

Bakersfield, CA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am 45 year old, happily married for over 22 years. I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata in February 2009. At first it was just a spot at the crown of my head, but recently have discovered several more spots. I am trying to have a positive attitude...although I do experience waves of panic as my hair continues to fall out. I found this blog and am anxious to share experiences with others to hopefully help alleviate my panic and dread about this condition.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • lynne

    hello n welcome,
    i see ur new to this hairloss aswell, i only just lost my hair 8wks ago so still very raw for me to, this site has helped me lots, there's alot of amazin people on here, wen u want to speak to any1 their there, or if u just want to rite it down then rite up a blog and its amazin wat people rite bak, they always make u feel so much better, this is 1 of the hardest things ive ever had to deal with, but havin people to talk to on here is great,

    anyway i hope ur doin well, and i hope u can find some answers and get some great support on here,
    speak sn x
  • Roger


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Kelly!
    I know how hard alopecia can be; I have had it for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You can find out more on my page -- and it's available on this site under "Bookshelf." Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • Georgia Van C

    Great - thanks Kelly. Will keep you posted on everything!!!
    Huge hugs and smiles!
  • John M.

    Hi Kelly..thanks for the friend-add! I agree and am very thankful for this site. It's at least somewhat comforting to know you're not going through this stuff alone. Look for me on Online Chat sometime (bottom right corner of your screen). Take care for now...
  • John M.

    Hi Kelly - how are you today? I just realized that you're from Bako. Have a very good friend that's there, but only for another week or so. She's getting transferred to Canada soon. Had a chance for a business trip there not long ago. I have to say (hope you don't take this offensively), that Bako is as close to a Texas-feel (where I'm from) as any California city that I've ever been to. It was great. Hope you're well!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kelly,

    Stopped in to say hello. How's everything going with you?
    I'm up in san Francisco. 2 years with the alopecia for me.

  • John M.

    Hey here Kelly - what's new these days? Hope your days have been good and the weather in Bakersfield has been cooling off some. Cheers!
  • John M.

    HI Kelly! I'm kinda in the same boat with you too on the injections. Though I'm tickled that I've got some regrowth in my oldest spots, I also wonder was it just "time", or was it the injections? More spots here too, so as you say "chasing them around my head". Too bad I have a big head to boot...more land-mass to cover! :-) Glad to hear the heat is lifting in Bako...friend told me it was a helluva summer. Take care and hope to hear from ya soon.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kelly,

    All is good here. Glad to hear you are good too.
    Weather has been really nice up here. It got quite a bit cooler today tho. Brrrr
    It's hard to say what to do with the shots. I guess just go with you gut instinct on what to do.

    Best of luck tomorrow

  • Ashlie LeBlanc

    Hi Kelly Thanks for the add! I think your right about be open to talk to my family and friends this is not just going to go away and the more I talk about it the better I will feel . Now that my crying is over (Well for today) I just want to work with my Doctors so we can do whatever it takes to stop the hair loss and being open will help my mental health Its funny I never would have thought I was a vain person untill this started happening to me .Now it all I think about. I think the site will be great, just being able the talk to others about Alopecia What they do and how to make life better Im going to look at the Sassy brand Hair pieces

    Your new friend Ashlie
  • John M.

    Hi Kelly! Been a while since I've heard from you. Was wondering how you were doing? Hope life in Bako is going well...did the heat stay away or you getting a bit of an Indian Summer there?
  • Ashlie LeBlanc

    Hey Kelly Just wanted to stop by a wish you a wonderful day. Hope all is well with you and your's? Im ok today But I think I have a new patch starting right in the middle of my bang line. I'll keep you up dated.... Cheers .......Ashlie
  • John M.

    Hey there have you been? Do you ever get on the little chat facility that this site has? I'll ping you occasionally, but usually without much success. Look on the bottom right of your screen where you'll see the current number of people online....well, only if the spirit moves you. Hope all is well! :-)
  • John M.

    What's going on Kelly? :-) Tried to "ping" you in chat the other day, but wasn't able to catch ya while online. Can you believe Halloween is around the corner already? You guys doing anything fun for it? I might just hang with my brother and his family and check out the cute kiddo costumes. Take care!
  • Ceecee

    Hi Kelly, thanks for the invite i look forward to exchanging news and views, have a blessed day! x
  • John M.

    Hey Kelly! So how was the Cirque show? I know, it's been a while since you've seen it, but I've not been on AW much lately. Been a bit busy with work, and I must admit, I am doing my best to "not" think about my hair too much. Sometimes helps when I'm not on here all too often. That said, I do miss chatting and commenting with my friends here though. Hope all is well with you...cheers!
  • Ashlie LeBlanc

    Well Kelly awhile ago you told me that you wear clip in Entension, when you told me about them I had no idea what they are so I looked them up online and went ahead and ordered them Because all my hair loss is at the side and back of my head and I just dont think i need a wig yet Well my new hair came last week and I love it so much I feel almost like my old self agian witch is huge ! But I do have to ask how do you store them when your not wearing them? I think hang them up would be best just so you dont have to fuss with them so much BIDK? And one more thing I wanted to say Thank You without for input I wouldnt know about Clip In. So Thank You