end up a Vikings fan and not a Titan's fan?

    I see below a post by Jeffrey regarding Boston....are you going? That would be awesome... I will be there. Really looking forward to it.

    Enjoy the rest of the day,